From Organic Design wiki
Converted the rpm to a deb with alien and installed with dpkg no problem, but not sure what to do from there yet...
$ arcem --rom riscos3_71/risocs-3.71.rom
couldn't open config file: /root/.arcemrc
Could not open Extension Rom directory 'extnrom': No such file or directory
extnrom_size = 0, extnrom_entry_count= 0
SetUpCMOS: Could not open (hexcmos) CMOS settings file, resetting to internal defaults.
HDC: Couldn't open image for drive 0
HDC: Couldn't open image for drive 1
HDC: Couldn't open image for drive 2
HDC: Couldn't open image for drive 3
No protocol specified
arcem: insisting on opening X display in DisplayKbd_InitHost().