From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 11:07, 6 April 2006 by Nad (talk | contribs) (account for 0-length initial queue)

// NODAL ASSOCIATIONS // - associations (maintained class:instance relationships) // instance.create/delete(class) calls class.create/delete(instance) // create inserts the instance into the classes instance-loop (list-aspect, next/prev) // ie. our list of current children (that our E divides amongst) is also our instance-loop // has or is are one, they're all just relationships that receive a portion of energy // laster: a chain of delegate classes is created between root and the instance // - the class of any assoc requires a portion of the quanta // remember, next/prev and complimented by parent/current (parent is also class) // - this allows alternate quanta be divided between parent and current, thus providing // energy for the class->instance relationship // - get retreives from class value if no instance value at each step of a path

// REDUCTION // - all instance-loops work by going cd this.current then assigning to it // when a function executes, it can update the loop at that location (equiv to array.push) // - a functions parameters (and even further methods and tools) are child associations // the structures necessary to build the fucntion are child assocs too

// DATA STRUCTURE // A question that keeps cropping up is: // is it best to use the language's native list type, // or to use a linked list constructed of next and prev refs. // The best idea (since swf failed key-as-ref) is to use array-index-only as key, // but allow any datatype as value, that way we can use a list or not later on // values could be node-ref (index), list, lambda, or function-ref

// ==========================================================================================

// idcount is a accumulating-only counter for locally-unique-id number // nodes is the current number of instantiated node objects // queue is the root reduction queue nodal = { queue: [], idcount: 0, nodes: 0 };

// - the delete-list is only needed for limited list-space env // - Actionscript failed ref-as-hashkey test, // so we use a id (locally unique identifier) as a lookup-key // - no delete currently // - just get/set properties with normal object-accessor way // - but keep all hierarchy nodal

// Resolve creates if non existent and returns reference to result nodal.resolve = function( context, path ) { while( path.length ) { var key = path.shift(); if ( context[] == null ) { this.nodes++; var node = { queue: [], id: this.idcount++ }; context = context[] = node; } else context = context[ ]; } return context; };

// Consume one quanta // - each quantum is actually two, one for local instance, one for global class nodal.reduce = function( context ) {

if ( node = context.queue.pop() ) {

// is there a local declaration? // - if yes, execute it and also reduce( class ) // - if no, { reduce( node ) if it has a queue, back to root if not }


// Old ECMA SIC reduction for ( var i = 1; i == 1; ) { var queue = cwd.queue; if ( queue.length > 0 ) { var todo = queue.shift(); if ( next = typeOf( todo ) == 'function' ? ( i = ) : ( cwd = todo ) ) queue.push( next ); } else i = 0; } };