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(The McEliece Cryptosystem Resists Quantum Fourier Sampling Attacks)
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==[http://arxiv.org/abs/1008.2390 The McEliece Cryptosystem Resists Quantum Fourier Sampling Attacks]==
==[http://arxiv.org/abs/1008.2390 The McEliece Cryptosystem Resists Quantum Fourier Sampling Attacks]==
Quantum computers can break the RSA and El Gamal public-key cryptosystems, since they can factor integers and extract discrete logarithms. If we believe that quantum computers will someday become a reality, we would like to have ''post-quantum'' cryptosystems which can be implemented today with classical computers, but which will remain secure even in the presence of quantum attacks.
Quantum computers can break the RSA and El Gamal public-key cryptosystems, since they can factor integers and extract discrete logarithms. If we believe that quantum computers will someday become a reality, we would like to have ''post-quantum'' cryptosystems which can be implemented today with classical computers, but which will remain secure even in the presence of quantum attacks.

Revision as of 14:08, 11 September 2010

--Joe Shirkwordsdeeds

The McEliece Cryptosystem Resists Quantum Fourier Sampling Attacks

Quantum computers can break the RSA and El Gamal public-key cryptosystems, since they can factor integers and extract discrete logarithms. If we believe that quantum computers will someday become a reality, we would like to have post-quantum cryptosystems which can be implemented today with classical computers, but which will remain secure even in the presence of quantum attacks. In this article we show that the McEliece cryptosystem over rational Goppa codes resists precisely the attacks to which the RSA and El Gamal cryptosystems are vulnerable---namely, those based on generating and measuring coset states. This eliminates the approach of strong Fourier sampling on which almost all known exponential speedups by quantum algorithms are based.

Advances Offer Path to Further Shrink Computer Chips

“When you get down to these scales, you’re talking about the ability to store hundreds of movies on a single chip.”

Wikileaks encryption useoffers 'legal challenge'

"In a sense communications networks can be defined entirely by who has cryptographic keys, and I think a lot of networks will work that way in the future."

Cancer & Desperation of QE2 - Jim Willie - 24 Hour Gold

"THE UNITED STATES WILL BEGIN A RECOVERY WHEN THE TOO BIG TO FAIL BANKS ARE PLOWED UNDER. They are blocking remedy and restructure. They are resisting liquidation of badly impaired assets. They do not lend money, as their credit engines are broken, since they are dead entities that occupy space in the US financial sector. "

"Cancer is a strong word. It conjures up images of internal broken functions, nasty growths, blockage of organs, twisted lives, pain, and death. Yes, that sounds right for describing the USDollar and its flagship the USTreasury Bond, with the accompanying destroyer in Fannie Mae. The word cancer fits perfectly. It has brought a removal of US industry... a wave of bond fraud centered upon mortgages... endless war, paid by foreigners... insolvency to US households... insolvency to the US banks... a tumor of REO homes seized by foreclosures and put the US bank balance sheets... a bloated wrecked USFed balance sheet... chronic $1.5 trillion USGovt deficits... a mass of Food Stamp recipients... Wall Street control of the USGovt finance ministries... a Black of Hole of tainted money... diverse toxic bonds... blockage of any independent audit of the USFed assets or activity."

"the most significant breach of U.S. military computers ever"

“A dozen determined computer programmers can, if they find a vulnerability to exploit, threaten the United States’s global logistics network, steal its operational plans, blind its intelligence capabilities or hinder its ability to deliver weapons on target” (NYT)

Intel Milestone Confirms Light Beams Can Replace Electronic Signals for Future Computers

  • Intel Labs has created the world's first silicon-based optical data connection with integrated lasers using Hybrid Silicon Laser technology.
  • The experimental chip can move data at 50 billion bits per second (50Gbps). Researchers are now pressing on to demonstrate even faster speeds.
  • The availability of low-cost, high-speed fiber-optics based on this technology could allow computer makers to completely rethink traditional system design from netbooks to supercomputers.
  • Businesses with server farms or datacenters could eliminate performance bottlenecks while saving significant operational costs in space and energy, replacing many cables with one optical fiber.

The dirty little secret about Google Android

Here’s the dirty little secret about Android: After all the work Apple did to get AT&T to relinquish device control for the iPhone and all the great efforts Google made to get the FCC and the U.S. telecoms to agree to open access rules as part of the 700 MHz auction, Android is taking all of those gains and handing the power back to the telecoms.

This article was originally published on TechRepublic but I thought the reader comments on both sites are worthwhile.

Software Router Smashes Speed Records

Researchers in South Korea have built a networking router that transmits data at record speeds from components found in most high-end desktop computers. A team from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology created the router, which transmits data at nearly 40 gigabits per second--many times faster than the previous record for such a device.

Google CEO Schmidt: No Anonymity Is The Future Of Web

"In a world of asynchronous threats, it is too dangerous for there not to be some way to identify you. We need a name service for people. Governments will demand it."

- In the future, people will demand the dismantling of privacy-invading governments and corporations. How about that?

One of my long time pet peeves is now being ruined - the textbook racket

http://www.curriki.org free, open-source curricula (it's a wiki!) NY Times