Milan/About me

From Organic Design wiki
< Milan
Revision as of 06:13, 9 August 2011 by Milan (talk | contribs)

Hi, I am Milan. I have been involved with OrganicDesign since early 2002. Aside from working on numerous software implementation and customisation projects with the OD team, I have collaborated with Aran and others on foundation documents such as About the project, Manifesto, Charter and helped specify and test the Wiki Organisation system we use internally. I currently fill the role of OrganicDesign Manager. Apart from being involved with OrganicDesign, I work as a freelance translator (German to English) and contract business analyst.

Why I am involved

I am passionate about the vision and goals of OrganicDesign and look forward to empowering countless bottom-up organisations to create the platform network, but before that can happen, we obviously need the platform specification to be completed. We can then attract funding and talent to get the platform software developed.

My current work

That is currently my main focus - I am writing the use cases for the platform specification as well as the interface section and of the software architecture interface section of page. Your feedback and comments are welcome!