
From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 10:32, 16 April 2008 by Nad (talk | contribs) (description)


  1. Extension:ListView
Info.svg These are the MediaWiki extensions we're using and/or developing. Please refer to the information on the mediawiki.org wiki for installation and usage details. Extensions here which have no corresponding mediawiki article are either not ready for use or have been superseded. You can also browse our extension code in our local Subversion repository or our GitHub mirror.


  1. - Licenced under LGPL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html)
  2. - Author: User:NadCategory:Extensions created with Template:Extension
  3. - Started: 2008-04-16

if (!defined('MEDIAWIKI')) die('Not an entry point.');

define('LISTVIEW_VERSION','0.0.0, 2008-04-16');

$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfSetupListView'; $wgExtensionCredits['other'][] = array( 'name' => 'ListView', 'author' => 'User:Nad', 'description' => 'Allows categories or articles containing lists of article links to be rendered as a sortable list', 'url' => 'http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/Extension:ListView.php', 'version' => LISTVIEW_VERSION );

function wfSetupListView() { global $wgHooks,$wgOut,$wgUser; $wgHooks['SkinTemplateTabs'][] = 'wfListViewUpdateActions'; $wgHooks['UnknownAction'][] = 'wfListViewUnknownAction'; }

function wfListViewUpdateActions(&$skin,&$actions) { global $wgTitle,$wgRequest; $selected = $wgRequest->getText('action') == 'listview' ? 'selected' : false; $url = $wgTitle->getLocalURL("action=listview"); if (is_object($wgTitle)) { $actions['listview'] = array( 'text' => 'view as list', 'class' => $selected, 'href' => $url ); } return true; }

function wfListViewUnknownAction($action,&$article) { global $wgOut,$wgUser,$wgTitle,$wgParser; if ($action != 'listview') return true;

$title = $article->getTitle(); if ($title->getNamespace() == NS_CATEGORY) { $links = array(); $dbr = &wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $cl = $dbr->tableName('categorylinks'); $to = $title->getText(); $res = $dbr->select($cl,'cl_from',"cl_to = '$to'",__METHOD__,array('ORDER BY' => 'cl_sortkey')); while ($row = $dbr->fetchRow($res)) { $t = Title::newFromID($row[0]); $u = $t->getLocalURL(); $t = $t->getPrefixedText(); $links[] = array(1 => "<a title=\"$t\" href=\"$u\">$t</a>"); } } else { if (is_object($wgParser)) { $psr = $wgParser; $opt = $wgParser->mOptions; } else { $psr = new Parser; $opt = NULL; } if (!is_object($opt)) $opt = ParserOptions::newFromUser($wgUser); $html = $psr->parse($article->fetchContent(),$title,$opt,true,true)->getText();


  • \\s*(<a[^>]+title=[\"'](.*?)[\"'][^>]*>(.+?)</a>)|s",$html,$links,PREG_SET_ORDER); } $wgOut->setPageTitle($title); $wgOut->addHtml("\n"); $class = 'even'; foreach ($links as $link) { $class = $class == 'even' ? 'odd' : 'even'; $wgOut->addHtml(""); $wgOut->addHtml(""); $wgOut->addHtml(""); $wgOut->addHtml("\n"); } $wgOut->addHtml("
    <input type=\"checkbox\" />$link[1]

    return false; }