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Got some meeja & KB 4ya, shall I post it to you, or wait till we hook up next?
You were right, our exchange is the first to get unbundled ;-) --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 19:50, 10 August 2007 (NZST)
: Ah so that the reason for the outage. --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 09:16, 14 August 2007 (NZST)
I noticed a whole bunch of dummy edits in the changes - are these so that properties-based cats update properly? if so, you only need to do edit then save with no change rather than a dummy-edit. [[User:Nad|Nad]] 17:22, 21 Feb 2006 (NZDT)
See [[Sizes of things]] for notes regarding stuff at different scales and an animation too... --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 19:14, 30 July 2007 (NZST)
:Yes they were, I won't add any extra content in future... --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 20:56, 21 Feb 2006 (NZDT)
: Cool, still sick but on the mend now, see you tomorrow. --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 15:09, 2 August 2007 (NZST)
::Be prepared for a bashing though, cos Dad caught your sickness, and he's real pissed about it! --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 15:20, 2 August 2007 (NZST)
::: Your joking. I definately had a lung infection, been festering for a while... --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 15:23, 2 August 2007 (NZST)
An easy way to get files onto any server you can SSH into without setting up FTP is to use SFTP from the [http://www.putty.nl/download.html PuTTY tools collection]. [[User:Nad|Nad]] 09:37, 19 Feb 2006 (NZDT)
There's no point trying to fix QuickCat yet - a bug has cropped up in SimpleForms which is stopping the Ajax from working properly - see the Ajax links - example number 3 doesn't work. Will fix soon. --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 20:14, 13 July 2007 (NZST)
Why did you mangle the opening php-tag - those files are all auto-mapped to the real geshi dir now, if you break them then it will crash when you go to pages with that lang... [[User:Nad|Nad]]
I deleted [[All news]] it was causing an infinite loop in the main page. I take it was so that you could see old news items if you needed to? I've added next/prev links to homepage news instead --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 12:16, 7 July 2007 (NZST)
: That was a copy-paste mistake from vi, hence missing "<" from "<? php >". Looks like weve both been independently updating the same article. I put [[R.php]] onto the wiki so we could sync it aswell. I didnt notice in your update of R.php that you had removed the "^M" return tags already caused by "\r\n"'s instead of "\n" newlines, hence my update. --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 12:13, 12 Feb 2006 (NZDT)
:How was it causing an infinite loop, was the main page trying to also reference it or something? --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 13:38, 7 July 2007 (NZST)
::[[All news]] was in the list of items rendered by [[Main Page]] and visa versa - it could be fixed by excluding those articles from the results with [[DPL:Manual - DPL parameters: Criteria for page selection|nottitlematch]] or similar, but I thought next/prev links would be cool anyway - also next/prev is a cool generic thing which could be used elsewhere. --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 14:26, 7 July 2007 (NZST)
Hi! The setup instructions for Geshi seem pretty complete, I can't recall having any other problems. I see you've specified the latest mediawiki version as a prerequisite. That's not strictly necessary as i've got it to work on earlier versions of the 1.5 mediawiki. Of course 1.5.6 is recommended because of that little arbitary code execution thingy in 1.5.3. ;) Man I sure am sick of dealing with versioning with these open source apps. The sooner we get an auto upgrading peer doing this stuff the better! I don't know about your organisation, but at the uni it's next to impossible to keep track of the versions.
sven- saw your link to findmyforte, and thought you might find this useful: http://www.assessment.com/  i paid for their career assessment, and it was pretty much right-on.
--[[User:Rob|Rob]] 14:07, 11 Feb 2006 (NZDT)
:Good point, i didnt really mean ''prerequisites'', as I have seen different versions of GeSHi going on previous versions of MediaWiki. For versioning, it would be good for the peer to compile a page of installed versions in its logs. --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 16:24, 11 Feb 2006 (NZDT)
also, if you check out http://www.wikiexpert.com/Category:Domain_names, you will see the wiki stuff i have done under the auspice of "wikiexpert"  i just landed another wikia install (which im going to ask aran to do!). let me know if you want to see some numbers for hosting, installation, etc. that I am charging. cheers! --[[User:Phalseid|Phalseid]] 03:26, 26 June 2007 (NZST)
: Sounds interesting, got a fair bit out of findmyforte, I am certainly interested in what others have to say. Any details on cost etc would be good to stick somewhere in [[Sven/Biz]]. --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 08:29, 26 June 2007 (NZST)
I can't figure out why your new dna.php isn't working, I swapped it for another working one to see if it was the script itself, but still didn't work - there might be something I've gorgotten about adding those rules... anyway I'll have nother look later [[User:Nad|Nad]] 10:25, 7 Feb 2006 (NZDT)
Got some wikid shit happening with the peers now! their job schedules are now in the wiki (eg. [[Gir/jobs]] is [[User:Gir]]'s schedule). This means we can have many peers in the field now and manage them all from the wiki. [[User:Nad|Nad]] 23:04, 5 Feb 2006 (NZDT)
: I wondered why the daemon was called [[User:Gir]]. time for a [[User:SvenBot]]... [[User:Sven|Sven]] 23:09, 5 Feb 2006 (NZDT)
Note that in XmlWiki the local [[LocalSettings.php]] can be used directly instead of using the file :-)
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 10:45, 1 Feb 2006 (NZDT)
Yeah I should be able to whip up a transform over the search page that does that red-link thing - I'm quite busy though cos Milan's over for some notion, and I'm just starting on the new recent-changes which incirporates our time-management and account budgeting - full on shit man! once we've got that in place you can run a whole org from the wiki no worries :-)
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 10:19, 30 Jan 2006 (NZDT)
Yeah accumulating some good templates and styles that work for a standard xmlwiki is a good idea. [[User:Nad|Nad]] 13:22, 27 Jan 2006 (NZDT)
I haven't really got any docs on the workings of xmlwiki, and just got to know mediawiki myself when trying to get xmlwiki parts to work in it. Here's some relevent articles from the dev docs list on the main page:
*[http://wikipedia.sourceforge.net/docs/html/ Generated Documentation]
*[http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki_Hooks_and_their_Parameters Hooks & Parameters]
*[http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Semantic_MediaWiki Semantic MediaWiki] &nbsp; [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Semantic_MediaWiki/Implementation (Specifics)]
*[http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki_architecture MediaWiki Architecture]
The main doc about xmlwiki is [[XmlWiki]] which covers some of the details. The main core of xmlwiki is the [[xmlwiki.php]] script which is hooked directly into index.php. Also many of the xmlwiki examples in [[XmlWiki Features]] show a lot about how it works, especially:
*[[:Category:XmlWiki Components]]
*[[The Properties Object]]
*[[Using the XmlWiki Document Component]]
*[[The XmlWiki Category Component]]
*[[The XmlWiki RecentChanges Component]]
*[[Forms & XPath Queries]]
*[[Test-List-Cat|List-Cat Example]]
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 10:24, 27 Jan 2006 (NZDT)
The [http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/wiki/index.php?title=User+talk%3ASven&xpath:/properties:data=email-article.php email-article] link works quite solidly now. If you slelect to send it as text it sends the article source, otherwise renders it as on the site minus nav-bars etc. [[User:Nad|Nad]] 18:49, 26 Jan 2006 (NZDT)
Don't know if you've noticed, but I put am auo-refresh on the recent-changes so if you do like me and Milan and keep a browser tab open on the changes, it now stays up to date by itself :-)
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 13:21, 26 Jan 2006 (NZDT)
:Yes, I do that, I only use new pages for other wiki's so I dont confuse myself if they look similar [[User:Sven|Sven]] 14:25, 26 Jan 2006 (NZDT)
To revert just go to the last diff in the recent-changes and you'll see an option to "rollback" which is actually revert. Also as an admin you can now delete pages too. [[User:Nad|Nad]] 10:34, 22 Jan 2006 (NZDT)
Next time you come over try and remember to bring some blank DVD's, or get an external drive, cos I've got some excellent doco's you should check out! [[User:Nad|Nad]] 09:22, 22 Jan 2006 (NZDT)
:ok, might be soon [[User:Sven|Sven]] 09:34, 22 Jan 2006 (NZDT)
Our DSL has been cut to 64K after only 10 days cos I already used my 1GB :-(
How sluggish is the wiki to use at the moment?
:It is faster than wikipedia at the moment :p
:I think it is acceptable as long as the traffic is low[[User:Sven|Sven]] 18:05, 21 Jan 2006 (NZDT)
ActivePERL is available for OS-X now: [http://www.activeperl.com/Products/ActivePerl/?mp=1 here]
: What would be the advantage over perl (version 5.8.6) which is built in? [[User:Sven|Sven]] 16:11, 20 Jan 2006 (NZDT)
:: OSX's PERL doesn't have many modules included, not even libwww. Also activeperl has the perl-package-manager which is kind of like apt-get for PERL/CPAN, it would be interesting to see if they've incorporated it for OSX because it works really well. Just go <tt>ppm install package</tt>
:::I will buy that... now downloaded, not installed -yet [[User:Sven|Sven]] 20:36, 20 Jan 2006 (NZDT)
How did you change the DNS? if you edited a zone file, did you increase the serial number before doing named.reload? Otherwise, you could change the URL to IP in LocalSettings.php so that all the absolute wiki-links all render with the IP until the problem's fixed...?
[[User:Nad|Nad]] 14:10, 20 Jan 2006 (NZDT)
: The DNS was not changed, only my IP address, so there is no lookup. I dont think theyve got round to updating the zone file (or whatever). I couldnt see anything in the Localsettings.php which does what you were talking about, will look furthur...[[User:Sven|Sven]] 15:11, 20 Jan 2006 (NZDT)
:: ok, found $wgServer = '' in http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/LocalSettings.php. That will do the trick.[[User:Sven|Sven]] 15:16, 20 Jan 2006 (NZDT)
::: I think $wgServer is prior to 1.4x, probably $wgScriptPath is the one. [[User:Nad|Nad]] 15:21, 20 Jan 2006 (NZDT)
:::: k [[User:Sven|Sven]] 15:24, 20 Jan 2006 (NZDT)
That WMF problem's no worries for us - only a nut-case would use a windows machine as a server anyway!
You can't ever go to any IP on 192.168 because that is an internal IP address. That's happened because you've tried to click on a link to the other wiki from the changes, but they have to show their internal addresses because they're on the same LAN. PW/OD won't work properly until OD is back on another connection.
For some reason the wikilist had a space before the PW entry disabling it, so that's fixed now.
I have no idea why [[Template:R]] isn't categorising, bloody weird!? --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 10:30, 12 June 2007 (NZST)
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 11:51, 2 Jan 2006 (NZDT)
:Yeah it beats me, Ive tested <nowiki>{</nowiki>{php}} is working, must be something in extension code
--[[User:Sven|Sven]] 10:34, 12 June 2007 (NZST)
::Comparing with C is best since it's also a one-letter one which works - it's weird, if you put "uses=template:c" into search it works, but "uses=template:r" gives no results even though it's being used...? --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 10:56, 12 June 2007 (NZST)
::: Is case an issue? --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 11:03, 12 June 2007 (NZST)
::: No >< --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 11:04, 12 June 2007 (NZST)
That's right, its called a dummy edit and if there's no diff then it won't store a change entry for it, but it still updates the links and cats etc (that's why you have to make some kind of change even if you only want to add a comment to the changes)
You were asking about the MW DB layout - here's a big [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/41/Mediawiki-database-schema.png diagram of the tables]. All the conceptual info regarding history and links etc is in the bottom right yellow section. --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 20:32, 2 June 2007 (NZST)
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 10:34, 22 Dec 2005 (NZDT)
Yes, I edited and saved it...
The BFO (Basic Formal Ontology) has an [http://www.ifomis.uni-saarland.de/bfo/manual/manual.pdf excellent manual] which is worth reading (at least the first few chapters anyway, it's about 130pages in total), it's an excellent overview of the current state of semantic technology etc. It comes from your neck of the woods too - bioinfomatics - you heading over tomorrow? --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 18:25, 31 May 2007 (NZST)
ok, didnt see it in the log, maybe it doesnt record the log if it doesnt actually change byte size?
: Yeah round @ 10am --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 19:10, 31 May 2007 (NZST)
:[[User:Sven|Sven]] 08:58, 22 Dec 2005 (NZDT)
Now I see what you're meaning - I was just looking at the list at the bottom of the article which says what cats it's in, not going in to the category itself. There is a bug that happens when you categorise using the properties - you have to do a dummy save on the article itself because the category content doesn't always update. Just do edit then save without any changes. Remember XmlWiki is just an experimental hack!
Yeah seen that style already, just didn't use it
I don't know why the R syntax isn't highlighting, I've added that old article etc, but the resulting pre tag should render as &lt;pre class="r"> but its just a naked pre, not sure what I've missed out... maybe there's something funny with that old file? --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 19:48, 29 May 2007 (NZST)
:[[User:Sven|Sven]] 11:31, 21 Dec 2005 (NZDT)
: I see what you [[FirstPrinciples.R|mean]], Which old article did you add? --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 19:59, 29 May 2007 (NZST)
::You said [http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/wiki/index.php?title=Template_talk:R&curid=9304&diff=70871&oldid=70852 looks like the geshi/R.php had been overwritten] and I said [http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/wiki/index.php?title=Template_talk:R&curid=9304&diff=70874&oldid=70871 Over-written shmover-written], i.e. [[GeSHi/R.php]] --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 21:02, 29 May 2007 (NZST)
Also, if you want to do a link to a cat you don't have to use the full url, you just put a leading colon like this:<br>
hey sven, peder here. feel free to use [http://wikiexpert.com wikiexpert] as your consulting platform/ one of you marketing tools...id like to work together on this. --[[User:Phalseid|Phalseid]] 06:19, 27 May 2007 (NZST)
[[:Category:Nutrigenomics]] (<tt><nowiki>[[:Category:Nutrigenomics]]</nowiki></tt>)
: ok thanks, I still have to do alot of work to piece together a suitable business model. --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 07:34, 27 May 2007 (NZST)
I still don't quite get the categorisaton problem you're on about - there is no nutrigenomics article, only a category which has been made a subcat of R (which incidentally is what I was saying is conceptually not quite right, as it then means technically that all articles in the nutrigenomics cat should really be R scripts, but you might want a non-R doc to be in the nutrigenomics cat)
This is how you would parse wikitext completely indpendently of the state of the main parser or page etc
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 10:59, 21 Dec 2005 (NZDT)
<php>$p = new Parser;
$o = new ParserOptions;
$t = new Title;
$html = $p->parse('[[foo]]',$t,$o,true,true)->getText();
Usually there'll already be a parser available, like one supplied as a paremeter in a hook function, or by using the page globals, eg:
# Notice the last parameter is false now that means do not reset the parsers internal state
$html = $wgParser->parse('[[foo]]',$wgParser->mTitle,$wgParser->mOptions,true,false)->getText();
Another useful one to know is how to just expand the templates in a wikitext expression:
$expandedWikiText = $wgParser->replaceVariables('{{dbo}}foo|bar|baz}}');
I see you've been having some trouble with categorisation and language - I'm not sure what the trouble is, but remember these things:
Have you checked out [[w:MediaWiki]], it's got a good overview of the versions and their functionality etc --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 12:15, 16 May 2007 (NZST)
*An article is automatically categorised into a language (eg. R, PHP etc) if it has a known extension on the end of its name or some recognised content such as shebang.
:Cool, I will check it out. Been laid low with a stomach upset all week :( --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 13:35, 16 May 2007 (NZST)
*You only manually set the language in the properties if you wish to change the language it has defaulted to.
*You must always remove elements you're not using in properties <font color="green"> Ahh didnt know that </font> ~[[User:Sven|Sven]]
*An article's categorisation and rendering are affected by its language, but its language is not affected by its categorisation.
Check out mediawiki's info on the [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Old_table 'old' table] where the article histories are stored.
[[Template:Extension]] allows you to make a generic OO tag and parser-function extension class using transclusion as in the [[Extension:Example]]. The new GeSHi transclusion method's not working properly and generating &amp;lt;'s and &amp;gt;'s, but it still serves as an example until that's fixed. --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 21:31, 5 May 2007 (NZST)
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 16:01, 20 Dec 2005 (NZDT)
The template is used as follows:
:[[User:Sven|Sven]] 16:02, 20 Dec 2005 (NZDT)
|name    = Example
|author  = [[User:Foo]]
|url    = http://www.foo.bar
|version = 0.0.0/2007-05-05
|type    = parserhook
|magic  = foo
|tag    = bar
:You mean like this [[Sven/Sandbox]], I also added the tags in the article --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 21:40, 5 May 2007 (NZST)
::Fixed with another geshi hack - see [[GeSHi]] for details --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 21:58, 5 May 2007 (NZST)
:::Have a look at the [[sandbox]] source, that foo and bar are done by the extension which was built from [[Extension:Example]]. So you can fill in the [[Template:Extension]] the same way and it yields a working extension with a parser function and tag-hook that you can then adjust --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 22:25, 5 May 2007 (NZST)
I've made nutriwhatever a subcat of R, but that may not be conceptually what you want to do, because it implies then that all things in nutriwhatever cat are R-scripts. Normally you'd have a bunch of articles of all kinds that are in the nutriwhatever cat, but also in other cats depending on their lang etc.
The main [[calendar]] is already an example using the ''query'' arg, see news on [[Main Page]] - you need to ctrl+shift+refresh to reload CSS for red-links in calendar to work again because they're done from their own css rules now. --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 14:34, 2 May 2007 (NZST)
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 12:46, 20 Dec 2005 (NZDT)
No you can't embed an old version - you'll need to wait for the peer for that kind of tricky business! [[User:Nad|Nad]] 13:56, 12 Dec 2005 (NZDT)
You should resize them to a practical size (or the size you'll use them at) before uploading, that's half a meg of images just for icons --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 09:34, 1 May 2007 (NZST)
: Good point, I need to find some smaller ones --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 09:35, 1 May 2007 (NZST)
The peer can execute shell scripts to schedule or in response to other events, but PERL is much more efficient, and also any PERL snipits run on windoze-peers too. Also, Robs removing a lot of the shell from our dedicated peer-os and replacing them with PERL. [[User:Nad|Nad]] 15:32, 8 Dec 2005 (NZDT)
Yo, here's an example of ''action=text'' that I was talking about to allow dynamic queries by supplying wikitext directly in URL,
I've had to use %7b on the first brace so the parser leaves it alone, notice that there's no title specified, only the actual text we want parsed. It only works for ''action=render'' currently, but later will be able to be used with all actions. --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 20:02, 27 April 2007 (NZST)
:Nice --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 20:05, 27 April 2007 (NZST)
You could have a look at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Configuration_settings for proxy info, but never dealt with it personally...
I changed the [[MW:Extension:CategoryHook]] to add a hook called ''CategoryHook'' which you can add you rules to instead of adding them directly to the code which was messy. It makes a good simple example of how to add a new hook, rather than just adding new functions to existing hooks. --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 16:29, 27 April 2007 (NZST)
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 13:30, 8 Dec 2005 (NZDT)
:k, will have a look, the author dpl stuff is not working as expected, the template is getting parsed aswell see [[template:author]] --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 16:30, 27 April 2007 (NZST)
You should just use PERL for all that stuff - it's been designed specifically as a shell replacement - and anything that's easier in shell you can just do with backticks anyway. Also you can then use libwww instead of wget which allows cookies, redirects, forms or logins etc. [[wiki.pl]] does forms and logins over http.
You have to get the case right with security directives, groups are always all lowercase, and user must have the first letter uppercase. --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 14:39, 26 April 2007 (NZST)
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 22:54, 7 Dec 2005 (NZDT)
That mediawiki install script is excellent - that means we can get peers to install mediawiki/xmlwiki. We're trying to get similar functionality working for PERL CPAN modules, so the PERL scripts can install libraries automatically when a ''use package'' fails.
Remember that the "message" css class applies to all templates using the message template such as warning, stub, legacy etc, not just to the site message. --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 20:29, 23 April 2007 (NZST)
: Yes, the [[:template:message]] you created was similar to what I wanted to do, having a transcluded format used with templates. --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 20:32, 23 April 2007 (NZST)
*Yo - is Joshua a friend of yours? - I though that was my friend Josh who had said he might have a look at the wiki soon.
The fella I was gonna see has cancelled, so whatever time you wanna head over's fine, just lemme know... --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 09:27, 23 Mar 2007 (NZST)
*You can't link between the PW and OD sites from the recent-changes while they're on the same LAN.
*Also it turns out that "wikid" is a much better name than ''peerd'' because it sums up quite well the idea of the standalone wiki server running persistently in memory - wikid shyit!
Did you know there's an IETF RFC for foo? [http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3092.txt?number=3092 RFC3092] --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 22:43, 27 Jan 2007 (NZST)
:omg --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 20:22, 29 Jan 2007 (NZST)
This is a message for Sven
You might be interested in [[:Category:MediaWiki]] which has all our stuff re hacking normal MediaWiki's (mainly from LocalSettings). Especially check out [[parsing wikitext]] and [[MediaWiki variables]]. --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 21:17, 19 Jan 2007 (NZST)
:[[User:Joshua|Joshua]] 11:10, 7 Dec 2005 (NZDT)
Godammit the site is supposed to be down!
Hey Sven, I remember our discussion about the science annotation and paper cross referencing. I'm at the MacWorld in SF and I looked at an interesting software product that does some of the same things.
--[[User:Rob|Rob]] 21:47, 9 Jan 2007 (NZST)
:Thanks will check it out --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 21:04, 15 Jan 2007 (NZST)
Making new article [[pi0Estimation]]
Is your sister still interested in extra design work? azzuro want their external site reskinned - just need HTML/CSS templates for some standard layouts, probably $1000-$2000 arena --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 11:02, 6 Dec 2006 (NZDT)
:[[User:|]] 09:21, 23 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
: I am sure she would be interested, I will let [[Sven/Samantha Davy|her]] know --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 13:52, 7 Dec 2006 (NZDT)
Once that mount was nuked, the old home struct was still intact.
Hi there, I have recently met a guy that runs a bioinformatics company - Biomatters. They make a software that you may be interested in called "Geneious" http://www.geneious.com/. I recall you were developing ideas around setting up bioinformatics software for corporate clients and these guys are looking for ways to market their software. It sounds like an excellent product and it seems like they are looking for further contacts in the bioinformatics industry. Maybe you have some ideas for them regarding applications or distribution channels for their software? There might be some consultancy work in there or whatever. Anyway, I can put you in touch with their CEO if you're interested.--[[User:Milan|Milan]] 15:16, 25 Oct 2006 (NZDT)  
:I have already checked out the software and spoken to Alexi. --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 10:06, 26 Oct 2006 (NZDT)
Cool, I suggest a media blackout for correspondance with Kieran - lol. Were you able to copy over the accounts or do you have to remake them?
::Sweet! Are you guys going to be working together? I bump into Daniel Batten a fair bit, but I haven't met Alexi yet.--[[User:Milan|Milan]] 12:07, 26 Oct 2006 (NZDT)
:[[User:Sven|Sven]] 17:01, 21 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
::: I havent approached alexi to be involved, my area is in microarrays which I think is slightly different from what their software is about, although its all part of bioinformatics --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 14:10, 26 Oct 2006 (NZDT)
Awww shit!!!! I've made another fuckup - can you log back in to that box and have a quick look, but log in as me with same passwd so Kieran doesn't stress. I had mounted .mnt/data1/home to /home, but then bloody deleted it before removing the mount! It's cos I was stressed by the whole situation and then suddenly thought I better do that stuff incase he removed the drive and fucked the home dir - now it's fucked anyway!
;Sorted it, once removed manually from /etc/fstab, I could umount it revealing original /home structure :-)
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 15:51, 21 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
SWISS-2DPAGE contains data on proteins identified on various 2-D PAGE and SDS-PAGE reference maps. You can locate these proteins on the 2-D PAGE maps or display the region of a 2-D PAGE map where one might expect to find a protein from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
Xmlwiki has some problems with articles starting with user: and also articles with brackets in them! I haven't got round to fixing those things as been busy with peer. Can you access the article now? - No!
Also check out [[History]] it's something you'd probably find useful on your own wiki (but you'd have to put xmlwiki on to do it). Anyway it's an article that renders a few buttons each does an SQL query to the database. The code is [[history.php]] which is linked in the articles properties. It's useful for doing quick stuff like adding an interwiki, or removing a user etc. (Also adding xmlwiki is no worries, you can turn it on or off with a single click from /wiki/xmlwiki/index.php)
**[http://au.expasy.org/ch2d/make2ddb/ Download]
I think there's a tool in wiki/maintenance called rebuildInterwiki.php which is supposed to run from commandline php. Also another called rebuildInterwiki.inc which can probably be run over www, but to run in an exacutable place.
**[http://au.expasy.org/swiss-2dpage/viewer&map=STAPHYLOCOCCUS&ac=all Overlay example]
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 14:05, 21 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
== List & Node spaces ==
I just logged in on the usual passwd fine - but anyway, I've got another server sorted I think, we just need to wait for the 30G then it'll be ready - we'll just keep it in thames with the Pollen Wiki.
I found those code snippets and added them to the discussion of nodal concepts, [[Category talk:Nodal Concepts]] --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 14:59, 5 October 2007 (NZST)
: Great thanks. --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 16:02, 5 October 2007 (NZST)
I though you said Kieran had changed the root passwd - I told him he shouldn't have chopped you etc, but I should have checked first, cos the root passwd is still the same!
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 13:36, 21 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
== MediaWiki script history ==
Check out [{{fullurl:Ajax.js|action=history}} ajax.js history], it shows the changes to the script throughout the major mediawiki versions (the missing ones are just when no change happened) --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 18:10, 5 October 2007 (NZST)
Yo Sven, givus some feedback on [[Talk:PeerTex]] will ya?
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 10:45, 20 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
== Portals help ==
Yo, the main table of contents kind of thing for development of the various strands is at [http://mollusc.netassoc.co.nz/wiki/index.php/Home/dev home/dev] which is in the [[Navigation|Site Navigation]] link in the left pane. I've added [[PeerTex]] as a strand of the project there so we can begin organised collaboration on it.
You may be able to give ol' [[MW:User:Duesentrieb|Duesentrieb]] some help, he's wants a page explaining how to make nice portals at [[MW:Project:Support desk#How to make portals]] --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 09:44, 29 October 2007 (NZDT)
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 17:45, 18 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
== Selenium tests ==
You go for it dude - the 30G is in so it should stay up and running from now on - I'll be on and off it a fair bit too to get php, apache, named etc going... the 30G is meant as a data drive, do you guys have any convention of mounting /var and /home to another volume or anything?
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 19:06, 17 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
I've made a general plan for adding Selenium into the MediaWiki environment, see [[Extension talk:Selenium.php]]
I put the root passwd to new OD on your user page since its readable only by you - but delete it off once you've put it somewhere good... you can get it at mollusc.netassoc.co.nz for now. You should login as root, then add yourself as a user and login with that from then on and su to root. Wait until I've got the base install sussed before doing any install stuff though...
== Accounts ==
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 14:38, 17 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
I also added some info to [[Accounts]] which we need to address asap - I think a good way to get this happening would be to set up a bank account for the biz and get all the current OD income and expenses moving through it. --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 16:22, 3 December 2007 (NZDT)
The Pollen Wiki is the server in Thames where Milan's working, it's really for their businesses there, but if you want to experiment with the new math/chem rendering before we have the new OD server going you'll need to do it on PW, so setting up a PW:Sven was good for that. If you want to get that going on the one you're setting up, you should check my [[Punk.Li_Ubuntu_post-install]] which has all the shit I had to do to get it going,
: Ok will have a look --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 16:30, 3 December 2007 (NZDT)
== You've got mail ==
I sent a cupla emails... --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 11:17, 4 December 2007 (NZDT)
== Selenium tests ==
Once you've got the general idea of Selenium installation and usage and refined the [[Selenium]] article to reflect that, then the next stage is to move on to the [[Extension talk:Selenium.php]] article which is about how we'd go about using Selenium in our wiki environment. I've added quite a few notes and ideas and also added the new [[Template:Collab]] to it which is an attempt to get some of these collaborative efforts moving forward. --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 14:14, 5 December 2007 (NZDT)
::I have got the idea now, just going through your examples now where you made accounts based on a GUID first logging out. I will add some content tonight. The issues I see are;
*Do we need to lock test scripts down so that passwords cannot be grabbed from articles?
:Some test articles may need to be locked down (eg ones which test sysop security), but I don't think there should be any issue with doing that.
*Using a Namespace, either Test:[Extension].php, or Selenium:Extension.php
:As described in [[Extension talk:Selenium.php]], "spec" may be more appropriate since they should contain a english description of each item of functionality along with the script to test that feature.
*Correctly validating an edit.
:What's the issue here? just create a test for that
--[[User:Sven|Sven]] 14:37, 5 December 2007 (NZDT)
still haven't got the electronics-schematics going which I'd quite like - then we could start a collection of useful circuits and chip-pinouts for different families of logic etc.
== NZ dollar jump ==
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 10:54, 17 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
There should be no need to add wikipedia - also, there's a util in the mediawiki installed dir for syncronising with the [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Interwiki_map Central Interwiki Map]. Also, see [[Wikipedia:InterWiki]] for more on the interwiki concept.
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 18:42, 16 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
Added wikipedia to the interwiki mysql table on my machine
:<nowiki>insert into interwiki VALUES('wikipedia','http://www.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?$1',0,0); </nowiki>
:[[User:Sven|Sven]] 17:59, 16 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
Watchoo talking about "windows os's"? the only windows machine is my lappie, everything else is either debian or ubuntu. The math-tex won't work on organicdesign because I need root access to install all the shit it needs. So it only works on the Pollen Wiki which I do have root access to. Also, I'll be moving organicdesign over to the new server in a day or so, so I'll have root-access then....
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 16:35, 16 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
I added the contents of my WikiMedia watchlist to my talk page.
Also, checkout the MediaWiki help on tex math rendering - and other stuff too - electronic schematics, chess, music, graphs etc. But it requires a lot of components to be installed on the server: latex, dvips, ghostscript, and ImageMagick. I can only install those things with root access, so I've set it up on Pollen Wiki to test it and it [http://www.cgeek.dns2go.com/wiki/index.php/User:Nad works :-)], but won't be on organicdesign until we move to the new server (I've added it to my [[Punk.Li_Ubuntu_post-install|install shell script]] so you can install on your linux boxes too).
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 23:03, 15 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
That [[The Project:About|about-the-project]] article is the one at the bottom of every page (except it says about organicdesign). I can't see any problem with the recent changes..?
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 16:37, 15 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
Wikipedia is often pretty fucked - they have to server 2500 database request/second at peak time, and around 800 million page requests per day on average - they don't have the bucks to support it - that's the problem with client-server!
For putting shell examples in the wiki you can make them separate articles and put a shebang at the start, then it will syntax highlight and categorise into [[:Category:BASH]].
Fuck! goddam NZ dollar just jumped up this morning - the very day I finally got my new bank account set up :-( do you know anything about why it went up so much and when it may drop back down around us70c?
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 12:13, 15 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
: I will ask a collegue interested in currency exchange next time I see him, but first glance I would suggest it is related to the reserve banks announcement not to lower the Overseas Cash Rate (OCR). High interest rates entice overseas investors to purchase $NZ in the form of [[G:Uridashi|Uridashi bonds]] etc --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 13:22, 6 December 2007 (NZDT)
k. Found Wikipedia to be running very slow this morning, are they distributing the project? I would imagine they would have to due to the increasing traffic demands.
:[[User:Sven|Sven]] 11:17, 15 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
"You have messages" pop's up for a user when their discussion page is edited - on many sites, the changes move too fast to monitor, so its useful to be able to get peoples attention directly, also in this situation people can use their watchlist as their main entry point instead of recent-changes ("my watchlist" is like recent-changes but only for pages you choose to watch). That's what I do on wikipedia and wikimedia, cos their recent-changes scroll by whole screens each minute!
That linking "bug" you had is just that a link only shows up as bold if its linking to the current page.
== Friday Meeting ==
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 10:23, 15 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
I found monotone when looking at the moinmoin wiki  project, it had some information on CVS (or VCS) developments and its own recommendations on projects to use (http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/NewVCS). [http://www.gnu.org/software/gnu-arch/  Arch] also looks interesting. I got onto [http://plone.org/ Plone] from [http://gentleman.fhcrc.org/ Robert Gentlemans]
website. Hes a bit of a computational statistical guru and like to use open source software rather than re-inventing the wheel.
:[[User:Sven|Sven]] 09:49, 15 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
You heading over tomorrow oi? --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 13:18, 27 December 2007 (NZDT)
: I will get back to you in this, we have some people coming over tomorrow morning, can you do saturday? --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 14:37, 27 December 2007 (NZDT)
Those monotone and plone look like damn cool projects man - I'll have to check them out with a dedicated time-slice some time :-)
::Yip, just whenever you want - might be going down to bro's for new years some time in the next few days though but not sure yet... --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 15:09, 27 December 2007 (NZDT)
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 15:27, 14 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
::: Will definately be over saturday morning --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 08:23, 28 December 2007 (NZDT)
::::Ok seeyou then, will be seeing Rob & JW for breakfast @ Java house today instead :-) --[[User:Nad|Nad]] 08:51, 28 December 2007 (NZDT)
Dealing with hierachical structures of mixed types can be an intense headache if you haven't read ''[http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/docs/ActivePerl/5.8/lib/Pod/perlreftut.html perlreftut]'' - Mark's very short tutorial about references. I was reminded of it today when having trouble trying to make a hash of lists of lists for my half-nodallised sonovapeer.
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 22:54, 8 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
Ok, I've removed all the keywords and made \names blue
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 16:26, 7 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
May not need to add any of the contributed packages for the time being. Colour can be the ame as the standard packages.
Can GesHi just colorize any command that has a '\' in front of it?
:[[User:Sven|Sven]] 16:04, 7 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
Yet another markup example [[freddy]]
:[[User:Sven|Sven]] 14:11, 7 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
Can you get a list of all the latex keywords you want? I can add another set for contributed packages - what colour should they be?
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 14:02, 7 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
On the subject of [http://qbnz.com/highlighter GeSHi] highlighting for R, one article mentions that R/Splus is similar in syntax to Java, so maybe the GesHi highlighting for Java would be more appropriate. One major thing in R is that left assignment of a variable is done using "<-" e.g. a <- 1. This is a the same as a = 1 (but the arrow convension is better)
:[[User:Sven|Sven]] 13:25, 7 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
There's a bug where a moved page's properties don't move with it - never got round to fixing it. I've started a tex-rules file in geshi, but for some reason the symbols aren't colouring, but it's getting there anyway.
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 11:42, 7 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
Yes, I noticed. This page by one of the original authors of [[http://www.R-project.org R]] is interesting It looks to be very wiki like : [http://gentleman.fhcrc.org/ Robert Gentleman].
* Also when I moved the letters.tex page under my home page the syntax highlighting stopped. Any ideas?
:[[User:Sven|Sven]] 11:16, 7 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
When you have a "+" after the double brackets of the link it embeds the content (that's an XmlWiki feature, done by the [[document.php]] transform which you can see is added to all articles since its in [[default-properties.xml]])
*The info on document.php is [[document.php.info|here]]
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 10:38, 7 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
Just used this page a couple of changes ago to make the non existent link to [[User:Sven letter.tex|letter.tex]] so I could make the article.
I wondered why the damn thing appeared in this page once I saved some content - doh!
:[[User:Sven|Sven]] 10:04, 7 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
Its [http://qbnz.com/highlighter GeSHi] (all the things we're using are listed in [[Software the project uses]]). I've already checked for anyone doing tex for geshi but didn't find anything. The XmlWiki script that actually calls the GeSHi class is [[geshi.php]] and is automatically part of all articles properties because its in [[default-properties.xml]].
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 09:52, 7 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
What was the open source utility you were using that does the syntax highlighting? Im searching the web at the moment for
information about highlighting both [http://www.latex-project.org LaTeX] and [http://www.r-project.org R]
:[[User:Sven|Sven]] 09:22, 7 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
lol @ User:Sven/Galleries/Teen/Sick/Necro/Pyro
:[[User:Sven|Sven]] 19:02, 6 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
You can still add stuff in TeX using *.tex (or *.TeX) names for articles, it will still know to treat them as code not wiki, but there will just be no colouring yet. Also we could get some tex->html happeining so that it could render as html with layout, but edit as tex. (ie using tex as an alternative to wiki-markup).
Also, I noticed you experimenting with some article names and preceeding the article name with  user:sven. This is a good way to preserve the global namespace and is used by wikipedians too. The convension that's grown is to use "/" characters like a directory structure for names like [[User:Sven/Galleries/Teen/Sick/Necro/Pyro]] for example.
== Turn your Skype On ==
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 13:32, 6 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
There's no use having skype if its turned off half the time oi :-|
: Damn it, Skype is supposed to startup automagically, the good news is I was out when you wrote that... --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 13:29, 16 February 2008 (NZDT)
Thats too '''bad''', will look into general syntax rules furthur.
:[[User:Sven|Sven]] 12:52, 6 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
No TeX highlighting rules either :-(
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 14:48, 5 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
The best way to see if I'm online is to email :-)
*The new version [[peer2006.pl]] will allow real-time stuff a lot better.
You the man. On the phone at the moment?
:[[User:Sven|Sven]] 11:50, 5 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
== Keep in touch while developing ==
I've added Scheme syntax support and made articles named *.R default to them. I've moved your "New Article" to [[Create Directories.R]], and it seems to be working.
Yo, I made a bunch of notes about implementation on updateTemplates function and emailed you about it. But you didn't read them and then replaced them with your local work which was not the way that functions supposed to work. You did it SimpleForms1 way not SimpleForms2 way, so I've reverted it back to the notes I'd made. Excellent progress happening aside from that slight hiccup though - basically collaboration only works if all developers stay connected to communications channels. --[[User:Nad|nad]] 12:43, 19 June 2008 (NZST)
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 13:11, 4 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
: Damn I will have to have a look... --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 13:20, 19 June 2008 (NZST)
been busy with work stuff. Been using svn a bit too. Have to catch up soon. It was Richards birthday yesterday he must be an old man by now.
:[[User:Sven|Sven]] 18:39, 1 Nov 2005 (NZDT)
Hi - [[User:Zenia]] won't answer cos she uses her own local wiki instead, but I've passed the message of her site being down on to her, and its because she didn't pay for the hosting to carry on. Haven't seen you round for a bit, whachoo been up to?
:[[User:Nad|Nad]] 16:22, 31 Oct 2005 (NZDT)
p.s. to do signiture like above with user-page link and timestamp do four tilde's in a row like this: <nowiki>~~~~</nowiki> (I use a colon <nowiki>:~~~~</nowiki> so it goes indented on next line)
Yo - sorry I've been out of touch, I've been on an intermittent wireless connection here in Thames. I've made you part of the dev group so you have perms to edit code. But also, those main code articles [[peer.pl]] and [[Nodal/Shell/Perl]] have a link at the top of them for viewing as raw executable code.
Aw right - It's because my user-page was read only by me, so you couldn't get to my talk page from via there. I've made it readable again.
it was just a thought, leave it at that for the moment. Just sometimes I find that you dont have permission to view something, and there sems to be no way to tell. I was traversing to your page by putting ''User:Nad'', or ''User Talk:Nad'' in the search box, pretty intuitive.
Yo - I'm in Thames for a few days visiting Milan :-) XmlWiki's todo/bugs page is [[XmlWiki/Todo|here]]... I'm not sure where I would put the RW permissions - do you mean on links to a page, or somewhere on the page itself?
Also - to go to my user page, just click on my name in the recent changes, then click on "Discussion" from there to go to my talk page. Or click on "Users" on the left to get to my page.
== bug in csv2wiki ==
see http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/Talk:Csv2wiki.pl#bug --[[User:Phalseid|Phalseid]] 08:36, 12 July 2008 (NZST)
Also, you can make new pages with any name you like, the :Sven (and any : named pages) are special purpose pages. The format for linking to another page is:
also, what is your skype? mine is phalseid
--[[User:Phalseid|Phalseid]] 08:36, 12 July 2008 (NZST)
if you want the link to show up with a different title than the article it links to do this:
: ok, will have a look in the week when I can, Skype is mdavy86 --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 19:23, 12 July 2008 (NZST)
Well the main thing is, you've made it here to your user-talk page :-)
[[User:Sven]] is you own personal home page and this page (User_talk:Sven) is your personal communications page.
==your wiki training==
Hey, sven, I moved your input to lessons learned in the [[Presenting_a_workshop]]. Can you elaborate on the CSS to make a presentation? and maybe chip in on [[:Category:MediaWiki workshop]]?! thanks! --[[User:Phalseid|Phalseid]] 19:46, 13 January 2009 (NZDT)
: Basically I used [[Template:Slides]] as in [{{fullurl:Sandbox|oldid=90479}} Sandbox] example, On a default mediawiki skin the entire background looks white, organic designs skin appears aswell in the example. I will have a look at the workshop material tomorrow... --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 21:45, 13 January 2009 (NZDT)
:: Hi, I'm currently structuring the content for [[MediaWiki workshop]] into modules, which have explanations and link to procedures. Would like to hear your thoughts on content and regarding slides, whether the modules could easily be turned into individual articles? --[[User:Milan|Milan]] 22:08, 13 January 2009 (NZDT)
[[Bookmarks:Sven]] is another special article which appear in the "My Articles" list on the side bar. You had moved it to another title, so I moved it back again otherwise you wouldn't have had bookmarks functionality anymore.
== my account ==
I moved the article of X1186 links to [[X1186]]. The easiest way to make a new article is to simply create a link to it such as [[Sven's new article|this]]. Notice that it's red? that means it's a link to a page that doesn't exist yet - if you click the link you'll be taken to the edit view for the new article to start creating it! '''don't click it yet though - have a look at the source of this page to see how things are done by clicking "Edit"'''. Click "Article" to come back to this view (except in this particular case you click "Discussion" since this is a talk page, not a normal article)  
this is my user account --[[User:MattW|MattW]] 23:49, 16 January 2009 (NZDT)
==Toll receipt==
Check out some of the help articles:
== MW discussions really suck... ==
Ok, will look at your suggestions. Its quite good to have a tinker and see what happens as Ive done already.
: You know it Sven! I recently built [http://SEQwiki.org SEQwiki] --[[User:Dan Bolser|Dan Bolser]] 03:53, 6 April 2011 (PDT)

Latest revision as of 10:53, 6 April 2011

You were right, our exchange is the first to get unbundled ;-) --Nad 19:50, 10 August 2007 (NZST)

Ah so that the reason for the outage. --Sven 09:16, 14 August 2007 (NZST)

See Sizes of things for notes regarding stuff at different scales and an animation too... --Nad 19:14, 30 July 2007 (NZST)

Cool, still sick but on the mend now, see you tomorrow. --Sven 15:09, 2 August 2007 (NZST)
Be prepared for a bashing though, cos Dad caught your sickness, and he's real pissed about it! --Nad 15:20, 2 August 2007 (NZST)
Your joking. I definately had a lung infection, been festering for a while... --Sven 15:23, 2 August 2007 (NZST)

There's no point trying to fix QuickCat yet - a bug has cropped up in SimpleForms which is stopping the Ajax from working properly - see the Ajax links - example number 3 doesn't work. Will fix soon. --Nad 20:14, 13 July 2007 (NZST)

I deleted All news it was causing an infinite loop in the main page. I take it was so that you could see old news items if you needed to? I've added next/prev links to homepage news instead --Nad 12:16, 7 July 2007 (NZST)

How was it causing an infinite loop, was the main page trying to also reference it or something? --Sven 13:38, 7 July 2007 (NZST)
All news was in the list of items rendered by Main Page and visa versa - it could be fixed by excluding those articles from the results with nottitlematch or similar, but I thought next/prev links would be cool anyway - also next/prev is a cool generic thing which could be used elsewhere. --Nad 14:26, 7 July 2007 (NZST)

sven- saw your link to findmyforte, and thought you might find this useful: http://www.assessment.com/ i paid for their career assessment, and it was pretty much right-on.

also, if you check out http://www.wikiexpert.com/Category:Domain_names, you will see the wiki stuff i have done under the auspice of "wikiexpert" i just landed another wikia install (which im going to ask aran to do!). let me know if you want to see some numbers for hosting, installation, etc. that I am charging. cheers! --Phalseid 03:26, 26 June 2007 (NZST)

Sounds interesting, got a fair bit out of findmyforte, I am certainly interested in what others have to say. Any details on cost etc would be good to stick somewhere in Sven/Biz. --Sven 08:29, 26 June 2007 (NZST)

I have no idea why Template:R isn't categorising, bloody weird!? --Nad 10:30, 12 June 2007 (NZST)

Yeah it beats me, Ive tested {{php}} is working, must be something in extension code

--Sven 10:34, 12 June 2007 (NZST)

Comparing with C is best since it's also a one-letter one which works - it's weird, if you put "uses=template:c" into search it works, but "uses=template:r" gives no results even though it's being used...? --Nad 10:56, 12 June 2007 (NZST)
Is case an issue? --Sven 11:03, 12 June 2007 (NZST)
No >< --Sven 11:04, 12 June 2007 (NZST)

You were asking about the MW DB layout - here's a big diagram of the tables. All the conceptual info regarding history and links etc is in the bottom right yellow section. --Nad 20:32, 2 June 2007 (NZST)

The BFO (Basic Formal Ontology) has an excellent manual which is worth reading (at least the first few chapters anyway, it's about 130pages in total), it's an excellent overview of the current state of semantic technology etc. It comes from your neck of the woods too - bioinfomatics - you heading over tomorrow? --Nad 18:25, 31 May 2007 (NZST)

Yeah round @ 10am --Sven 19:10, 31 May 2007 (NZST)

I don't know why the R syntax isn't highlighting, I've added that old article etc, but the resulting pre tag should render as <pre class="r"> but its just a naked pre, not sure what I've missed out... maybe there's something funny with that old file? --Nad 19:48, 29 May 2007 (NZST)

I see what you mean, Which old article did you add? --Sven 19:59, 29 May 2007 (NZST)
You said looks like the geshi/R.php had been overwritten and I said Over-written shmover-written, i.e. GeSHi/R.php --Nad 21:02, 29 May 2007 (NZST)

hey sven, peder here. feel free to use wikiexpert as your consulting platform/ one of you marketing tools...id like to work together on this. --Phalseid 06:19, 27 May 2007 (NZST)

ok thanks, I still have to do alot of work to piece together a suitable business model. --Sven 07:34, 27 May 2007 (NZST)

This is how you would parse wikitext completely indpendently of the state of the main parser or page etc <php>$p = new Parser; $o = new ParserOptions; $t = new Title; $html = $p->parse('foo',$t,$o,true,true)->getText(); </php> Usually there'll already be a parser available, like one supplied as a paremeter in a hook function, or by using the page globals, eg: <php>

  1. Notice the last parameter is false now that means do not reset the parsers internal state

$html = $wgParser->parse('foo',$wgParser->mTitle,$wgParser->mOptions,true,false)->getText(); </php> Another useful one to know is how to just expand the templates in a wikitext expression: <php> $expandedWikiText = $wgParser->replaceVariables('{{foo|bar|baz}}'); </php>

Have you checked out w:MediaWiki, it's got a good overview of the versions and their functionality etc --Nad 12:15, 16 May 2007 (NZST)

Cool, I will check it out. Been laid low with a stomach upset all week :( --Sven 13:35, 16 May 2007 (NZST)

Template:Extension allows you to make a generic OO tag and parser-function extension class using transclusion as in the Extension:Example. The new GeSHi transclusion method's not working properly and generating &lt;'s and &gt;'s, but it still serves as an example until that's fixed. --Nad 21:31, 5 May 2007 (NZST) The template is used as follows:

|name    = Example
|author  = [[User:Foo]]
|url     = http://www.foo.bar
|version = 0.0.0/2007-05-05
|type    = parserhook
|magic   = foo
|tag     = bar
You mean like this Sven/Sandbox, I also added the tags in the article --Sven 21:40, 5 May 2007 (NZST)
Fixed with another geshi hack - see GeSHi for details --Nad 21:58, 5 May 2007 (NZST)
Have a look at the sandbox source, that foo and bar are done by the extension which was built from Extension:Example. So you can fill in the Template:Extension the same way and it yields a working extension with a parser function and tag-hook that you can then adjust --Nad 22:25, 5 May 2007 (NZST)

The main calendar is already an example using the query arg, see news on Main Page - you need to ctrl+shift+refresh to reload CSS for red-links in calendar to work again because they're done from their own css rules now. --Nad 14:34, 2 May 2007 (NZST)

You should resize them to a practical size (or the size you'll use them at) before uploading, that's half a meg of images just for icons --Nad 09:34, 1 May 2007 (NZST)

Good point, I need to find some smaller ones --Sven 09:35, 1 May 2007 (NZST)

Yo, here's an example of action=text that I was talking about to allow dynamic queries by supplying wikitext directly in URL,

I've had to use %7b on the first brace so the parser leaves it alone, notice that there's no title specified, only the actual text we want parsed. It only works for action=render currently, but later will be able to be used with all actions. --Nad 20:02, 27 April 2007 (NZST)

Nice --Sven 20:05, 27 April 2007 (NZST)

I changed the MW:Extension:CategoryHook to add a hook called CategoryHook which you can add you rules to instead of adding them directly to the code which was messy. It makes a good simple example of how to add a new hook, rather than just adding new functions to existing hooks. --Nad 16:29, 27 April 2007 (NZST)

k, will have a look, the author dpl stuff is not working as expected, the template is getting parsed aswell see template:author --Sven 16:30, 27 April 2007 (NZST)

You have to get the case right with security directives, groups are always all lowercase, and user must have the first letter uppercase. --Nad 14:39, 26 April 2007 (NZST)

Remember that the "message" css class applies to all templates using the message template such as warning, stub, legacy etc, not just to the site message. --Nad 20:29, 23 April 2007 (NZST)

Yes, the template:message you created was similar to what I wanted to do, having a transcluded format used with templates. --Sven 20:32, 23 April 2007 (NZST)

The fella I was gonna see has cancelled, so whatever time you wanna head over's fine, just lemme know... --Nad 09:27, 23 Mar 2007 (NZST) --- Did you know there's an IETF RFC for foo? RFC3092 --Nad 22:43, 27 Jan 2007 (NZST)

omg --Sven 20:22, 29 Jan 2007 (NZST)

You might be interested in Category:MediaWiki which has all our stuff re hacking normal MediaWiki's (mainly from LocalSettings). Especially check out parsing wikitext and MediaWiki variables. --Nad 21:17, 19 Jan 2007 (NZST)

Hey Sven, I remember our discussion about the science annotation and paper cross referencing. I'm at the MacWorld in SF and I looked at an interesting software product that does some of the same things.

--Rob 21:47, 9 Jan 2007 (NZST)

Thanks will check it out --Sven 21:04, 15 Jan 2007 (NZST)

Is your sister still interested in extra design work? azzuro want their external site reskinned - just need HTML/CSS templates for some standard layouts, probably $1000-$2000 arena --Nad 11:02, 6 Dec 2006 (NZDT)

I am sure she would be interested, I will let her know --Sven 13:52, 7 Dec 2006 (NZDT)

Hi there, I have recently met a guy that runs a bioinformatics company - Biomatters. They make a software that you may be interested in called "Geneious" http://www.geneious.com/. I recall you were developing ideas around setting up bioinformatics software for corporate clients and these guys are looking for ways to market their software. It sounds like an excellent product and it seems like they are looking for further contacts in the bioinformatics industry. Maybe you have some ideas for them regarding applications or distribution channels for their software? There might be some consultancy work in there or whatever. Anyway, I can put you in touch with their CEO if you're interested.--Milan 15:16, 25 Oct 2006 (NZDT)

I have already checked out the software and spoken to Alexi. --Sven 10:06, 26 Oct 2006 (NZDT)
Sweet! Are you guys going to be working together? I bump into Daniel Batten a fair bit, but I haven't met Alexi yet.--Milan 12:07, 26 Oct 2006 (NZDT)
I havent approached alexi to be involved, my area is in microarrays which I think is slightly different from what their software is about, although its all part of bioinformatics --Sven 14:10, 26 Oct 2006 (NZDT)


SWISS-2DPAGE contains data on proteins identified on various 2-D PAGE and SDS-PAGE reference maps. You can locate these proteins on the 2-D PAGE maps or display the region of a 2-D PAGE map where one might expect to find a protein from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot


List & Node spaces

I found those code snippets and added them to the discussion of nodal concepts, Category talk:Nodal Concepts --Nad 14:59, 5 October 2007 (NZST)

Great thanks. --Sven 16:02, 5 October 2007 (NZST)

MediaWiki script history

Check out ajax.js history, it shows the changes to the script throughout the major mediawiki versions (the missing ones are just when no change happened) --Nad 18:10, 5 October 2007 (NZST)

Portals help

You may be able to give ol' Duesentrieb some help, he's wants a page explaining how to make nice portals at MW:Project:Support desk#How to make portals --Nad 09:44, 29 October 2007 (NZDT)

Selenium tests

I've made a general plan for adding Selenium into the MediaWiki environment, see Extension talk:Selenium.php


I also added some info to Accounts which we need to address asap - I think a good way to get this happening would be to set up a bank account for the biz and get all the current OD income and expenses moving through it. --Nad 16:22, 3 December 2007 (NZDT)

Ok will have a look --Sven 16:30, 3 December 2007 (NZDT)

You've got mail

I sent a cupla emails... --Nad 11:17, 4 December 2007 (NZDT)

Selenium tests

Once you've got the general idea of Selenium installation and usage and refined the Selenium article to reflect that, then the next stage is to move on to the Extension talk:Selenium.php article which is about how we'd go about using Selenium in our wiki environment. I've added quite a few notes and ideas and also added the new Template:Collab to it which is an attempt to get some of these collaborative efforts moving forward. --Nad 14:14, 5 December 2007 (NZDT)

I have got the idea now, just going through your examples now where you made accounts based on a GUID first logging out. I will add some content tonight. The issues I see are;
  • Do we need to lock test scripts down so that passwords cannot be grabbed from articles?
Some test articles may need to be locked down (eg ones which test sysop security), but I don't think there should be any issue with doing that.
  • Using a Namespace, either Test:[Extension].php, or Selenium:Extension.php
As described in Extension talk:Selenium.php, "spec" may be more appropriate since they should contain a english description of each item of functionality along with the script to test that feature.
  • Correctly validating an edit.
What's the issue here? just create a test for that

--Sven 14:37, 5 December 2007 (NZDT)

NZ dollar jump

Fuck! goddam NZ dollar just jumped up this morning - the very day I finally got my new bank account set up :-( do you know anything about why it went up so much and when it may drop back down around us70c?

I will ask a collegue interested in currency exchange next time I see him, but first glance I would suggest it is related to the reserve banks announcement not to lower the Overseas Cash Rate (OCR). High interest rates entice overseas investors to purchase $NZ in the form of Uridashi bonds etc --Sven 13:22, 6 December 2007 (NZDT)

Friday Meeting

You heading over tomorrow oi? --Nad 13:18, 27 December 2007 (NZDT)

I will get back to you in this, we have some people coming over tomorrow morning, can you do saturday? --Sven 14:37, 27 December 2007 (NZDT)
Yip, just whenever you want - might be going down to bro's for new years some time in the next few days though but not sure yet... --Nad 15:09, 27 December 2007 (NZDT)
Will definately be over saturday morning --Sven 08:23, 28 December 2007 (NZDT)
Ok seeyou then, will be seeing Rob & JW for breakfast @ Java house today instead :-) --Nad 08:51, 28 December 2007 (NZDT)

Turn your Skype On

There's no use having skype if its turned off half the time oi :-|

Damn it, Skype is supposed to startup automagically, the good news is I was out when you wrote that... --Sven 13:29, 16 February 2008 (NZDT)

Keep in touch while developing

Yo, I made a bunch of notes about implementation on updateTemplates function and emailed you about it. But you didn't read them and then replaced them with your local work which was not the way that functions supposed to work. You did it SimpleForms1 way not SimpleForms2 way, so I've reverted it back to the notes I'd made. Excellent progress happening aside from that slight hiccup though - basically collaboration only works if all developers stay connected to communications channels. --nad 12:43, 19 June 2008 (NZST)

Damn I will have to have a look... --Sven 13:20, 19 June 2008 (NZST)

bug in csv2wiki

see http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/Talk:Csv2wiki.pl#bug --Phalseid 08:36, 12 July 2008 (NZST) also, what is your skype? mine is phalseid --Phalseid 08:36, 12 July 2008 (NZST)

ok, will have a look in the week when I can, Skype is mdavy86 --Sven 19:23, 12 July 2008 (NZST)

your wiki training

Hey, sven, I moved your input to lessons learned in the Presenting_a_workshop. Can you elaborate on the CSS to make a presentation? and maybe chip in on Category:MediaWiki workshop?! thanks! --Phalseid 19:46, 13 January 2009 (NZDT)

Basically I used Template:Slides as in Sandbox example, On a default mediawiki skin the entire background looks white, organic designs skin appears aswell in the example. I will have a look at the workshop material tomorrow... --Sven 21:45, 13 January 2009 (NZDT)
Hi, I'm currently structuring the content for MediaWiki workshop into modules, which have explanations and link to procedures. Would like to hear your thoughts on content and regarding slides, whether the modules could easily be turned into individual articles? --Milan 22:08, 13 January 2009 (NZDT)

my account

this is my user account --MattW 23:49, 16 January 2009 (NZDT)

Toll receipt

  • 208363

MW discussions really suck...

You know it Sven! I recently built SEQwiki --Dan Bolser 03:53, 6 April 2011 (PDT)