11 January 2009

From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 05:41, 11 January 2009 by Nad (talk | contribs) (News: Organic Design has moved to a dedicated server!)
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Organic Design has moved to a dedicated server

Organic Design has moved from a VPS with VPSLink to a dedicated server with eSecureData. It's an Intel quad core Q6600 running at 2.4GHz with 500GB of disk, 2GB RAM, 2TB of monthly traffic allowance! The picture to the right is from this Google map and shows the building in Canada where our new server is situated.

Even though the Q6600 chips are desktop chips not server chips, it should still be faster than the quad-Xeon VPS we've moved from since the Q6600's cache is the same size (4MB) and the speed is 400MHz faster, and also we are no longer sharing the resource with other unknown clients which sometimes causes a sharp drop in responsiveness.