
From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 15:27, 6 July 2015 by Nad (talk | contribs)
Legacy.svg Legacy: This article describes a concept that has been superseded in the course of ongoing development on the Organic Design wiki. Please do not develop this any further or base work on this concept, this is only useful for a historic record of work done. You may find a link to the currently used concept or function in this article, if not you can contact the author to find out what has taken the place of this legacy item.
// [[[[http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/peerd|peerd]]]] - nodal p2p wiki daemon
// This article and all its includes are licenced under LGPL
// GPL: [[[[http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html]]]]
// SRC: [[[[http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/util.c]]]]
// included in [[[[http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/category:peerd/files/C|peerd]]]][[[[http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/peerd.c|/peerd.c]]]]

void logAdd(char*, ... );
char **split(char,char*);
char *itob(int,char*);
int insertPointer(void*);
void *removePointer(int);
void **pointer(int);
void args(int,char**);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// util.c

// Output a log entry
// - Output format is "Ddd Mmm dd HH:mm:ss : [grandpa.parent.this] : message"
// - Message can contain format like printf but only %s and %d
// - todo: Should use [[[[io.c]]]] to send multiplexly
char *laMsg = NULL;
void logAdd(char *format, ... ) {
	if (laMsg == NULL) laMsg = malloc(1000);
	char *msg = laMsg;
	va_list args;
	time_t now = time(NULL);
	char *nowtext = ctime(&now);
	if (nowtext) while (*msg++ = *nowtext++);
	sprintf(msg-2," : [%d.%d.%d]       ",grandpa,parent,this);
	msg += 17;
	*(msg-2) = ':';
	*(msg-1) = ' ';
	while (*format) {
		if (strncmp(format,"%d",2)==0) {
			msg += sprintf(msg,"%d",va_arg(args,int));
			format += 2;
		else if (strncmp(format,"%s",2)==0) {
			char *arg = va_arg(args,char*);
			while (*arg) *msg++ = *arg++;
			format += 2;
		else *msg++ = *format++;
	*msg++ = '\n';
	*msg++ = '\0';

// Return an array of strings resulting from splitting passed text at passed character
// - the array is terminated by a NULL pointer
char **split(char c,char *text) {
	int len = strlen(text), items = 0, size = 10;
	char **list = malloc(size);
	char *i = malloc(len+1), *j = i, *k = i, *item = i;
	while(*j++ = *text++);
	while(i <= k+len) {
		if (*i == c) *i = '\0';
		if ((*i++ == '\0')&&strlen(item)) {
			if (items>size-2) realloc(list,size+=10);
			list[items++] = item;
			list[items] = NULL;
			item = i;
	return list;

// Replaces missing itoa() and is specialised for binary return a string of \1 and \2 characters
char *itob(int value, char *buf) {
	int i;
	char *j = buf;
	for (i=1; i<=value>>1; i<<=1) *j++ = value&i ? '\1' : '\2';
	*j = '\0';
	return buf;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Global Pointer List
// - use insertPointer() and removePointer() to access the dynamically allocating pointer-array
// - internally uses freePush() and freePop() to maintain a linked-list of free array slots
int psize = 100, pitem = 1;
void **plist = NULL;
typedef struct fi {
	int index;
	struct fi *next;
	} fitem;
fitem *flist = NULL;

// add a new pointer to the list, try using slots from the free-list before extending array
int insertPointer(void *ptr) {
	int index;
	if (plist == NULL) plist = malloc(psize*sizeof(void*));
	if (flist) {
		fitem *kill = flist;
		flist = (fitem*)kill->next;
		index = kill->index;
	else if ((index = ++pitem) > psize) realloc(plist,psize += 100);
	plist[index] = ptr;
	return index;

// push the index onto the free-list, returning the pointer at that index
void *removePointer(int index) {
	fitem *newfree = (fitem*)malloc(sizeof(fitem));
	newfree->next = flist ? flist : NULL;
	flist = newfree;
	return plist[newfree->index = index];

void **pointer(int index) {
	return plist+index;

// Process command-line args
void args(int argc, char **argv) {

	// Scan args for known parameters
	if (argc>1) {
		int l = strlen(argv[1]);
		peer = strncpy(malloc(l+1),argv[1],l);
		peer[l] = '\0';
		while(argc-->2) {
			char **arg = split('=',argv[argc]);
			if (strcmp("port",*arg)==0) port = atoi(strncpy(malloc(l=strlen(arg[1])+1),arg[1],l));
			if (strcmp("file",*arg)==0) file = strncpy(malloc(l=strlen(arg[1])+1),arg[1],l);

	#if __unix__
		// Set name as seen in ps list if ux
		int l;
		char *tmp = *argv;
		for (l=40;l--;) *tmp++ = '\0';
		sprintf(*argv,"peerd: %s (http%d)",peer,port);