From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 06:56, 23 September 2010 by Nad (talk | contribs) (moved Talk:Wiki workflow to Talk:Workflow)
People freak a bit with wiki workflow - especially if they check out wikipedia's system which is very large and complex. But I think a simple starting point for teaching workflow is a general flow of start->authorised->work->finish which applies to all threads:
- start: is discussion in some "proposal" article talking about feasibility and method etc
- authorised: once items are resolved and approved for go ahead, they're separated out of the proposal doc into their own article and categorised in an "authorised" category.
- work: Roles can then pick out jobs from auth-cat to start and re-categorise them in their own "role/current work" category, the item may pass around through numerous roles todo cats or be in a few at a time etc until complete.
- as work is done on items, it is recorded in the roles worklog and these entries link back to the job articles
- finish: As items are completed, they're moved out into a "completed" category and may be renamed to include completion info in the title and to allow them to sort by complete-date