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From Organic Design wiki
m (Caretaker: {{#security:edit|dev}})
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# [[[[http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/peerd|peerd]]]] - nodal p2p wiki daemon
# [[[[http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/peerd|peerd]]]] - nodal p2p wiki daemon

Revision as of 06:39, 16 April 2007


  1. !/usr/bin/perl
  2. [[[[1]]]] - nodal p2p wiki daemon
  3. Syncronises, compiles and runs [[peerd.c]]
  4. This article and all its includes are licenced under LGPL
  5. GPL: [[[[2]]]]
  6. SRC: [[[[3]]]]
  1. Determine OS

our $ux = ($^O eq 'linux'); our $darwin = ($^O eq 'darwin'); our $win32 = ($^O eq 'MSWin32');

print "\n"; use Cwd; our $cwd = cwd; $ps = 'ps x';

  1. Try and use LWP otherwise fallback to curl

eval 'use HTTP::Request'; $lwp = $@?0:1; eval 'use LWP::UserAgent'; $lwp = 0 if $@; $client = LWP::UserAgent->new( cookie_jar => {} ) if $lwp; $wiki = "http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/wiki/index.php"; sub url {

       my $doc = shift;
       return qx(curl -s "$doc") unless $lwp;
       $doc = $client->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$doc));
       return $doc->content;
  1. Command to list running peerd's (or null for Win32)

if ($ux) {

       $qxps = [split /^/, qx($ps)]->[0].qx($ps|egrep peerd[:]); # adds column header
       $k = $#{[split /^/, $qxps]};
       $s = $k>1?'s':;
       } else { $qxps =  }
  1. sub to kill currently running instances of peerd

sub kp {

       if ($k) {
               for (split /^/, $qxps) { qx(kill -9 $1) if /^.*?([0-9]{2,}).+?\d+:\d\d\s*(.+)/ }
               print "\n$qxps$k instance$s killed.\n\n";
               } else { print "Nothing to kill :-(\n\n" }
  1. rp k
  2. - kills currently running peerd's and exits

if ($ux and $ARGV[0] eq 'k') {

  1. rp l
  2. - lists currently running peerd's and exits

if ($ux and $ARGV[0] eq 'l') {

       if ($k) { print ("$qxps$k instance$s of peerd running.\n\n") }
       else { print "There are no instances of peerd running.\n\n" }
  1. rp c
  2. - compiles without syncing any files

if ($ARGV[0] ne 'c') {

       # Sync files specified in args, or obtain a list of files from Benders fileSync list
       if ($#ARGV<0) {
               print "Retrieving files specified in OD:Bender/fileSync list...\n";
               $fileSync = url("$wiki?title=Bender/fileSync&xpath:view:");
               $fileSync =~ s/<\/ul>.+$//ms;

 %articles = $fileSync =~ /

  • .+?title="(.+?)">(.+?)<\/a>/g; } else { print "Retrieving files specified in command line args...\n"; $articles{$_} = "/home/peerd/$_" for @ARGV; } # Retrieve each article in sync-list and save to specified filepath for my $article (keys %articles) { print "\t$article\n"; if (open FH, '>', $ux ? $articles{$article} : "$cwd/$article") { binmode FH; print FH url("$wiki?title=$article&action=raw")."\n"; close FH; } } }
    1. Compile husk and format output
    print "\nCompiling..."; if ($darwin) { print " for darwin\n"; $err = qx( gcc -I/Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Headers -I/Library/Frameworks/SDL_image.framework/Headers peerd.c SDLmain.m -framework SDL -framework SDL_image -framework Cocoa ); } elsif ($win32) { print " for win32/mingw\n"; #$err = qx( gcc -I/usr/local/include -Os -D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -DHAVE_OPENGL -Dmain=SDL_main peerd.c -o peerd.o -L/usr/local/lib -lmingw32 -lws2_32 -ltre.dll -lSDLmain -lSDL -lSDL_image -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lglut -mwindows ); } elsif ($ux) { print " for linux\n"; $err = qx( gcc -I/usr/include/SDL -lGL -lGLU -lSDL -lpthread -lSDL_image -o /home/peerd/peerd.bin /home/peerd/peerd.c ); } else { print " failed. Could not determine host system type.\n" } $err =~ s/^In file.+?$//mg; $err =~ s/^\s+from/\nfrom/mg; $err =~ s/^/\t/mg; $err =~ s/\/home\/peerd\///g; $err =~ s/^\s+//g; $err =~ s/\s+$//g;
    1. Execute compiled result if compiled without any problems
    if ($err) { print "$err\n\nAborting: There are errors or warnings!\nNothing killed or executed.\n\n" } else { print "Compiled successfully!\n"; # Kill running peers (kp) and start a new instance kp; print "Starting new instance now...\n\n"; qx( /home/peerd/peerd.bin Gir port=2012 ); print qx($ps); }