GNU social
I found installation to be fairly straight forward, it's a basic LAMP system that requires a database to be created prior that can be referred to in the installation procedure. Simple clone the repo of their source code in your web space and then browser to the install.php script.
For friendly URLs use a rule such as the following:
rewrite ^(.*)$ /social/index.php?p=$1 last;
For some reason after the installation procedure had finished, the link it gave me to the site included a /social at the start of the path which shouldn't have been there. I noticed that it had given the values "social" to $config['site']['path'] so I set it to an empty string and then things mostly worked. But still many things such as avatars and email confirmation still included this incorrect prefix. I was able to fix some instances of the problem by editing some paths in the admin/paths screen, but still some instances of this problem persisted, so in the end I had to add a rewrite rule in the web-server configuration:
rewrite ^/social(.*)$ $1;
I raise an issue about this problem, but I don't have much hope for this being dealt with any time soon, because a couple of other minor issues I had had already been raised - over a year ago!
Remote connections
For some reason remote follows don't work when I use the email form of my ID, but if I use the URL form it works fine.
See also
- Official documentation
- Unofficial documentation
- Code
- Self-hosting GNU social - including info on upgrading and plugins
- List of GNU social instances