Talk:WWOOFing 2.0

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Revision as of 05:48, 6 April 2006 by Milan (talk | contribs) (from email explanation, work into text)
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Reforming it is really a matter of proper organisation and requires a few tools, I can understand why it hasn't been done so far. The main idea though is that part of the time you put in should be dedicated to organising the WWOOFers themselves. Laundry, shopping, cooking, all that stuff should all be covered by WWOOFing hours so that as a WWOOFer I don't have to worry about any of that. And it needs to be less hours, most people I have talked to think 20hrs is too much and it should be closer to 10hrs, maybe 12.

So if you had 6 WWOOFers, then 2 should be fully dedicated to supporting the whole group as well as the hosts in everyday tasks. Apart from that, the hosting organisation should provide Internet access, a food co-op and a carpool as natural parts of community life. For long-term WWOOFers there needs to be the possibility of making money via setting up a small business. The host should have templates ready for this as well.

That's it in a nutshell, easier said than done of course. I'm sure you've got some more thoughts but we should carry on this conversation on the dedicated wiki page I have set up for it...