
From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 09:34, 14 October 2011 by Nad (talk | contribs) (To share honest independent news and knowledge!)

To organise ourselves from the bottom up!

The most important aspect of a leaderless and peaceful revolution is to form into groups of common-interest that have regular meetings aimed at sharing knowledge and discussing local problems and solutions that are known to work. These groups can be in local regions, or online social networks using the tools we already have and are familiar with.

It doesn't matter if we can't get nation-wide unanimous or even majority resolutions on issues, each group and region has amongst its members the expertise and resource to achieve it's aims in it's own local region, institution or domain. By maintaining openness and sharing knowledge and resources amongst groups we will all arrive at the best solutions available together from the bottom up.

Organisations like the Ubuntu Contributionism, Better Democracy NZ, The Bolivarian Center, Avaaz and many more have already done the work to create empowering constitutions, charters and educational material that will resonate with the members of other groups, this massive body of work can be reused, adjusted and shared.

To share honest independent news and knowledge!

The vast majority of the mainstream media is owned and controlled by a small group of corporations, and even the popular user-contributed information sources such as Wikipedia can be severely biased by "corporate vandalism" which is a recent phenomena whereby corporations that benefit from a particular point of view use their enormous financial wealth to fund masses of people to support it and to argue against anything else. There are still good objective information sources available though, for example:

These all have very accessible and well researched knowledge that we can share amongst ourselves and the groups we're involved with.

To fix this broken financial system!

Positive Money New Zealand is a campaign to move New Zealand from a debt-based economy to one that operates with a full reserve in which money has been issued debt-free and interest-free. This will free the nation and its people from the crippling effects of ever increasing interest bills - that keep the majority of people on the debt treadmill. The campaign is based on one that has been running in the UK called Positive Money which started in May 2010 as well as a similar one in the United States called the American Monetary Institute.

Ultimately we can make the entire system of money completely redundant — it does nothing but enslave us!

We can live happy fulfilling lives together without money!!!