Reciprocal System of Theory

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Dewey B. Larson's Reciprocal System of physical theory, a Theory of Everything that is based on the concept of motion, rather than matter. With only two, fundamental postulates, Larson was able to construct a theoretical universe based on just the inverse relation between space and time, that he called "motion." (It has nothing to do with something moving--"motion" is just a ratio between space and time - i.e., change.)

Larson's universe, referred to as the Universe of Motion, has some different premises than conventional theory:

Because mathematical relations are based on the multiplicative inverse (not the additive inverse), the condition of rest is unity -- not zero. Larson calls this motion the natural datum, and is the speed of light. In Larson's universe, change is measured as a displacement from unity (the speed of light). A simple analogy to understand this concept is the see-saw, where the fulcrum is unity and distances are measured outward from the center, towards the far edges. Conventional science starts at the edges, measuring towards the center.

Because of this inverse, see-saw relationship of space and time, Larson's universe also contains two "halves" that he calls sectors. The first is the material sector, the one of our everyday experience, consisting of 3-dimensional space and clock time. Because of the reciprocal relation flipping across unity, he discovered the cosmic sector, the realm of 3-dimensional time and clock space. These two halves of the universe sit in opposition to each other, and are connected through his concept of motion. As a result of this structure, the Universe of Motion tends to look inside-out to those with a conventional, scientific background--whom are usually the first to ask, "How can you have motion, without something moving?" Larson describes this as the "actors on the stage" approach, where you have things in a setting, and the two are entirely different from each other. Conventional science has "atoms" playing parts on the space/time stage of the Universe. In the Reciprocal System, however, the actors and stage are the same stuff--motion--acting in relative relation to each other. As such, the only fixed reference in a universe of motion is a speed--the speed of light, which Larson refers to as the "progression of the natural reference system."

Larson's Universe Of Motion is fundamentally a different natural geometry that is radically alien to Cartesian notions of space, or even Einsteinian notions of space-time. It is important to grasp that in the UOM, space and time do not independently exist, therefore a principle challenge to the newcomer is to let go of the familiar space-as-container conceptualization. This is really not that hard when one considers the mental gymnastics required to accept non-Euclidean (curved) space, as in the Einsteinian model.

The major innovation of the RST is the acknowledgement of scalar motion, generally not recognized in conventional thought. Scalar motion is simply an omnidirectional, 3-D expansion or contraction. An example of this is what Larson calls the Progression, which accounts for the omnidirectional recession of galaxies, as well as the radiation of light. Gravitation is then understood as simply the inverse (reciprocal) of the Progression as a result of Mass. Mass, in turn, is another form of scalar motion a the atomic scale that is merely the inverse of velocity.

The UOM is Euclidean, so the contrivance of curved space is not needed to explain the forces of gravity and electromagnetism. However, inverse space (actually, an aspect of inverse motion) is perfectly legitimate, and is variously referred to as inverse space, time-space, or counterspace. This is somewhat analogous to the imaginary plane of complex numbers. The discovery of Geometric Algebra, derived from Clifford Algebra, is a major advance in grasping such a concept. Also required are GA concepts such as subspaces and pseudoscalars.

Thus, the UOM is monistic in the sense that all forces, energy, and properties of matter are reducible to complex combinations of scalar and vectorial motion.

Notable Actors

  • Dewey B. Larson - the original inventor of the theory and author of many books related to the RST. Most notably, Larson developed the theory in the slide-rule age, before computer science revealed the discovery of fractal geometry or permitted computer simulation of physical properties.
  • Ronald Satz - one of the original members of the ISUS. Satz is very proud of the fact that he is a credentialed scientist and is loudly critical of other researchers who are not. In spite of his off-putting arrogant treatment of other ISUS members, particularly Douglas Bundy, he has contributed many valuable papers and independently carried out research validating the RST. He remains an active defender of RST against unfair criticism.
  • Douglas Bundy - Current president of ISUS and perhaps one of the most visionary contributors. Bundy has no science degree but must be given credit for extending research of the RST beyond Larson's conception, integrating it with domain of fractal geometry, geometric algebra, Fullerian geometry, and developer of Reciprocal Mathematics. He has had many valuable insights into the subtle geometry of RST and is credited for discovering the relationship between the RST and the Bott Periodicity - PDF. Bundy is active in the Larson Memorial Research Center.
  • Bruce Peret - Bruce departed from ISUS to re-evaluate the RST and has reformulated it as RST2 that addresses some of the shortcomings of the original geometrical interpretation with new understanding. He remains webmaster and curator of the many RST websites. He is one of the great thinkers of the system and articulated the differences between the standard model, RST, and RST2 .
  • K.V.K. Nehru - author of many peer-reviewed scientific papers developing the ideas of RST and co-contributor of RST2.
  • Xavier Borg - engineer and independent researcher


Unification of Periodic Table

Natural Units

Larson is the first to reduce the known physical quantities to natural units of space and time:


Notes / To-Do


Bott Periodicity and GA