
From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 09:58, 1 December 2008 by Nad (talk | contribs) (bug fix - template and direct cat way weren't working together)

<?php /**

* Extension:Workflow
Info.svg These are the MediaWiki extensions we're using and/or developing. Please refer to the information on the mediawiki.org wiki for installation and usage details. Extensions here which have no corresponding mediawiki article are either not ready for use or have been superseded. You can also browse our extension code in our local Subversion repository or our GitHub mirror.

Template:PhpCategory:Extensions created with Template:Extension

* @package MediaWiki
* @subpackage Extensions
* @author Aran Dunkley User:Nad
* @licence GNU General Public Licence 2.0 or later
* Started: 2007-10-06

if (!defined('MEDIAWIKI')) die("Not an entry point.");

define('WORKFLOW_VERSION', "0.2.1, 2008-12-01");

$wgWorkflowMagic = 'Workflow'; $wgWorkflowUpdateDelay = 1000; # Delay in milliseconds after clicking state before Ajax update is made

$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = $wgExtensionCredits['specialpage'][] = array( 'name' => "Workflow", 'author' => "User:Nad", 'description' => "Adds the ability for articles to be part of workflow sequences and easily moved dynamically between phases in the sequence using AJAX.", 'url' => "http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Workflow", 'version' => WORKFLOW_VERSION );


* Define a new specialpage for displaying a list of workflows

require_once "$IP/includes/SpecialPage.php"; class SpecialWorkflow extends SpecialPage {

function SpecialWorkflow() { SpecialPage::SpecialPage(wfMsg('workflow'), , true, false, false, false); }

# Render list function execute($param) { global $wgParser, $wgOut; $wgParser->disableCache(); $this->setHeaders(); $wgOut->addWikiText("Not done yet... discussion at Extension talk:Workflow.php", true); } }


* Define main workflow class containing all the functionality

class Workflow {

var $magic; # magic word used for the workflow parser-function (set from messages) var $cat; # local lang name for "Category" var $workflowData = array(); # Stores lists of state-content, current state and args for each workflow var $state = false; # state to update a workflow to in an ajax update request var $name; # name of the workflow to update

/** * Constructor */ function Workflow() { global $wgHooks, $wgExtensionFunctions, $wgWorkflowMagic;

# The parser-function name, special-page name and links all use the word defined in $wgExtraNamespaces[NS_WORKFLOW] $this->magic = $wgWorkflowMagic;

# Reserve the magic word for use as a parser-function $wgHooks['LanguageGetMagic'][] = array($this, 'languageGetMagic');

# If it's a workflow-related ajax call, don't use dispatcher (because we need the catlinks generated by normal page render) # - this sets the $this->state and $this->name so that OutputPageBeforeHTML calls updateState() $this->bypassAjaxDispatcher();

# Add the extension's setup function to the list to be called after the environment is up and running $wgExtensionFunctions[] = array($this, 'setup'); }

/** * Extension setup */ function setup() { global $wgParser, $wgLanguageCode, $wgMessageCache, $wgContLang;

$this->cat = $wgContLang->getNsText(NS_CATEGORY);

# Add the messages used (todo: move into i18n) if ($wgLanguageCode == 'en') { $wgMessageCache->addMessages(array( 'workflow' => $this->magic, # NOTE: the parser-function, special-page and link-rendering all use this word 'workflowMissingStates' => "No workflow states defined", 'workflowStateUpdated' => "$1 {$this->magic} state set to [[{$this->cat}:$2|$2]]." )); }

# Add the specialpage to the environment SpecialPage::addPage(new SpecialWorkflow());

# Add the parser-function hook $wgParser->setFunctionHook($this->magic, array($this, 'expandMagic'));

# Add the client-side scripts for changing states $this->addJS(); }

/** * Expand the #workflow to reveal the current state and hide the others and add javascript */ function expandMagic(&$parser) { global $wgTitle, $wgJsMimeType; $parser->disableCache();

# Extend catlinks information to include workflows $this->extendCatlinks();

# Extract workflow info from args $name = 'Untitled'; $states = array(); $tmpl = false; $par = 'state'; foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) if (!is_object($arg)) { if (preg_match("%^(.+?)\\s*=\\s*(.+)$%", $arg, $match)) { list($arg, $k, $v) = $match; switch ($k) { case 'template'  : $tmpl = $v; break; case 'parameter' : $par = $v; break; default: $states[$k] = $v; } } else $name = $arg; }

# Store the data for this workflow $this->workflowData[$name] = array('parameter' => $par, 'template' => $tmpl, 'states' => $states); $current = $this->getCurrentState($name);

# Build links for workflow table $edit = $wgTitle->userCan('edit'); $url = $wgTitle->getLocalUrl(); $anchor = $name; if (count($states) < 1) $anchor .= " (".wfMsg('workflowMissingStates').")"; $html = "<a href='$url' title='$anchor'>$anchor</a>";

# Render the states in their div elements with only current one visible if (count($states)) { if ($edit) {

$left = "<a href='javascript:;'><</a>"; $right = "<a href='javascript:;'>></a>";


else $left = $right = ""; # no menu buttons if not allowed to edit $html = "


$data = array_search($current, array_keys($states))+1; foreach ($states as $state => $wikitext) { $data .= ",'$state'"; $style = $state == $current ? "" : "display:none"; if ($state == $current) $wikitext .= "[[{$this->cat}:$state]]"; $content = $parser->parse($wikitext, $wgTitle, $parser->mOptions, false, false)->getText(); $stitle = Title::newFromText($state, NS_CATEGORY); $surl = $stitle->getLocalUrl();

# Append the menu to the state

$html .= "
$left $right


$html .= "

<script type='$wgJsMimeType'>workflowData['$name']=[$data];</script>\n";


return array($html, 'isHTML' => true, 'noparse' => true); }

/** * Extend catlinks information to include workflows */ function extendCatlinks() { static $done = 0; if ($done++) return; global $wgUser; $skin = $wgUser->getSkin();

# Create a new Skin class (WorkflowSkin) by extending the existing one with overridden getCategoryLinks method $class = get_class($skin); eval("class WorkflowSkin extends {$class} ".'{ function getCategories() { global $wgWorkflow; if ($wgWorkflow->state) $wgWorkflow->updateCatLinks(); return $wgWorkflow->renderWorkflowInfo(parent::getCategories()); } }');

# Replace user's skin with a WorkflowSkin replica $wgUser->mSkin = new WorkflowSkin(); foreach (array_keys(get_class_vars($class)) as $k) $wgUser->mSkin->$k = $skin->$k; }

/** * Update $wgOut's category links if state updated by ajax * - this is a bit of a hack which is needed for the direct catlinks updating */ function updateCatLinks() { global $wgOut, $wgUser; $data =& $this->workflowData[$this->name]; $cats = join('|', array_keys($data['states'])); $tmp = array(); foreach ($wgOut->mCategoryLinks['normal'] as $i => $link) if (!preg_match("%>($cats)</a>%i", $link)) $tmp[] = $link; $title = Title::newFromText($this->state, NS_CATEGORY); $tmp[] = $wgUser->getSkin()->makeLinkObj($title, $title->getText()); $wgOut->mCategoryLinks['normal'] = $tmp; }

/** * Render the workflow info which appears in the catlinks area */ function renderWorkflowInfo(&$catlinks) { if (count($this->workflowData)) {

$table = "


foreach ($this->workflowData as $name => $data) { $current = $this->getCurrentState($name);

$catlinks .= "$table$name

$sep = " "; foreach (array_keys($data['states']) as $state) { $title = Title::newFromText($state, NS_CATEGORY); $class = ($current == $state ? 'current' : ) . ($title->exists() ?  : ' new'); $catlinks .= "$sep<a class='$class' href='{$title->getLocalURL()}'>{$title->getText()}</a>"; $sep = " → "; }

$table = "


$catlinks .= "


} return $catlinks; }

/** * Extract the current state of the named workflow from the current article content */ function getCurrentState($name) { $data =& $this->workflowData[$name]; $state = 'No states defined!'; if ($this->name == $name) $state = $this->state; elseif (isset($data['current'])) $state = $data['current']; else {

# Get the content of the current article global $wgTitle; $article = new Article($wgTitle); $text = $article->getContent(); $cats = join('|', array_keys($data['states']));

# Template specified, extract state from template parameter if ($data['template']) { $tmpl = $data['template']; $par = $data['parameter']; $state = "%\s*\{\{$tmpl.+?\|\s*$par\s*=\s*(\w+)%si"; if (preg_match("%\s*\{\{$tmpl.*?\|\s*$par\s*=\s*(\w+)%si", $text, $m)) $state = $m[1]; }

# No template specified, extract state from category links elseif (preg_match("%\s*\[\[{$this->cat}:($cats)\]\]\s*%i", $text, $m)) $state = $m[1];

# Otherwise default to first defined state else { $state = array_keys($data['states']); if (count($state)) $state = $state[0]; } } return $state; }

/** * Update the current state of a workflow item in the requested article * - called from OutputPageBeforeHTML if $this->state was set by bypassAjaxDispatcher() */ function updateState() { $cat = $this->cat; $name = $this->name; $state = $this->state; $data = &$this->workflowData[$name]; $cats = join('|', array_keys($data['states'])); $tmpl = $data['template']; $par = $data['parameter']; $data['current'] = $state;

# Get current article content global $wgTitle; $article = new Article($wgTitle); $text = $article->getContent();

# Update the state in the article text (as template parameter or direct cat links) $text = $tmpl ? preg_replace("%(\s*\{\{$tmpl.*?\|\s*$par\s*=\s*)\w+%s", "$1$state", $text) : preg_replace("%\s*\[\[{$cat}:($cats)\]\]\s*%i", "", $text) . "$cat:$state";

# Update the article with the new text $article->doEdit($text, wfMsg('workflowStateUpdated', $this->name, $this->state), EDIT_UPDATE); }

/** * Return just the catlinks to the client after updating a tag state * - this also calls updateState() if $this->state set by bypassAjaxDispatcher() */ function onOutputPageBeforeHTML(&$out) { global $wgUser; if ($this->state) $this->updateState(); $skin = $wgUser->getSkin(); $catlinks = is_object($skin) ? $skin->getCategories() : "Error: no skin!"; $out->disable(); wfResetOutputBuffers(); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); print $catlinks; return false; }

/** * Make necessary Javascript functions available to the page */ function addJS() { global $wgOut, $wgJsMimeType, $wgWorkflowUpdateDelay; $wgOut->addScript("<script type='$wgJsMimeType'> var workflowData = []; var workflowUpdate = 0; var workflowLastState = 0; function workflowUpdateState(name) { clearTimeout(workflowUpdate); workflowLastState = workflowData[name][0]; var state = workflowData[name][workflowLastState]; sajax_do_call('workflow_ajax_callback',[wgPageName,name,state],document.getElementById('catlinks')); } function workflowSwitchState(name,dir) { clearTimeout(workflowUpdate); var id = 'workflow-'+name+'-'+workflowData[name][workflowData[name][0]]; document.getElementById(id).setAttribute('style','display:none'); if (workflowLastState == 0) workflowLastState = workflowData[name][0]; workflowData[name][0] += dir; if (workflowData[name][0] < 1) workflowData[name][0] = workflowData[name].length-1; if (workflowData[name][0] > workflowData[name].length-1) workflowData[name][0] = 1; var state = workflowData[name][0]; id = 'workflow-'+name+'-'+workflowData[name][state]; document.getElementById(id).setAttribute('style',); if (workflowLastState != state) workflowUpdate = setTimeout('workflowUpdateState(\"'+name+'\")',$wgWorkflowUpdateDelay); } </script>"); }

/** * If it's a workflow-related ajax call, don't use dispatcher (because we need the catlinks generated by normal page render) * - this sets the $this->state and $this->name so that OutputPageBeforeHTML calls updateState() * - the ajax dispatcher id bypassed by changing the action to 'view' */ function bypassAjaxDispatcher() { global $wgUseAjax, $wgHooks, $wgAjaxExportList; if ($wgUseAjax && isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'ajax' && isset($_GET['rs']) && $_GET['rs'] == 'workflow_ajax_callback' && isset($_GET['rsargs']) && is_array($_GET['rsargs']) ) { list($title, $this->name, $this->state) = $_GET['rsargs']; $wgHooks['OutputPageBeforeHTML'][] = $this; $_GET = $_REQUEST = array('title' => $title, 'action' => 'view'); $wgAjaxExportList[] = 'workflow_ajax_callback'; } }

/** * Needed in some versions to prevent Special:Version from breaking */ function __toString() { return __CLASS__; }

/** * Set up the magic words */ function languageGetMagic(&$magicWords, $langCode = 0) { $magicWords[$this->magic] = array($langCode, $this->magic); return true; } }

$wgWorkflow = new Workflow();