2012 - Science Or Superstition?/LEJ/5

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Revision as of 16:23, 22 October 2010 by Infomaniac (talk | contribs) (date-related paraphrase)

Lots has been said about a potential pole shift. It seems clear that the [magnetic] poles are beginning to move at rates that have not been ever measured before. Whether or not this is the beginning of an actual pole shift, or more, how long this will actually take, I don't think anybody can say. But of more immediate concern is 2012. The consequences for us, here, are going to be greater, for the satellite system, for our health in terms of skin cancer and cataracts in the eyes - a host of health-related issues, and perhaps - there is a growing body of evidence that earthquakes, volcanoes and hurricanes are related to solar input. We have to learn and fast. At least we have to get a sense of the magnitude of this connection and what we might be able to do to minimise this effect.