Talk:Weekly meeting

From Organic Design wiki
  • Weekly meetings form the core of OD's informational outreach to interested others through expanding minutes into further communication channels
We have weekly meetings to
  1. Observe current threads of work
  2. Discuss issues arising
  3. Discuss future development

Items on the agenda tend to be current projects and issues arising from the work we do. Recorded decisions and action items from the meeting therefore revolve around such projects. Members are encouraged to read up on the topics to be discussed at the meeting as this allows us to be more effective. We like to keep the meetings to an hour. The formal part of the meeting as recorded in the minutes then gives way to the informal social gathering afterwards.

Some initial ideas: Checking in on current threads/progress, manifesting OD vision, strategic planning and shared vision Everyone was asked to contribute their idea of what they would like to get from the OD friday meetings:

  • concrete actions to report back on
  • clear picture of whats going on and sense of things moving forward and productivity
  • clear shared vision and sense of unity
  • remember our motives and core vision, generate energy to motivate us for next week, sense of community
  • progress towards vision, consistency and reliability on action, grounding
  • keep in touch with philosophical movement and finding ways to contribute