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[[Category:Extensions created with Template:Extension]][[Category:Extensions|Workflow]]{{voodoo}}[[Category:Extensions in progress|Workflow]]
# Extension:Workflow
# - Licenced under LGPL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html)
# - Author: [http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/nad User:Nad]
# - Started: 2007-10-06
if (!defined('MEDIAWIKI')) die('Not an entry point.');
define('WORKFLOW_VERSION','0.0.12, 2007-10-27');
$wgWorkflowUpdateDelay = 1000; # Delay in milliseconds after clicking state before Ajax update is made
$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = $wgExtensionCredits['specialpage'][] = array(
'name'        => 'Workflow',
'author'      => '[http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/nad User:Nad]',
'description' => 'Adds the ability for articles to be part of workflow sequences and easily moved
dynamically between phases in the sequence using AJAX.',
'url'        => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Workflow',
'version'    => WORKFLOW_VERSION
# Define a new specialpage for displaying a list of workflows
require_once "$IP/includes/SpecialPage.php";
class SpecialWorkflow extends SpecialPage {
function SpecialWorkflow() {
# Render list
function execute($param) {
global $wgParser,$wgOut;
$wgOut->addWikiText('Not done yet... discussion at [[Extension talk:Workflow.php]]',true);
# Define main workflow class containing all the functionality
class Workflow {
var $magic;    # magic word used for the workflow parser-function (set from messages)
var $state;    # state to update a workflow to in an ajax update request
var $name;    # name of the workflow to update
var $pagename; # the name of the current page (in which the workflows reside)
var $title;
var $workflowData = array();
# Constructor
function Workflow() {
global $wgHooks,$wgSiteNotice,$wgExtensionFunctions,$wgWorkflowMagic,$wgExtraNamespaces;
# Require NS_WORKFLOW to be defined before installing parser-function or javascript etc
if (!defined('NS_WORKFLOW')) {
$wgSiteNotice .= '<div class="usermessage">'.wfMsg('workflowMissingNamespace').'</div>';
# The parser-function name, special-page name and links all use the word defined in $wgExtraNamespaces[NS_WORKFLOW]
#$this->magic = $wgContLang->getNsText(NS_WORKFLOW);
$this->magic = $wgExtraNamespaces[NS_WORKFLOW]; # $wgContLang doesn't exist yet
# Reserve the magic word for use as a parser-function
$wgHooks['LanguageGetMagic'][] = array($this,'languageGetMagic');
# If it's a workflow-related ajax call, don't use dispatcher (because we need the catlinks generated by normal page render)
# - this sets the state, name, pagename and update properties
# Add the extension's setup function to the list to be called after the environment is up and running
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = array($this,'setup');
# Setup
function setup() {
global $wgParser,$wgLanguageCode,$wgMessageCache,$wgContLang;
$cat = $wgContLang->getNsText(NS_CATEGORY);
# Add the messages used (todo: move into i18n)
if ($wgLanguageCode == 'en') {
'workflow' => $this->magic, # NOTE: the parser-function, special-page and link-rendering all use this word
'workflowMissingNamespace' => 'The NS_WORKFLOW namespace must be defined. The workflow extension is disabled.',
'workflowStateUpdated' => "[[{$this->magic}:$1|$1 {$this->magic}]] state set to [[$cat:$2|$2]]."
# Add the specialpage to the environment
SpecialPage::addPage(new SpecialWorkflow());
# Add the parser-function hook
# Add the client-side scripts for changing states
# Expand the #workflow to reveal the current state and hide the others and add javascript
# - note the hidden states mustn't be rendered because they contain categorisation links which shouldn't be processed
function expandMagic(&$parser) {
global $wgUser,$wgJsMimeType,$wgContLang;
$tmpl = $wgContLang->getNsText(NS_TEMPLATE);
$cat = $wgContLang->getNsText(NS_CATEGORY);
$wf = $this->magic;
# Extend catlinks information to include workflows
# Populate $argv with both named and numeric parameters
$args ='';
$argv  = array();
$items = array();
$name = 'Untitled';
foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) if (!is_object($arg)) {
$args .= "|$arg";
if (preg_match('/^(.+?)\\s*=\\s*(.+)$/',$arg,$match)) $argv[$match[1]] = $match[2]; else $argv[] = $arg;
$name = $argv[0];
$this->workflowData[$name] = array(0);
$current = isset($argv['state']) ? $argv['state'] : false;
# Make a clone of the parser for parsing without affecting LinkHolder or catlinks arrays
$psr = new parser;
$opt = ParserOptions::newFromUser($wgUser);
# Get the list of workflow states from the Workflow article
# NOTE: this method of using the parser to get the links corrupts the order, so a preg_match_all may be preferable
$states = array();
$title  = Title::newFromtext($name,NS_WORKFLOW);
$edit  = $title->userCan('edit');
$url    = $title->getLocalUrl();
$href  = "href='$url'";
$anchor = "$wf:$name";
if (is_object($title) && $title->exists()) {
$article = new Article($title);
if (preg_match_all('/^\\*\\s*\\[{2}\\s*(.+?:)?\\s*(.+?)\\s*\\]{2}/m',$article->getContent(),$match)) $states = $match[2];
else $anchor .= " (".wfMsg('workflowMissingContent').")";
else $href .= " class='new'";
$html = "<a $href title='$anchor'>$anchor</a>";
# Transclude each (use a parser clone for the ones which aren't current to avoid categorisation)
if (count($states)) {
if ($edit) {
$left  = "<td class='menu' id='left' onClick='workflowSwitchState(\"$name\",-1)'><a href='javascript:;'>&lt;</a></td>";
$right = "<td class='menu' id='right' onClick='workflowSwitchState(\"$name\",1)'><a href='javascript:;'>&gt;</a></td>";
else $left = $right = "<td></td>"; # no menu buttons if not allowed to edit
$html  = "<div class='workflow' id='workflow-$name'>";
$data  = '';
$ci    = 0;
foreach ($states as $i => $dbk) {
$stitle = Title::newFromText($dbk,NS_TEMPLATE);
$surl  = $stitle->getLocalUrl();
$state  = $stitle->getText();
$anchor = preg_replace('|^.+/|','',$state);
$data  .= ",'$state'";
$style  = 'display:none';
$p      =& $psr; # use local parser by default
$this->workflowData[$name][] = $state;
if ($current === false) $current = $state; # make current default to first item name
$wikitext = $stitle->exists() ? '{'.'{'."$state|state=$state$args}".'}' : "[[$tmpl:$state]]"; # transclude or render a red-link
if ($state == $current) {
$wikitext .= "[[$cat:$state]]"; # if state is current, add a category link
$style = '';
$p =& $parser; # use the global parser so catlinks are updated
$ci = $i;
$content = $p->parse($wikitext,$title,$opt,false,$state != $current)->getText();
# Append the menu to the state
$html .= "<div class='workflow-state' id='workflow-$name-$i' style='$style'>
<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'><tr><td id='content' colspan='3'>$content</td></tr><tr>$left
<td class='menu' id='title'><a href='$surl' title='$tmpl:$state'>$anchor</a></td>$right
$html .= "</div><script type='$wgJsMimeType'>workflowData['$name']=[$ci$data];</script>\n";
$this->workflowData[$name][0] = $ci;
return array($html,'isHTML' => true,'noparse' => true);
# Update the current state of a workflow item in the requested article
# - the actual article edit is done in returnCatlinks after all parsin finished
# - this disables the parser-cache if the content has changed
function updateState(&$parser,&$text) {
$result = preg_replace_callback("/\\{\\{\\s*#\\s*{$this->magic}\\s*:\\s*{$this->name}\\s*(.*?)\\s*\\}\\}/is",array($this,'updateStateCallback'),$text,1,$count);
if ($count) $this->text = $text = $result;
return true;
# Replacement callback for updating tag state
function updateStateCallback($match) {
$result = preg_replace("/(state\\s*=\\s*['\"]?)[^'\"\]\|]+/","$1{$this->state}",$match[1],1,$count);
if ($count < 1) $result = "|state={$this->state}".$match[1];
return '{'.'{'."#{$this->magic}:{$this->name}$result".'}'.'}';
# Extend catlinks information to include workflows
function extendCatlinks() {
static $done = 0;
if ($done++) return;
global $wgUser;
$skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
# Create a new Skin class (WorkflowSkin) by extending the existing one with overridden getCategoryLinks method
$class = get_class($skin);
eval("class WorkflowSkin extends {$class} ".'{
function getCategories() {
global $wgWorkflow;
return $wgWorkflow->renderWorkflowInfo(parent::getCategories());
# Replace user's skin with a WorkflowSkin replica
$wgUser->mSkin = new WorkflowSkin();
foreach (array_keys(get_class_vars($class)) as $k) $wgUser->mSkin->$k = $skin->$k;
# Render the workflow info which appears in the catlinks area
function renderWorkflowInfo(&$catlinks) {
if (count($this->workflowData)) {
//$title = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL,wfMsg('workflow'));
//$table = "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'><tr><td><a href='{$title->getLocalURL()}'>".wfMsg('workflow')."</a>:</td><td align='right'>";
$table = "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'><tr><td></td><td align='right'>";
foreach ($this->workflowData as $name => $states) {
$title = Title::makeTitle(NS_WORKFLOW,$name);
$catlinks .= "$table<a href='{$title->getLocalURL()}'>$name</a>:&nbsp;</td><td>";
$current = 0;
$sep = '&nbsp;';
foreach ($states as $i => $state) {
if ($current) {
$title = Title::makeTitle(NS_CATEGORY,$state);
$class = $current == $i ? 'current' : '';
$class .= $title->exists() ? '' : ' new';
$catlinks .= "$sep<a class='$class' href='{$title->getLocalURL()}'>$state</a>";
$sep = ' &rarr; ';
else $current = $state;
$table = "</td></tr><tr><td></td><td align='right'>";
$catlinks .= "</td></tr></table>\n";
return $catlinks;
# Return just the catlinks to the client after updating a tag state
# - the article is updated here if replacement text has been set
function returnCatlinks() {
global $wgUser,$wgOut,$wgTitle;
if ($this->text) {
$article = new Article($wgTitle);
$skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
$catlinks = is_object($skin) ? $skin->getCategories() : 'Error: no skin!';
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
return false;
# Make necessary Javascript functions available to the page
function addJS() {
global $wgOut,$wgJsMimeType,$wgWorkflowUpdateDelay;
$wgOut->addScript("<script type='$wgJsMimeType'>
var workflowData = [];
var workflowUpdate = 0;
var workflowLastState = 0;
function workflowUpdateState(name) {
workflowLastState = workflowData[name][0];
var state = workflowData[name][workflowLastState];
function workflowSwitchState(name,dir) {
if (workflowLastState == 0) workflowLastState = workflowData[name][0];
workflowData[name][0] += dir;
if (workflowData[name][0] < 1) workflowData[name][0] = workflowData[name].length-1;
if (workflowData[name][0] > workflowData[name].length-1) workflowData[name][0] = 1;
var state = workflowData[name][0];
if (workflowLastState != state) workflowUpdate = setTimeout('workflowUpdateState(\"'+name+'\")',$wgWorkflowUpdateDelay);
# If it's a workflow-related ajax call, don't use dispatcher (because we need the catlinks generated by normal page render)
# - this sets the state, name, pagename and update properties
function bypassAjaxDispatcher() {
global $wgUseAjax,$wgHooks;
if ($wgUseAjax && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'ajax' && $_REQUEST['rs'] == $this->magic && is_array($_REQUEST['rsargs'])) {
list($_REQUEST['title'],$this->name,$this->state) = $_REQUEST['rsargs'];
$wgHooks['ParserBeforeStrip'][] = array($this,'updateState');
$wgHooks['OutputPageBeforeHTML'][] = array($this,'returnCatlinks');
$_REQUEST['action'] = 'render';
$this->pagename = $_REQUEST['title'];
$this->text = '';
# Needed in some versions to prevent Special:Version from breaking
function __toString() { return 'Workflow'; }
# Set up the magic words
function languageGetMagic(&$magicWords,$langCode = 0) {
$magicWords[$this->magic] = array(0,$this->magic);
return true;
$wgWorkflow = new Workflow();

Latest revision as of 23:25, 3 August 2010

Info.svg This code is in our Git repository here.

Note: If there is no information in this page about this code and it's a MediaWiki extension, there may be something at mediawiki.org.