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Revision as of 00:05, 14 September 2013 by Nad (talk | contribs) (Forms & data)

These days the issue of privacy online is becoming more and more important as we hear about the shocking extent to which organisations like the NSA are violating people's privacy and the giant corporations like Facebook and Google are misusing our personal information. Social networks have become an important tool for people from diverse locations and cultures to get together and organise, but when this organisation is used for purposes that oppose them they're shut down like this and this. It's become very apparent to many people that a new form of social networking tool is required that meets a number of important criteria.

Free and open source: For it to gain widespread use and be as accessible as possible to all people like Facebook and Google applications are it must be completely free to use. But it's very important that the source code be available for peer review so that the users can be satisfied that it's secure and there's no nasty tricks involved such as misuse of personal information or the inclusion of back doors through the security systems.

Peer-to-peer: One of the big problems we're starting to see nowadays is that the centralised model for setting up sites on a web-server for the users to access is not very resilient. We're seeing many sites that start off with great ideals when it comes to upholding peoples rights to privacy, but when they become too popular they come under attack by "the global agenda" by being accused of aiding child pornography or "supporting terrorism". They're then forced by law to turn over their user's data or face being prosecuted and shut down, some such as Silent Circle and Lavabit just shut down voluntarily rather than violate their user's privacy or face prosecution. However there are some online applications and services which have come under attack but have not been successfully shut down such as The Pirate Bay and other file sharing applications and the Bitcoin crypto-currency. Although these applications are considered a major problem from the perspective of the global agenda, it's so far proven impossible to do anything about them. The reason is that they have no central point of attack, shutting down accounts or servers or prosecuting people has no effect on these systems. It's for this reason that it's absolutely necessary for us, the people, to have access to a new social networking tool that is completely peer-to-peer.

Supports privacy and anonymity: Another thing that has been growing in importance a lot over the last few years is the ability for users to maintain their anonymity when working online. It's rapidly becoming a violation of law simply to voice opinion that opposes the status quo, which is in itself ample reason, or even a moral obligation, to oppose it! It's important for people who oppose this draconian system to be able to do so anonymously, especially in exceedingly oppressive countries that don't allow basic freedom of speech rights such as China and the USA.


Anyone whose thought seriously about developing a any kind of peer-to-peer application that has more than basic file sharing functionality will know that there are some extremely difficult challenges to overcome, particularly when it comes to the "sign up/sign in" and the ability for many users to "subscribe" to information. There are many complex issues involved in security and content distribution which are orders of magnitude more difficult to accomplish in a system where there are no fixed servers, and every peer must be considered as a potentially hostile to the network.

The first application which has really made headway in moving the world of peer-to-peer beyond the simple file-sharing application is the Bitcoin crypto-currency. The fact that it's financially oriented creates much more motivation for attackers to try and exploit any weakness in it, but it has stood up to everything the hackers and the governments with their billions of dollars have thrown at it. Now a few years down the track, the Bitcoin code is starting to be used in other more diverse applications such as in the Namecoin alternative domain name system and the Bitmessage secure anonymous messaging system.


Bitmessage is of particular interest because messaging is a very general application that can be used as the foundation for many other applications - social networking being one of them. And that's what the Bitgroup project is about, building the foundations of a secure peer-to-peer anonymous social network using Bitmessage as it's fundamental communications over which users and groups are formed and connected, hence the name "Bitgroup".

Bitmessage is programmed in Python, and since I've now had some experience working with the Bitessage API through Python when I made the Bitmessage gateway so the main networking aspect of Bitgroup will also be written in Python. The interface will be in JavaScript running within an embedded browser component within the Python application. This is so that it will be very easy to allow it to be run as a web-application server and will also make the interface programming and theming much simpler.

The code is being developed in our tools repo which you can view on our Github mirror here. It'll get moved into it's own repo after it's our of the pre-alpha stage.

Users and groups

The basic functionality required for building a social network application is the channel which is a collection of changing content maintained by one or more users that can be "subscribed" to, or "followed" by many others. This functionality allows for all the different behaviours that make up a social network system such as creating pages, posting items, following and "liking" things, as well as other potential functionality such as blogs, wikis or scheduling applications.

The first step in this "channels" idea is to extend the basic messaging and subscription functionality of Bitmessage to allow for the formation of groups that have not only subscribers that can view the public content generated by the group, but also "members" who produce and publish the group's content together and also have access to the private members-only content.

There are two key features of Bitmessage that allow for the formation of groups. First is that any number of running instances can have the same From address, so sharing the private keys associated with an address (or in the case of a deterministically generated address, sharing the key used to create it from) with other people allows them to become a member of the group by being able to publish information from that group to its subscribers or other members. The second feature is that users are able to subscribe to their own addresses which means that you will receive broadcast messages from others sending from that same address. This means that a many-to-many messaging system can be set up by a group all using the same address to broadcast from and subscribing to it. They can then use the private key component of the address as a shared encryption key so that they can keep some of the messages private within the group.

In our system, users and groups are practically the same thing and are both essentially a Bitmessage address at their core. The only real difference between a user and a group in the Bitgroup system is that users are entities that "own" a running instance of the application and don't have any members, whereas groups are entities that are created by a user and can have other users become members via invitation.

The Bitgroup system encapsulates this users and groups functionality in a class called Group. This class allows messages to be of different types in addition the generic type of message designed to be read by a recipient user or subscriber. These new message types are processed by the Bitgroup application instances internally instead of being read by a user. Any new types can be added for extending the functionality of the Bitgroup system, but initially just invitation, acceptance and confirmation messages are used to add the group membership functionality.


The group functionality created by the Group class is a messaging-only system with no persistent content, so the next level of functionality is done by a class called Node which this content aspect in the form of a structure of properties and attachments. A group can have any number of nodes which can be viewed and modified in different ways depending on the extensions the group has installed, for example as a folder of files, a list of historical posts, as a collaborative document etc. Later as more extensions are created, this channel functionality can form the basis for many other applications such as group schedules and decision-making tools.


Browser-based interfaces are extremely convenient because they allow very easy linking to other sites, and are very easy to develop since there's so many useful tools and technologies available such as jQuery and CSS, and allows groups to open up some of their content to the web for easy access. Some groups could even run a complete web gateway if privacy and security were less of a concern to them so that their members and subscribers could log in over the web like a normal social networking site. Since the browser will be connecting only to our local socket, and our local socket only accepts requests from our own application the browser is safer than the usual situation. However later we'd like to offer the option of an in-application version of the interface using PyWebkit or PyGtkMozembed.

We'll be using the Single Page Application pattern for the structure of the interface code. This keeps the roles of the Python and the JavaScript very clear with no need for a messy mish-mash of interface functionality spanning both the sides. The entire interface application will be written in JavaScript and only reloads the page/application when the user changes the context to a different group (since each group decides for themselves which extensions will be active and therefore which JavaScript will be loaded in the page).

The local part of the URL consists only of the group name or Bitmessage address and everything after that is the hash-fragment, so that only a change in group will result in a page-reload. The URL format after the hash is a slash-separated path, the first element being the currently selected view and subsequent elements being decoded by that view's URL-routing method and sent to the relevant method for processing.

To allow for more rapid interface development and make it easier for other developers to be involved and extend the system we're including jQuery and using jQueryUI for all the interface elements such as tooltips, progress bars, tab-sets etc.

The Python side of the application is purely involved with Group communications across the network and with keeping the group's property structures up to date. Any new messages or changes to properties on either side are kept in sync with the other side via a per-second polling request from the client side. Both sides queue any changes to data and on the next request, the server merges the queues, updates its data and then responds with a final list of items changed for the client to update its data with.

Forms & data

In a Single Page Application, the input elements that allow the user to update data and content in the application do not use the classic form/post methodology because everything is handled by the currently loaded page. In fact the entire form element is quite redundant and so is the name attribute of input elements. Instead the form components simply connect into the application functionality directly via event handlers.

In the Bitgroup application we have some methods of the main App class that make the handling of inputs much simpler. First we have componentType which returns a general type string when passed an input element. This type string is used to determine how the value of the input is set or retrieved and how changes in the value are to be connected in to the application. The componentRender method is a high-level helper function for constructing an input element given some data such as a list, and componentSetValue / componentGetValue are used for setting or retrieving the value of a form or other interface component.

App.componentConnect: The main function is componentConnect which creates a "live" connection between the specified path into the group's data and the interface component. The connection is bidirectional (if it's an input component) and asynchronous so that if the user changes the value it will automatically propagate back to the server-side to be stored and will automatically be reflected in any other open instances of the interface. Conversely if the data undergoes change from another remote instance via another user in the group or by some other back-end service, all interface components connected to the changed data will automatically have their values updated.

Here's an example of how it can be used.


$( '#foo' ).html( app.componentRender( 'checklist', ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] ) ); app.componentConnect( 'settings.extensions', $( '#foo .checklist' ) ); </js>

In this example, a checklist (like a select list but with checkboxes instead) is rendered with items "foo", "bar" and "baz". The second line then connects this new input element to the data source settings.extensions in the group's shared data structure. As soon as this is done, any of the checklist items that are in the settings.extensions value will become checked, and if any of the items checked state are changed by the user, the group's data and any other pages containing the input will update accordingly.

One complication (bug#2) is that the event handler prevents the DOM element that it's connected to from dying when it's no longer present in the DOM, so the event handler first checks this by using a jQuery statement to check if the component is a descendant of the body element, and removes itself from the event if not.


The handler function is assigned to a variable in the local scope so that it can be referred to when it's called to unhook itself from the event using the jQuery .off() method.


The main content is generated unconditionally by the main application and is a plain set of div and ul elements with CSS class and ID attributes allowing CSS to define the style and page layout. Skins are a directory of the skins name that go in the skins directory and contain at least a style.css stylesheet that will be loaded if the group has selected that skin. There can then be any number of support files such as images etc in the skin's directory that the stylesheet can refer to.


Extensions play an important role in the Bitgroup system. The idea is that each group's members can choose what extensions are active for them based on their needs and their security concerns. The extensions are only implemented in the JavaScript side currently as that's where the majority of the application's functionality resides - the Python side is only the foundation network functionality which is unlikely to require extending and raises security issues at least until the application has reached a mature state of development. Extensions are in the form of directories that reside in the extensions directory. The directory should be the name of the extension, and it should contain a JavaScript file of the same name within it that has the .js file extension. This file will be loaded prior to application startup if the current group has selected to use it. If the user changes to a different group, the page reloads so that a new selection of extension can load depending on the group's preferences.

Adding new views

To add a new view, an extension defines a class, adds a render method which populates the content div, and adds the class to the available views in the app.views list. It may also add the view name to the various node types that should have the view.


Application events

We need to add custom events throughout the code that extensions can subscribe to so they can adjust or extend the behaviour of the application. Extensions will initially only be available on the JavaScript side and will use the jQuery trigger method. Events are triggered with parameters passed to the handler that are specific to the event are packaged inside an args object so that they can be adjusted since JavaScript doesn't support passing-by-reference on non-object variables.

This is an example of an event the could be triggered by an extension:


Here the argument foo is being output after the new bgNewEvent event is triggered to see if any handlers have changed it's value. We precede the event name with the "bg" prefix to ensure there's no conflict with existing events in the environment.

A handler could subscribe to this event and modify the foo value as follows:


Current events




Data synchronisation

Each group consists of a number of users each running one or more instances of the software (only one instance per host though), and each of these instances may have many interface pages open in their browser. The data for the group needs to be synchronised across all of these instances and interface pages.

The general idea is that each context will queue up its changes and propagate them on a regular interval. The open interface pages connect with the Python service running on their local host on a one-second interval, and each of the services connects with the rest of the online group members on a five second interval and with the offline members via Bitmessages on a half-hourly interval.

As changes to data occur they're queued up to be sent on the next time a synchronisation request occurs. All the data is in the form of a hierarchical key:value structure with every value being a two-element array contain the value and an accompanying timestamp denoting when the current value was set. The timestamp originates at the source of the change and accompanies the value in the queue and then in the sent synchronisation data.

When any instance receives incoming data to be synchronised it checks each items timestamp and compares it with the timestamo if the local version of the same value (if one exists) and only stores it if it's more recent. This way all the instances' data will always eventually end up in a consistent state with each other as long as all the messages eventually arrive, see eventual consistency.

Each instance has a unique ID so that the service can keep track of the last time each one connected last and merge it's queued client changes with it's local changes that have occurred during that time. I'm using an HTTP header called X-Bitgroup-ID for assigning an ID to each client because the Python socket implementation doesn't seem to allow one to obtain the unique handle of each connected stream.

See also