Triple-helix DNA
Here is something that will shock and amaze you - especially if you are very knowledgeable about genetics. I have noticed that the world is changing. In some ways I think it will change very fast - too fast for most people to adapt. In some ways a new world is being born - slowly. The reality on this planet will change in ways you cannot imagine. Maybe you heard that now are children being born who are different from the way human beings have always been: Super intelligent, with psychic powers, very wise at a young age. Some have big eyes and don't talk much. It is hard for them to integrate into our insane society. Some call them Indigo children, or Crystal children. I have even heard of Rainbow children. I have believed this is true for a long time. I have met some of these people. I probably am one of them. For a few years I have heard rumors that the human DNA is changing. I even read about evidence of beings from another planet who have 3-stranded DNA. Lately I am hearing about children born with 3 DNA strands instead of 2. I objected to this idea and denounced it as a myth (I wrote an essay about it) because I did not imagine how it is possible for base pairs to become base triplets so that a double-helix can become a triple-helix. Then I found this: