- XmlWiki Category Extension - 2005-08-25 - see discussion page
global $xwIsProperties,$xwSection,$xwSave,$xwUserName; $update = ($xwSave && ($xwSection<1)); $apply = true;
- Don't apply if page is a category, or if action isn't view or submit
if ( ($action != 'view') && ($action != ) && !$update ) $apply = false;
- If a category page, add class attribute to table since the MediaWiki fellas didn't for some reason
if ( ereg( '^Category:.+$', $title ) ) { # If event is view, adjust rendered output, else add this to view event if ( $event == 'view' ) { # Add CSS class to headings (see, not just me who hard-wires styles!)
$article = preg_replace( '/
(.( cont\\.)?<\\/h3>)/i', '
$1', $article ); } else xwSetProperty( $properties, 'xpath:/properties:view', $tTitle ); $apply = false; # Just let wiki-parser handle category-links for category pages } if ($apply) { # Begin extracting category-link info - first get stuff we'll be needing $db =& wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $cur = $db->tableName( 'cur' ); $cl = $db->tableName( 'categorylinks' ); $category_match = "\\[{2}\\s*category\\s*:\\s*(.+?)\\s*]]\\n?"; $pt = $title; # Extract category information from article's content and properties if ( eregi( '^xml:(.+)$', $title, $match ) ) { $content = xwArticleContent( $title = $match[1], false ); preg_match_all( "/$category_match/i", $content, $match ); $categories = array_merge( xwGetListByTagname( $article, 'category' ), $match[1] ); xwGetProperty( $article, 'language', $language ); if ( !$language ) $language = xwArticleType( $title, $content ); } elseif ( eregi( '^sys:(.+)$', $title, $match ) ) { $title = $match[1]; $ns = NS_USER; $content = xwArticleContent( "User:$title", false ); preg_match_all( "/$category_match/i", $content, $match ); $categories = $match[1]; # Groups auto-categorisation foreach ( xwGetListByTagname( $article, 'groups' ) as $group ) $categories[] = "Group:$group"; $language = ; } else { $categories = xwGetListByTagname( $properties, 'category' ); # Must remove category-links from article so wiki-parser doesn't process them xwGetProperty( $properties, 'language', $language ); if ( !$language ) { $article = preg_replace( "/$category_match/ie", '($categories[]="$1")?"":""', $article ); if (ereg('
',$article)) $categories[] = 'Stubs'; } }
# Only do the rest if this is the top level article # - the embeds still have to have their cat-links removed if ( $pt == $GLOBALS['xwArticleTitle'] ) {
$nt = Title::newFromText( $title ); $ns = $nt->getNamespace(); $t = addslashes( $nt->getDBkey() ); # Title used in db-tables $ul = strtoupper( $language );
# Auto-Category: Language if ( $language ) $categories[] = $ul;
if (ereg('^(.+/)?[0-9]+ ([A-Z][a-z]+) [0-9]{4}$',$title,$m)) $categories[] = $m[1].'Date|'.$m[2];
# Auto-Category: Transforms # - CSS and XSLT are included unconditionally # - PHP included if writable only by dev or admin # - XML included if DocType DTD is xmlwiki-properties (but not Xml:name) $transformExceptions = array( 'Xmlwiki.php', 'Default-properties.xml', 'Document.php', 'Geshi.php', 'Default-skin.php', 'LocalSettings.php', 'Transform-changes.php', 'Transform-all-pages-list.php', 'Categories.php', 'Properties.php', 'Calendar.php', 'Document.css' ); if ($ul == 'CSS' or $ul == 'XSLT') $categories[] = 'Transforms'; elseif (in_array($title, $transformExceptions)) 0; elseif ($ul == 'PHP' and count(preg_grep('/^(admin)|(dev)$/i',xwGetListByTagname(xwArticleProperties($title),'write')))) $categories[] = 'Transforms'; elseif ($ul == 'XML' and preg_match('/<!DOCTYPE[^>]+?xmlwiki-properties.dtd"\\s*>/',xwArticleContent($title))) $categories[] = 'Transforms';
# Get the db-key of this article if ($update) { $id = Title::makeTitle($ns,$t); $id = $update = $id->getArticleID(); }
# Delete all current category links from this title if ($update) { $db->query( "DELETE FROM $cl WHERE cl_from='$id'" ); # Stop parser from clearing them again after we repopulate it $GLOBALS['wgUseCategoryMagic'] = false; }
# Remove duplicates and sort categories $tmp = array(); foreach ( $categories as $cat ) { list( $cat, $sortkey ) = explode( '|', ucfirst($cat) ); if ( !$tmp[$cat] = $sortkey ) $tmp[$cat] = $t; } ksort( $tmp );
# Loop through categories and process each if (is_object($GLOBALS['wgParser']->mOptions)) { $sk =& $GLOBALS['wgParser']->mOptions->getSkin(); foreach ( $tmp as $cat => $sortkey ) {
# Add to wiki-output $nt = Title::makeTitle( NS_CATEGORY, $cat ); $GLOBALS[wgParser]->mOutput->addCategoryLink( $sk->makeLinkObj($nt, $cat) );
# Update db if saving and db-key known $cat = addslashes( str_replace( ' ', '_', $cat ) ); if ( $update ) $db->query( "INSERT INTO $cl (cl_from,cl_to,cl_sortkey) VALUES('$id','$cat','$sortkey')" ); } } } }