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= The Project =
= The Project =
The state of the world calls for a complete reorganisation of global society in alignment with sustainable principles. To further this cause there is a project with the following goals:
The state of the world calls for a complete reorganisation of global society in alignment with sustainable principles. To further this cause there is a project with the following goals:

Revision as of 18:58, 14 November 2006

The Project

The state of the world calls for a complete reorganisation of global society in alignment with sustainable principles. To further this cause there is a project with the following goals:

  • To unite humanity in peace and justice
  • Having achieved a harmonious and sustainable society, humanity unfolds its full potential
It is proposed to achieve this by going through the following three steps
  • 1: Define an evolving standard for sustainable development - Open Standard
  • 2: Develop software tools which embody this standard - Peer
  • 3: Deploy organisational systems based on said tools, giving everyone the ability to create sustainable high quality products and services - Peer-based Organisation
  • Which creates the foundations and momentum to achieve the next steps
  • 4: Unify and harmonise existing systems through agreement to use new standards and tools, transform economic and political structures with high speed

Much has already been worked out - however, the contributions of skilled technical writers and programmers would be greatly appreciated at this stage.

Define Sustainability

  • Contains global goals and values
  • Is an active standard
  • Can see (via human feedback and roles) how well it is being implemented
  • Can respond to poor implementation


  • Reconciling happiness and productivity sustainably
  • Easy to understand and simple to apply


  • A belief in the worth of persons and dedication to the development of human potential
  • An understanding of life as a process, change is inevitable
  • An appreciation of the spiritual and intuitive
  • A commitment to ecological integrity.
  • A recognition of the profound problems affecting our world and a responsibility to hope and constructive change.



  • Feedback
  • All aspects changeable
  • Self-containment

Think Global, Act Local

  • Agreement
  • Shared understanding of Whole and relationship of parts to it and each other
  • Self-improvement and cooperative organisation

Develop Tools

  • Peer
    • Embodies all aspects and qualities of sustainability as defined above
    • The open Standard in action

Sustainability in Software

  • Evolve
  • Feedback
  • All aspects changeable
  • Self-containment

Think Global, Act Local

  • Agreement/understanding of Whole and one's relationship to it
  • Self-improvement and cooperative organisation

Deploy Sustainable Systems

  • Organisational methods to spread a sustainable way of life which are cheap, self-contained, scalable and compatible with, but independant of, existing organisations and institutions
  • Organisational structures and templates, management methods and delivery channels to deploy the tools and implement the standard effectively, which include the creation of products and services in accord with sustainable principles.
  • Peer-based Organisation
    • Organisational templates repository

Sustainable Organisation

  • Evolve
  • Feedback
  • All aspects changeable
  • Self-containment

Think Global, Act Local

  • Agreement
  • Shared understanding of Whole and relationship of parts to it and each other
  • Self-improvement and cooperative organisation

Benefits and Examples

  • Potential Management
  • Parallel bootstrapping (PZI)
  • Geoscope
  • Peer-based Governance
  • Phase transition


  • Dedicated team
    • Refine and communicate the goals and values
    • Coordinate resources for development
  • Development Hub (Organisation)
    • Provide visionary leadership and strategic alliances
  • Branding
  • Resources


Organic Design

  • Research on The Project
  • Defining how to apply the old principles
  • Managing Peer development via XMLWiki
  • Can draw upon resources coordinated by The Meridian Alliance to further development
  • Is not a commercial entity

The Meridian Alliance

  • Technology incubator
  • What the Open Group tried to be?
  • High-level systems and communications channels
  • An organisational vehicle designed to create an "umbrella brand" and direct resource toward development of the various aspects of The Project
  • Open Corporation, a network organisation which is Open Standard compliant and leads by example

Energy Alternatives

  • Prototype implementation of organisational templates and associated retail outlets
  • Movement toward network of open platforms
  • Draws upon resources and expertise of The Meridian Alliance
  • Set up distribution and comms channels for further deployment of products and services as driven by the feedback process
  • Fosters a relationship of interdependence with The Meridian Alliance, which handles global aspects


Fuller's Geoscope

"With the Geoscope humanity would be able to recognize formerly invisible patterns and thereby to forecast and plan in vastly greater magnitude than heretofore. "The consequences of various world plans could be computed and projected, using the accumulated history-long inventory of economic, demographic, and sociological data. All the world would be dynamically viewable and picturable and radioable to all the world, so that common consideration in a most educated manner of all world problems by all world people would become a practical everyday, -hour and -minute event." -- R. Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller, 1981, The Geoscope chapter in Critical Path


  • Unclear how organisational templates development is handled
  • What does this way of life feel like? Zone of high potential - describe?


  • Simple way to make a sustainable choice
  • Take out leaders
  • Freedom of choice
  • Building bridges between futures
  • "Something" is going to happen