Extension talk:Wikiskin.php
From Organic Design wiki
Where can I see a page that uses this extention? --Rob 14:58, 6 Apr 2007 (NZST)
Has anyone an more detailed demo or description for setting up the wikiskin? --User:nope 14.5.2007
- It's still in beta state, but is working ok, just save the code into a file and include the file from your localsettings.php, but make sure your skin article is created first (the name of the article is set in $wgWikiSkin, the default name for the article is WikiSkin). OrganicDesign and our other wikis use it, OrganicDesign:Default-skin is the $wgWikiSkin article on it. We're just using it to replicate the standard monobook layout currently, but it's been developed for use with Extension:Wiklets which is a desktop-like skin where different articles and forms work like windows on a desktop. --Nad 21:50, 14 May 2007 (UTC)