Talk:Configure VNC
From Organic Design wiki
There seems to be a bug when connecting to Ubuntu; connection is established, but window does not open.
`xvncviewer -listen` OR `xtightvncviewer -listen`
xvncviewer -listen: Listening on port 5500
xvncviewer -listen: Command line errors are not reported until a connection comes in.
Connected to RFB server, using protocol version 3.8
Also seems a bit sucky that you need to make use of the win version to generate the rc4 key
- Yes, we are aware of the issue, this is why we currently use Windows XP running in virtualbox to do remote support. Do you know a VNC clinet that runs on Ubuntu and can accept remote support connections from Ubuntu, Windows XP and Windows Vista? That would be handy!--Milan 00:57, 5 August 2009 (UTC)
Discussions on the intertubes seem to indicate that this app may be able to facilitate that, but I've been unable to get it to function correctly. May have to resort to hosting a VNC repeater/relay in an XP VM (along with our shared copy of TeamViewer), and then use my VNC client on Ubuntu to connect to it.
I'd REALLY like to get this going, as simple desktop-support is an issue
- I tried tight and couldn't get it going either, people have succeeded though so I'm sure it can be worked out and proceduralised eventually --nad 05:11, 5 August 2009 (UTC)