From Organic Design wiki
readAgilent <- function(dataDir="/Volumes/HD2/Data/Nutrigenomics/MultipleScans/Agilent"){
- 1) Read in data using limma
if(exists("targets", inherits=FALSE)) { RGsub <- read.maimages(targets$Filename, path = dataDir, source="agilent", name=targets$Filetype) } else { RGsub <- read.maimages(dir(dataDir, pattern=".txt"), path = dataDir, source="agilent") }
- 2) Find Agilent indices from x ,y coords
getInd <- function(x,y, nx, byrow=T) {
return( (x-1)* nx + y)
ind <- getInd(RGsub$genes$Row, RGsub$genes$Col, nx=215)
- 3) Construct complete RGList
RGfull <- new("RGList") RGfull$R <-RGfull$G <-RGfull$Rb <-RGfull$Gb <- matrix(NA, nc=ncol(RGsub), nr=max(ind)) RGfull$genes <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nc=7, nr=max(ind), dimnames = list(NULL, names(RGsub$genes))))
matrixNames <- dimnames(RGsub$R)
- 4) Populate complete list
RGfull$R[ind,] <- RGsub$R RGfull$Rb[ind,] <- RGsub$Rb RGfull$G[ind,] <- RGsub$G RGfull$Gb[ind,] <- RGsub$Gb RGfull$genes[ind,] <- RGsub$genes RGfull$targets <- RGsub$targets dimnames(RGfull$R) <- dimnames(RGfull$Rb) <- dimnames(RGfull$G) <- dimnames(RGfull$Gb) <- matrixNames
- Checking the rows that needed padding
rowstopad <- as.numeric(rownames(RGsub$genes) [ !(rownames(RGsub$genes) %in% ind) ]) rowstopad
- Indexing looks ok
RGfull$printer <- structure(list(ngrid.r=1, ngrid.c=1, nspot.r=105, nspot.c=215), class = "PrintLayout") rm(RGsub) return(RGfull)