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nice to skype with you, 3 or 4 times! :) talk again soon I hope!  --[[User:Phalseid|Phalseid]] 16:09, 23 August 2007 (NZST)
milan- hey, thought you might like this...hope we get to chat fer real soon, too. http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Main_Page --[[User:Phalseid|Phalseid]] 15:19, 27 July 2007 (NZST)
milan- hey, thought you might like this...hope we get to chat fer real soon, too. http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Main_Page --[[User:Phalseid|Phalseid]] 15:19, 27 July 2007 (NZST)

Revision as of 04:09, 23 August 2007

nice to skype with you, 3 or 4 times! :) talk again soon I hope! --Phalseid 16:09, 23 August 2007 (NZST)

milan- hey, thought you might like this...hope we get to chat fer real soon, too. http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Main_Page --Phalseid 15:19, 27 July 2007 (NZST)

Can't believe the server would die as soon as I leave! - I'm not at home until tomorrow, but I'll check out what I can from here. Lemme know on wiki what time you're over tomorrow. --Nad 18:21, 2 Apr 2007 (NZST)

You can get to it on Helios' address of http://helios.peerix.org/Main_Page, tell others. I think the domain has been cancelled or something, it doesn't seem to point to zoneedit anymore. Check with your domain hosting people. --Nad 18:27, 2 Apr 2007 (NZST)
It's the EA domain I'm talking about here - whatever domain is to be used for the site and/or awg, whatever registrar is responsible for it should point it at the following nameservers:

--Nad 18:39, 2 Apr 2007 (NZST)

I hope you got my forwarded email - this guy Dominic bought the domain off Dana and the freeparking guys changed the nameservers to:


I guess it needs to be zoneedit but it can't be both zoneedit and freeparking, right? So I'll make sure you get access to the azzurosolar doamin ASAP so you can log in with their registrar and get some subdomains set up for crm and awg--Milan 22:14, 2 Apr 2007 (NZST)

I'm not able to check email as my lappie at home is removing them from pop box. Tell me anything I need to know here. I'm not the one who needs domain info, the people its registered thru need to set it to the zoneedit nameservers above. --Nad 08:58, 3 Apr 2007 (NZST)
So do we no longer have EA? should I remove that zone and replace it with azzurosolar.co.nz then? and in that case what about the email? what are the pop boxes needed etc?
I've created a zone for azzurosolar, which requires the following zoneedit servers, not the ones above:
ns2.zoneedit.com (
ns3.zoneedit.com (
The EA domain has been sold, so we now need subdomains set up under azzurosolar.co.nz, that is awg.azzurosolar.co.nz and crm.azzurosolar.co.nz. The people who have the registrar info are not very responsive so Dana wants someone else to have that information and deal with the registrar on behalf of Azzuro. I don't know about the current mail setup, I will ask the guy that is now doing their IT support for the relevant settings. When Serena gets those settings, I will need to get them to you securely, so maybe point me to a secure page on peerix to put that info for you--Milan 09:45, 3 Apr 2007 (NZST)
Just put the info in a secure article on awg, the info I need is the POP boxes. For the domain to work the current registrar must update the nameservers. --Nad 10:23, 3 Apr 2007 (NZST)
I don't know what the pop settings are, but Dana just emailed through an authorisation key and registrar details which I have put on AWG for you. It may be easiest if you log in on the registrar's site since you know what you're looking for. All I know is that there is one pop3 server set up, which is mail.azzurosolar.co.nz but I don't know anything else about it.--Milan 11:20, 3 Apr 2007 (NZST)
It's not convenient for me to handle this today, these things should be done with prior notice. Someone needs to talk to them and get the nameservers updated, and get the content of the old site or something. I'm not available for this. --Nad 11:31, 3 Apr 2007 (NZST)

Fair enough, this is inconvenient for me also. The problems started when the guy that took over EA changed the nameservers yesterday arvo. I have spoken with the domain name registrars and they have updated the name servers. For the current azzurosolar site to carry on, wouldn't you just need their host info and add that to the zoneedit settings? Let's plan the next steps when you are ready for it, also check your email, there is some info for you about the current website design progress, the designers think the new website is ready to go. Let me know when you're ready to resume work on this.--Milan 11:43, 3 Apr 2007 (NZST)

Ok, I've updated zoneedit to use the current IP for www and the new vps for awg and crm. I'll be beack later this arvo, are you still heading over or is that another day? --Nad 11:57, 3 Apr 2007 (NZST)
Sounds good. It will take a while for the changes to propagate, I assume? I would like to head over tomorrow instead since I will be in town anyway, doing Azzuro work. Thanks for handling that wee emergency. Have a look at the web design templates and maybe suggest a course of action for setting that up on the vps, then the hosting can be done from there with the new website design containing AWG articles.--Milan 14:18, 3 Apr 2007 (NZST)

Mail hasn't been going to OD properly, it might be the nameserver running on the server which I've now stopped since its not needed for sending mail. --Nad 08:24, 15 Feb 2007 (NZST)

Guuude milan, war die letzten 3 tage weg, bin nu wieder da und waer schoen wenn wir tel koennten. meld dich einfach entweder im wiki oder am tel.

dff--Flower 20:18, 6 Feb 2007 (NZST)

whenever uve time let me know.--Flower 21:49, 14 Jan 2007 (NZST)

check this [1] out--Flower 21:03, 9 Jan 2007 (NZST)

is this 22 May 2006 what we've been looking for? also check User talk:Unity.--Flower 03:19, 6 Jan 2007 (NZST)

XmlWiki has always had the ability to do this, it was one of the main reasons it was created, I just made it simpler in that 22 May article. The reasons it hasn't been used are not technical, but organisational or motivational or something. --Nad 03:52, 6 Jan 2007 (NZST)
I've summed it up in Maintaing websites with a wiki now which is in the new wiki organisation cat --Nad 04:09, 6 Jan 2007 (NZST)

Ok, wiki's updated as much as poss unless we get a more recent backup - that's the best we can do for now I think... --Nad 08:27, 28 Dec 2006 (NZST)

Yip I'm here for azzuro drive swap, discussion on AWG Server article --Nad 20:02, 27 Dec 2006 (NZST)

If the server won't boot, just put the 30G back as primary master and the 160G back as secondary slave (and keep existing data drive as secondary master), call Rob-mob if issues --Nad 00:58, 28 Dec 2006 (NZST)

bank details pls


EA/AWG's been down for a day or so, can't get to it by IP... did someone switch the server of for the xmas break or what? --Nad 07:05, 25 Dec 2006 (NZST)

I hope it's not something to do with files corrupting... I was planning to go in on Thursday to swap Hard Drives for AWG server. Anyway, I'll call them soon to see what's up.--Milan 21:01, 25 Dec 2006 (NZST)

Most of the items for me to do in the list on AWG need clarifaction. Also the IP is still changing many times per day. --Nad 01:02, 15 Dec 2006 (NZST)

ill be back at the sanctuary sometime tomorrow. not quite sure yet how ill get there as donna leaves too early from tairua for me to catch a ride with her. anyhow, hope to be back sometime in the afternoon.--Flower 12:52, 12 Dec 2006 (NZDT)

Azzuro security should handle moves now - needs testing still - test read/write on moved articles etc too... I'll do the cat one after payment for this - one step at a time with dana since no prior agreements possible --Nad 11:22, 24 Nov 2006 (NZDT)

Cheers, I will do some more tests this arvo when I will do another Azzuro session--Milan 11:38, 24 Nov 2006 (NZDT)

For this nomad site project, just start an article of what the site actually is and how you want to use it, and what the integration is with the external people/sites/content you wanted involved etc. Then we can resolve what the best setup is for that and start it. --Nad 11:05, 23 Nov 2006 (NZDT)

Ok security done, $300 dollars + $50 current outstanding required before nect wednesday or it will be removed again. Needs some testing, see Azzuro:Azzuro Security for instructions on use, lemme know of any issues etc (more work will affect price). --Nad 12:11, 22 Nov 2006 (NZDT)

Cheers, that was quick. So that's 6 hours of coding for security and an hour of misc admin stuff, right? I will begin testing on it tomorrow. I will be invoicing today so I'll send out your invoice for the security stuff as well.--Milan 12:19, 22 Nov 2006 (NZDT)
No its only based on 3hr, I'm just not charging him mates rates anymore. --Nad 12:22, 22 Nov 2006 (NZDT)
Don't bother putting hrs for my work, I'm just doing everything as fixed costs as I do stuff from now on.

Could you call socket at azzuro and ask her to reply to my email she's no responding - I just need a reply to get the IP - its down again and its looking like that same problem...

Ok got IP - it has changed, it wasn't the troppo this time but a bug in the robustification of the dynamic DNS --Nad 09:55, 22 Nov 2006 (NZDT)

hey milan...couple things...noticed you linked to steve pavlina...how do you like him? have you listened to his podcasts yet? also, back to this openbc thing, what a big disappointment. It had such potential. I think im going to throw my hat in the myspace ring, I have had a profile there since april and just updated it tonight...gotta go where the traffic is to spread the word, you know? and finally, i have been putting some work into my own "identity" and have been working with andrew on the whole streamline concept. lastly, do you have any experience with writely/google docs? i see a huge use for collaborative templates, i just hate to duplicate effort there when i know it will fit here so well...i have a cool 'day job' now at a medical school and the whole 'moonlighting' thing with adeft/streamline is coming together. anyway, those are my thoughts for now. how have you been doing? --Phalseid 17:34, 19 Nov 2006 (NZDT)

Hi Peder, thanks for the update. I don't recall how I happened across steve and I can't search for him because my search box isn't working for some reason. I have been struggling to maintain productivity in the face of rapidly shifting living arrangements and work environments lately so my main focus is on setting up a productive work environment and team to work with right now. I am disappointed by openbc too but a have made a few interesting connections thrpugh it. i guess it is not really open... but I closed down my myspace profile ages ago because I think myspace is bit hard on the eyes, know what i mean? Regarding google docs, I am trying to avoid google where I can and keep documents on OD, but I have started using google calendar because it is a really good interface for scheduling. So yeah, I will be mainly working on the whole self-organisation thing until that is working and my productivity creeps up to acceptable levels before taking on any further projects or commitments ;-/. Thanks for the update and have a nice day,--Milan 20:25, 19 Nov 2006 (NZDT)

When you created that properties article for your todo based on the main todo properties, you should have used the new rename/copy facility --Nad 11:36, 19 Nov 2006 (NZDT)

OK, will do next time. For now,it seems like i need to remove the subcats from my todo and just link to them instead, right?--Milan 11:44, 19 Nov 2006 (NZDT)

EA's down again, I'll need the IP to fix it - I'll set something up permenantly on there which posts its IP at least hourly since things are getting so unreliable --Nad 18:48, 18 Nov 2006 (NZDT)

i was wondering if u could help me with setting up the printer. i downloaded the what i think is the right driver but when extracting i only get a list with files i cant open, except a manual which states that it is the correct driver...maybe u can send me a link to a download that is more conventional and me noob will understand to handle? no worries if not... cheers --Flower 22:58, 02 Nov 2006 (NZDT)

n0mad's down again - turned off again? better gimme IP again if not.... --Nad 22:40, 30 Oct 2006 (NZDT)

It wasn't turned off, my flatmates will wait until I leave the house to turn it off! My ip address is: 07:04, 31 Oct 2006 (NZDT)
It must have changed again, I can't access it by that IP... Also, you can fix it manually yourself by going to www.namecheap.com and updating the A record, or by adding a false IP address change record of into hertzie's log and restart peer. --Nad 11:37, 31 Oct 2006 (NZDT)
OK, I can do those things when I get back home later. Is MajorHertz unable to update the ip address himself?--Milan 13:56, 31 Oct 2006 (NZDT)
Not sure what the story was yet cos need to shell in, but couldn't get in on that IP so maybe it changed again... --Nad 14:03, 31 Oct 2006 (NZDT)
(I think I only tried browser here, not SSH)
Here's my ip: 21:39, 31 Oct 2006 (NZDT)
Looks like there's something else afoot - I can shell in and access peer etc, but no browser.... is port 80 open in router? --Nad 21:56, 31 Oct 2006 (NZDT)
DynamicDNS has been working fine, the domain points to the IP you stated above which has been the same since 25th. The webserver is accessible from inside so apache/mysql fine etc. You're obviously able to reach the site from inside the LAN since you made an edit at around 8pm, so it must be either a router problem, or an ISP-route issue (unlikely since we're both on XNet...) --Nad 22:05, 31 Oct 2006 (NZDT)
You're sites up again - what was the problem - pinholes? --Nad 23:01, 1 Nov 2006 (NZDT)
It's strange, I haven't changed anything about the setup. Don't know what's going on there.--Milan 23:19, 1 Nov 2006 (NZDT)
Maybe its damn troppo trying to nuke our wiki-comms since fucking up the email had little effect :-|
Yeah, i tend to get troppophobic quite easily these days, and my ego likes the notion of being important enough for them to give a shit about what I do, that is to spend resource trying to slow me down ;-)
Well you should put regular energy into removing that habit of thought because you'll manifest it into truth otherwise. Also its down again, maybe you should test it when you go to other places so we can see if its just my end or not? --Nad 11:24, 2 Nov 2006 (NZDT)
It's definately your end, I checked from five different servers all on different bandwidth and all timeout connecting to wiki but can instantaneously reach Hertzie. --Nad 12:19, 2 Nov 2006 (NZDT)
OK, let's discuss this tomorrow because I don't know what i can do to diagnose this, but I can't get in from Azzuro either--Milan 13:14, 2 Nov 2006 (NZDT)
If the router says port 80's setup up same as 2012,22 etc then its out of our hands really - try opening another port like 8080 to use when 80 doesn't work. --Nad 14:41, 2 Nov 2006 (NZDT)
All the ports you mentioned are open and map to, i have also opened port 8080--Milan 16:32, 2 Nov 2006 (NZDT)
Port 80 working again, but port8080 isn't... hope you haven't got another dodgy router! --Nad 17:03, 2 Nov 2006 (NZDT)
Oops, forgot to add Listen 8080 to apache config. --Nad 17:10, 2 Nov 2006 (NZDT)
80's down again, but I could get in fine with 8080, so at least our contingency plan works alright - still pretty weird tho :-? --Nad 19:52, 2 Nov 2006 (NZDT)

hey Milan, Andrew: Trying a new way of introduction here....Milan, i have introduced a local friend of mine Andrew to OD. before i got involved with OD, Andrew and I had many discussions about "glue", the technology behind an organized and collaborative system. As you may know Milan, i got interested in the project primarily for technical reasons and mindset (wanted to have visual wiki workflow), but I have stayed around to learn and to apply organic design to my life. Andrew, Milan has been a very positive and encouraging force on this wiki and can help with the same "glue" concept called Platform. Im really hoping that we can all collaborate as we are all working on (seemingly) the same stuff- invoices,templates, PM, etc. We all need do it the "same way" (no matter where in the world we are) as far as process goes. The people part of the equation should be interchangeable. It is the process that counts. So, Andrew, I hope Milan beat a bit of "the project" into your skull. Milan, I hope you enjoy working with Andrew as much I enjoy it... --Phalseid 15:11, 26 Oct 2006 (NZDT)

Thanks Peder, and "Hi" Andrew. That all sounds good, guys, I'll be glad to develop the collaboration with you. I have been working with offline clients who aren't into organisation and that has often proved frustrating, especially when they are into organisation according to their opinions... An easy starting point would be that IT support stuff, I need to do that for my business anyway, so maybe we can put some workflows in and develop a knowledge base, as well as maybe some IT support workshop material.--Milan 16:09, 26 Oct 2006 (NZDT)
good call on the embedding. sorry. i went a little nuts with it tonight...oh well. anyway, i moved a bunch of Maxpc and Adeft.com stuff over to Category:IT Support. it will take a while to organize, i see we use a lot of similar tools, and some that are different, like the ones for inventory. --Phalseid 16:24, 26 Oct 2006 (NZDT)

Milan, do you know where that article is where we were playing around with xml properties of a human soul? it was related to our discussion about privacy and permission to access our stuff, and charging people for access to personal information...? anyway, i can't seem to find it. i want to add notes about making an article private or accessible by updating it's properties, and writing an XMLWiki script that can do it based on payment. For example, say i wanted only people who paid $5.00 to be able read access an article, 50.00 to write access it, etc. They pay the 5 bucks, gateway approves them or not, and based on that the properties page of an article gets updated, adding their name to the permissions or something. kinda like a subscription. tell me what you think, if this fits into the project philosophy, and if you know what article i am talking 'bout... --Phalseid 19:19, 24 Oct 2006 (NZDT)

Hi Peder, the article where you talked about this is here: Profile, but I am not too keen on the whole idea of charging for access and I don't think it is in alignment with project principles. I could imagine people being paid to manage content or write, however. I guess it's up to you what you do with your XMLWiki or Peer, but I am more interested in service-based business models and would prefer to work with you on the manifesto or other stuff to progress the overall project. Cheers for asking though.--Milan 22:40, 24 Oct 2006 (NZDT)
thanks Milan for the link and comments. this is a perfect segway into the Charging & payment section of the manifesto...first of all, i want to affirm my commitment to the project and the principals. :) that is the focus of what we are doing. second, i don't think i was clear with my intetions, so i will brain dump to begin work on charging & payment for the manefesto. --Phalseid 02:07, 25 Oct 2006 (NZDT)

Excellent contribution on common ground.--Phalseid 15:26, 22 Oct 2006 (NZDT)

Also, EA and AWG have been down for a while, I wonder if its just DNS or something more? --Nad 13:33, 14 Oct 2006 (NZDT)

AWG and EA still down, have you contacted them about this yet? it will probably be that the peer broke when the evil-bender mangled things, and I still need the IP if I'm going to fix it. --Nad 09:32, 18 Oct 2006 (NZDT)
Aran, I have contacted Azzuro admin lady and she will provide the ip address shortly.--Milan 10:06, 18 Oct 2006 (NZDT)

Long time no wiki - have you got your internet cafe up and running then? and what's died in your lappie? Don't think I'll be heading out to the party not in much of a social state really. --Nad 22:26, 12 Oct 2006 (NZST)

Hey brother, nice looking page, i hadn't seen it for a while. i like the new OD look, too. so, when can you and i start crackin' on the Manifesto again? I have some time now if you want to throw down some ideas/fill me in...--Phalseid 02:20, 2 Oct 2006 (NZST)

EA's down again - they have a lot of outages - I assume its the ISP, but can't be sure, you should discuss that at the next meeting - maybe they should change to XNet. yesterday an outage lasted for more than an hour :-|

What's weird though is that we can still access EA Wiki. Surely that would be accessible if it was an outage?

AWG/EA's been down for a while - maybe you should give them a call....

No worries, Helios gave me the info on my talkpage that I needed to fix it manually ;-)

Talk:Azzuro LAN I take it from the XNet IP of the edit on GPWiki that you've got your DSL sorted then?

Have a look at category:changes and make a list of pages in other mediawiki's you want to merge - its the old merged changes again, but much better this time - you do individual pages on any number of different wiki's and it doesn't slow the recentchanges loading down at all (but probably keep it to about 20 items or less for now) --Nad 21:57, 20 Sep 2006 (NZST)

oi! where are ya?

You said you'd be in touch 10-11 re server install, why have you not been in contact regarding the changes in plan. --Nad 13:42, 13 Sep 2006 (NZST)

That EA outage appears to be the server itself as the router is responding to pings, perhaps there was apower outage and it didn't restart, you might have to call the office there (or better get it moved and get its backups sorted!) --Nad 10:19, 7 Sep 2006 (NZST)

Is it being sorted? or has it been deliberately disabled? --Nad 11:56, 7 Sep 2006 (NZST)
Maybe you should try calling the office where its actually situated. Usually a downed server is considered urgent, or are they not too fussed about it in this case...? --Nad 12:43, 7 Sep 2006 (NZST)

Hi Milan, found you! Thought I'd alert you to a message in response to a message I think was from you??

Hi Dan- Sent you email yesterday. Are you accessing this space still?

Hi Milan? Not sure when this was posted but no recent email and am accessing this infrequently. Very interested in following Organic Design implementations and of course EA though I guess that's on the back burner for now. I'm still here and very much open to dialogue and ideas. Hope this is on your watchlist! I notice the migration of Wiki to Whiti? Wondering if there is timescale for this? If it's still on the cards let me know when - gives us opportunity to use the box for other things. Finally, hope you're having fun at Azzuro and looking forward to seeing OD in action! Dan --Dan 21:02, 21 Aug 2006 (NZST)

You off the phone yet - I'm going to stone oven now --Nad 09:37, 1 Sep 2006 (NZST)

Wikipedia:Renewable energy --Nad 17:36, 20 Aug 2006 (NZST)

I fucked up a bunch of your lists because I was deleting batches of XML Orphans, but a whole lot of them were list-cats and things - we went thru this orphans thing ages ago and I thought you'd got rid of them - don't put properties on non-existent pages, make a page wth a colon or <p> in it.

I tried undeleting them and they didn't seem to be valid properties articles, which means they probably weren't functional pages anyway, so probably nothing to worry about. --Nad 13:33, 20 Aug 2006 (NZST)

Keyboard layout tool

Thanks for openning the door, it feels freindly and warm in here!--Kerry 17:42, 11 Aug 2006 (NZST)</nowiki>