
From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 21:46, 21 July 2008 by Anonymous (talk) (list dependencies)
Info.svg This article represents a Debian package which is installed in our main packages repository at See packages for more information, or Category:Debian packages for a list of all package articles like this one. For details about the package contents, see its control file.

This package will ultimately replace the Ubuntu Post Install so that a freshly installed Ubuntu workstation simply needs to apt-get organicdesign-workstation. The image on the left is a screen shot which shows the Ubuntu update dialog appearing after the organicdesign-workstation package version parameter was changed from 1.0 to 1.1.


  • build-essential
  • openssh-server
  • p7zip-full
  • bzip2
  • rar
  • flashplugin-nonfree
  • thunderbird
  • geany
  • vlc
  • inkscape
  • samba
  • gparted
  • ntfsprogs
  • sysinfo
  • r-base
  • subversion
  • python-compizconfig
  • compizconfig-settings-manager

Still need to include

  • Pod Browser - Browse perl documentation
    • libgtk2-ex-simple-list-perl
    • libio-stringy-perl
    • libpod-escapes-perl
    • libpod-simple-perl
    • libgtk2-gladexml-perl
    • libgtk2-ex-podviewer-perl
  • Dynamic DNS
  • SSH and SFTP config
  • Skype (need to detect if a 64bit machine and do the hack if so)
  • Wine with IE 6 & 7
  • Yes.svgAdvanced Desktop Effects Settings
  • Yes.svgR-base progamming environment this should be in organicdesign-developer
  • Yes.svgapt-get install libcrypt-ssleay-perl (for https)
  • Google earth