- MediaWiki Treeview ExtensionTemplate:Php
In computer programming, "Voodoo", or "Magic" refers to techniques that are secret or not widely known, and may be deliberately kept secret. The Jargon File makes a distinction between "deep magic", which refers to code based on esoteric theoretical knowledge; "black magic" (voodoo), which refers to code based on techniques that appear to work but which lack a theoretical explanation; and "heavy wizardry", which refers to code based on obscure or undocumented intricacies of particular hardware or software.
At Organic Design the most common of these is extending an instance's class at runtime after it has been instantiated, a technique that can be used to provide additional hooks into existing code without requiring modification of code-base files. Another is reading in a class file, declaring it under a different name, then sub-classing that with a new class of the original name - that way the environment uses the new extended class thinking it's the original one.
See also
- Adding a variable to a class instance at runtime - demonstrated in many different languages
- - See http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Tree_view for installation and usage details
- - Licenced under LGPL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html)
- - Author: http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/nad
- - Started: (Version4) 2007-09-06
if (!defined('MEDIAWIKI')) die('Not an entry point.');
define('TREEVIEW4_VERSION','4.0.9, 2007-12-29');
- Set any unset images to default titles
if (!isset($wgTreeViewImages) || !is_array($wgTreeViewImages)) $wgTreeViewImages = array(); if (!isset($wgTreeViewImages['plus'])) $wgTreeViewImages['plus'] = 'Plus.gif'; if (!isset($wgTreeViewImages['minus'])) $wgTreeViewImages['minus'] = 'Minus.gif'; if (!isset($wgTreeViewImages['opened'])) $wgTreeViewImages['opened'] = 'Folder_opn_sml_yel.gif'; if (!isset($wgTreeViewImages['closed'])) $wgTreeViewImages['closed'] = 'Folder_sml_yel.gif'; if (!isset($wgTreeViewImages['doc'])) $wgTreeViewImages['doc'] = 'Doc-icon.gif'; if (!isset($wgTreeViewImages['spacer'])) $wgTreeViewImages['spacer'] = 'Blank.gif';
- These images are needed if you have $wgTreeViewShowLines set
if (!isset($wgTreeViewImages['vert'])) $wgTreeViewImages['vert'] = 'Vertline.gif'; if (!isset($wgTreeViewImages['node'])) $wgTreeViewImages['node'] = 'Node.gif'; if (!isset($wgTreeViewImages['last'])) $wgTreeViewImages['last'] = 'Lastnode.gif';
- Keep track of JavaScript added to page to avoid doubleups
if (!isset($wgJS)) $wgJS = array();
$wgTreeView4Magic = "tree"; # the parser-function name for trees $wgTreeViewIndent = 0; # the number of pixels each level indents by (0 means doc-icon width) $wgTreeViewShowLines = false; # whether to render the dotted lines joining nodes $wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfSetupTreeView4'; $wgHooks['LanguageGetMagic'][] = 'wfTreeView4LanguageGetMagic';
$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array( 'name' => 'Treeview4', 'author' => 'User:Nad', 'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Treeview', 'description' => 'Allows dynamic tree-views to be made with bullet-list syntax', 'version' => TREEVIEW4_VERSION );
class TreeView4 {
var $version = TREEVIEW4_VERSION; var $width = 16; var $uniq = array(); var $uid = ; var $js = 0;
# Constructor function TreeView4() { global $wgParser,$wgHooks,$wgTreeView4Magic,$wgTreeViewIconMagic,$wgTreeViewImages,$wgTreeViewIndent;
# Convert image titles to file paths and obtain pixel width of items if ($wgTreeViewIndent) $this->width = $wgTreeViewIndent; foreach ($wgTreeViewImages as $k => $v) { $title = Title::newFromText($v,NS_IMAGE); $image = Image::newFromTitle($title); if ($image && $image->exists()) { $wgTreeViewImages[$k] = $image->getURL(); if ($wgTreeViewIndent < 1 && $k == 'doc') $this->width = $image->getWidth(); } }
$this->uid = uniqid('TVUNIQ'); $wgParser->setFunctionHook($wgTreeView4Magic,array($this,'Tree')); }
# Restructure recursive trees into a single bullet list surrounded by internal treeview4 tags function Tree(&$parser) { global $wgParser; $id = uniqid(); $args = "id='$id'"; foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) if (!is_object($arg)) { if (preg_match('/^(.+?=.+)$/',$arg,$m)) $args .= " $arg"; else $text = $arg; }
# Black magic $text = $this->uniq[$id] = preg_replace( '/^\\*(\\**)\\s*(\\x07UNIQ.+?-treeview4(.+?)-.+?-QINU\\x07?)/me', '$this->uniq["$3"] ? preg_replace("/^(\\*+)/m","$1\$1",$this->uniq["$3"]) : "$1$2"', $text );
# And a little more voodoo here $wgParser->setHook("treeview4$id",array($this,'treeview')); return "<treeview4$id $args>$text</treeview4$id>"; }
# Convert a bullet list into a treeview function treeview($text,$argv,&$parser) { global $wgTreeViewImages;
$id = $argv['id']; $uid = $this->uid; $ver = $this->version; $width = $this->width; $plus = $wgTreeViewImages['plus']; $minus = $wgTreeViewImages['minus']; $opened = $wgTreeViewImages['opened']; $closed = $wgTreeViewImages['closed']; $spacer = $wgTreeViewImages['spacer']; $doc = $wgTreeViewImages['doc']; $vert = $wgTreeViewImages['vert']; $node = $wgTreeViewImages['node']; $last = $wgTreeViewImages['last']; $default = isset($argv['openlevels']) ? $argv['openlevels']+1 : 1; $rows = array(); $lasts = array(); $cols = 0; $next = 0; $tree = ;
# Protect the asterisk structure and wiki-parse the bullet tree $text = preg_replace("/(?<=\\*)\\s*\\[\\[Image:(.+?)\\]\\]/","{$uid}3$1{$uid}4",$text); $text = preg_replace_callback("/^(\\*+)(.*?)$/m",array($this,'protectTree'),$text); $out = $parser->parse($text,$parser->mTitle,$parser->mOptions,false,false); $text = $out->getText();
# Extract the valid rows and process if any if (preg_match_all("/1{$uid}([0-9]+)-({$uid}3(.+?){$uid}4)?(.+?){$uid}2/",$text,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
# Parse 1 foreach ($matches as $row) { list(,$depth,,$icon,$item) = $row; if ($depth > $cols) $lasts[$cols = $depth] = true; $rows[] = array($depth,$icon,$item); }
# Parse 2 for ($row = count($rows)-1; $row >= 0; $row--) { list($depth,$i,$item) = $rows[$row]; $diff = $depth - $next; $show = $depth > $default ? " style='display:none'" : ""; $span = $cols+2-$depth; $span = $span == 1 ? "" : " colspan='$span'"; $td = ""; $ibg = "";
# Determine the open/close link and the folder/doc icon if ($depth >= $default) { $open = $plus; $icon = $closed; } else { $open = $minus; $icon = $opened; $ibg = " style='background: url($vert) 0 10px no-repeat'"; } if ($depth >= $next) { $open = "<img src='$spacer' width='$width'/>"; $icon = $doc; $ibg = ; } else $open = "<a href='javascript:toggleTreeviewItem(\"$id\",$row)'><img id='tvi$id$row' src='$open'/></a>";
# Handle custom image if ($i) { $i = Image::newFromTitle(Title::newFromText($i,NS_IMAGE)); if ($i && $i->exists()) $icon = $i->getURL(); }
# Construct the dotted joining lines and position the open/close link in the last one if ($diff > 0) $lasts[$depth] = true; for ($col = $depth+1; $col < $cols; $col++) $lasts[$col] = true; for ($col = 1; $col <= $depth; $col++) { if ($diff > 1 && $col > $next && $col < $depth-1) $lasts[$col] = true; if ($col == $depth) { $fg = $open; $bg = $lasts[$col] ? $last : $node; } else { $fg = ""; $bg = $lasts[$col] ? $spacer : $vert; }
$td .= "$fg";
} $lasts[$depth] = false;
# Add the icon and the item content and append a table row to the tree definition
$td .= "<img id='tvf$id$row' src='$icon'/>"; $td .= "$item"; $tree = "<tr$show depth='$depth' id='tvr$id$row'>$td\n$tree"; $next = $depth; } } # This invisible row at the start fixes a bug making some text items not maximum width $td = ; for ($col = 1; $col <= $cols+1; $col++) $td .= ""; $tree = "$td\n$tree"; return "
# Protect asterisk bullet structure from wiki parser function protectTree($m) { return "1{$this->uid}".strlen($m[1])."-$m[2]{$this->uid}2\n"; }
# Add the javascript to the output object if not added yet and there is at least one tree function addJS() { global $wgOut,$wgTreeViewImages,$wgJS,$wgJsMimeType; if (isset($wgJS['TreeView4'])) return; $wgJS['TreeView4'] = true; $plus = $wgTreeViewImages['plus']; $minus = $wgTreeViewImages['minus']; $opened = $wgTreeViewImages['opened']; $closed = $wgTreeViewImages['closed']; $spacer = $wgTreeViewImages['spacer']; $doc = $wgTreeViewImages['doc']; $vert = $wgTreeViewImages['vert']; $wgOut->addScript('<script type="'.$wgJsMimeType.'"> function toggleTreeviewItem(id,row) { var plus = "'.$plus.'"; var minus = "'.$minus.'"; var opened = "'.$opened.'"; var closed = "'.$closed.'"; var doc = "'.$doc.'"; var item = document.getElementById("tvr"+id+row); var next = document.getElementById("tvr"+id+(row+1)); var depth = 0+item.getAttribute("depth"); var close = next.style.display != "none"; var img = document.getElementById("tvi"+id+row); var fld = document.getElementById("tvf"+id+row); var src = fld.getAttribute("src"); if (src == opened) fld.setAttribute("src",closed); if (src == closed) fld.setAttribute("src",opened); fld.setAttribute("style",close ? "" : "background:url('.$vert.') repeat-y"); img.setAttribute("src",close ? plus : minus); while ((item = document.getElementById("tvr"+id+(++row))) && (0+item.getAttribute("depth") > depth)) { if (close) item.style.display = "none"; else if (depth == item.getAttribute("depth")-1) { item.style.display = ""; if (img = document.getElementById("tvi"+id+row)) img.setAttribute("src",plus); if (fld = document.getElementById("tvf"+id+row)) if (fld.getAttribute("src") == opened) { fld.setAttribute("src",closed); fld.serAttribute("style",""); } } } }</script>'); } }
- Called from $wgExtensionFunctions array when initialising extensions
function wfSetupTreeView4() { global $wgTreeView4; $wgTreeView4 = new TreeView4(); $wgTreeView4->addJS(); # Make code unconditional for now due to parser caching }
- Needed in MediaWiki >1.8.0 for magic word hooks to work properly
function wfTreeView4LanguageGetMagic(&$magicWords,$langCode = 0) { global $wgTreeView4,$wgTreeView4Magic; $magicWords[$wgTreeView4Magic] = array(0,$wgTreeView4Magic); return true; } ?>