WWOOFing 2.0
From Organic Design wiki
- Name
- Willing Workers on Organic Farms Worldwide
- WWOOFing? You mean like a dog? C'mon! There has to be a better name for this arrangement.
- The current model
- 20 hours
- Food
- Rent
- What works
- Bartering
- Sustainable tourism
- Network of alternative places
- Problems
- Unclear arrangements
- Disorganisation
- No standards
- Too much work
- Fair exchange? Not really
- Friends and partners?
- The WWOOF slave
- Requirements
- A new land deal
- Freedom
- Community
- A life in balance
- A new framework
- The "flat unit", next biggest building block of community up from individual
- Important cell (as in "biology") or building block of any organisation
- Devoting man-hours to organising the WWOOFers.
- Ratios, e.g. one out of three or three out of eight to support the group
- WWOOFers like self-organising group within existing org.
- The host organisations and WWOOFer groups relate to each other like peers, not like *employer/employee relationship
- Organisational templates and interfaces as part of a new framework
- Use-case scenario for Peer-based Organisation!
- Name for these groups or individuals?
- Name for the "WWOOFing 2.0" framework?