From Organic Design wiki
Installing the linode CLI:
pip3 install linode-cli
linode-cli configure --token
linode-cli --json --pretty domains list
Example Perl code using LWP to update an A record:
# Set up a user agent with our token as default header
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
'Content-Type' => "application/json",
'Authorization' => "Bearer $dnsApiKey"
# Find the ID of the domain
$json = $ua->get( '' )->content;
for ( @{ decode_json( $json )->{data} } ) {
$domain_id = $_->{id} if $_->{domain} eq $domain;
die "Domain name not found" unless $domain_id;
# Find the ID of the A record having the host name
$json = $ua->get( "$domain_id/records" )->content;
for ( @{ decode_json( $json )->{data} } ) {
$record_id = $_->{id} if $_->{name} eq $host;
die "Host name not found" unless $record_id;
# Update the A record
'Content' => encode_json({ 'target' => $new_IP })