
From Organic Design wiki
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The knowledge portal is the entry point to accessing different kinds of knowledge, to browse content or create new content. Our knowledge is divided into the following branches:

  • Best Practices ---> Roles
  • Procedures ---> Roles
  • Education ---> Channels
  • Documentation
  • Public (Website and sitemap)


What follows represents an overview of the Organic Design documentation project and concerns the goals the key public documents we are writing here, as well as how they relate to each other. If there was to be a "book of Organic Design", it would use these descriptive documents for its content.

About the Project

The big picture of the work being done on Organic Design. When we thought about what is going on in the world, and after that, what we could do to make difference, we found after a while that people have always been working toward a better world. Our expression of the work is but a local and current version of what people have been doing earlier and are doing elsewhere. We hope to build bridges between many groups working toward a better future.

This document needs to convey a clear and continually improving description of what we think are the roots of the current problems and what we believe is a worthwhile path to walk in solving them. After introducing the technology that could be used to bring about the solution, we discuss the Robertson model as a way to structure network organisations on a larger scale. In the latter parts of the document we look at the issue of implementation, for how does one work toward harmony in a hostile environment tending toward chaos? We also want to refer here to many groups we believe are working toward similar solutions. Hopefully we can highlight and encourage some synergy among various projects.


The values that guide us. We describe our core values, the way we think organisations could be structured, to better serve the people; and some criteria that can be used to assess our organisational alignment with our values. To contrast this we look at what it means on a personal level to be a member of such an organisation. After all, organisations are made up of people and we cannot discuss organisational structure without discussing the kinds of people that comprise the organisations. After this we outline our goals, the tangible things we think we can achieve if enough of us manage to set up these new kinds of organisations. We refer to other and related values statements, followed by some self-assessment questions.

Organic Design

This is our example of an organisation working on the project. We want to develop in the direction of making available the workings of this organisation as a generic template which can be used freely for the common good. In practise it is formed by a team of contributors and developers working together using web 2.0 collaboration technology to form a project team, with dynamic hierarchies.


More detail about panarchistic organisation and the basic aspects it needs to cover.


A specification for a group of people working together to implement a panarchistic organisation. This is very IT oriented because the specification is based on setting up a replica of our own organisation.


Extending the platform to cover living on sustainably on the land as a community.


The vision for sanctuary, a day in the life of sanctuary

  • Sanctuary - Our notions of an ideal living environment, to be formed by larger platforms, mission and procedure for setting one up

The Good Future

Vision on the global level. Our idea of the way the world could be inspires us to do the work we do. We think it is important to work together an the description of the world we would like to live in, and eventually pass on to our children.