From Organic Design wiki
- 1 Microarray analysis workshop
- 2 Workflow
- 2.1 Bioconductor/R framework
- 2.1.1 What is Bioconductor? (
- 2.1.2 Bioconductor Goals
- 2.1.3 Object oriented class method design
- 2.1.4 Advantages
- 2.1.5 Disadvantages
- 2.1.6 Accessing Bioconductor
- 2.1.7 Installing vs loading
- 2.1.8 Documentation and Help
- 2.1.9 Brief about Limma (10-15 mins)
- 2.1.10 Analysis script (1+hours)
- 2.2 Scratch pad
- 2.1 Bioconductor/R framework
Microarray analysis workshop
Time schedule: 8:30 - 10:30am, 11-12:30am (3.5 hours)
- Introduction to microarray analysis (10mins)
- Normalization talk (10mins) Robert Schaffer
- Introduce Bioconductor/R framework (15+ mins do a tutorial 45mins→ 1hr)
Bioconductor/R framework
What is Bioconductor? (
- Bioconductor is an open source development software project
- Provides tools for analysis and comprehension of genomic data
- Extensively for Affymetrix and cDNA microarray technologies
- The project started in the autumn of 2001
- Includes 23 core collaborating developers
Bioconductor Goals
The broad goals of the project are:
- To enable sound and powerful statistical analyses in genomics
- To provide a computing platform that allows the rapid design and deployment of high-quality software
- To develop a computing environment for both biologists and statisticians
- Promote high-quality dynamic documentation and reproducible research
- Using LATEX, the Sweave system and tcl/tk to deliver interactive step by step pdf tutorials, e.g.
library(tkWidgets) vExplorer()
Object oriented class method design
- Organized approach to handling large amounts of experimental data
- Class structure encapsulates the data required for microarray analysis → object
- Allows efficient representation and manipulation (including subsetting) of data from many microarray slides in an experiment
- A method is a function that performs an action on data (objects) throughout analysis
- Newest cutting edge statistical methods available
- Modern programming language
- Powerful graphical tools available
- Its freely available
- Steep learning curve
- Need to have experience programming in the R programming environment (
- Like all software there are bugs
Accessing Bioconductor
- Bioconductor tools are accessed using the R programming language
- R is a programming environment for statistical computing and graphics
- Initially written by Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka (Auckland University)
- Download R from a Comprehensive R archive network (CRAN) mirror (
- Install R (available for Unix, Windows, and Mac OS X)
- R version 2.2.1 has been released on 2005-12-20
- R is the environment used to design and distribute software:
- Locally downloaded files
- Via the internet e.g. Commands in R
# Setting proxy variable # Downloading installation script
getBioC() # Running script
Installing vs loading
- Packages only need to be installed once onto a computer
- Packages must be loaded with each new R session
- The R function library is used to load packages e.g.
library(limma) #Installs the limma package
Documentation and Help
- R manuals and tutorials are available from the R website or on-line in an R session
- R on-line help system, detailed on-line documentation, available in text, HTML, PDF, and LATEX formats.
- tasks available from web which utilze example data available in R - object assignment, subsetting, plotting, mathematical functions, sorting etc (20 tasks?)
- Usage/interaction within environment
- Bioconductor resources/vignettes(including downloading)
- Bioconductor basics (any resources for limma out there?)
Brief about Limma (10-15 mins)
- Essentially t-statistics for each spot/gene
- Uses between gene information in moderated t-statistics
- Computationally fast/robust
- Handles missing information/use defined flag information
- benefits/limitations?
- FDR control? → ranking better than selecting cutoff
Analysis script (1+hours)
Scratch pad
- A flow diagram for analysis
- Recap of cDNA microarrays (slide 3)
- Microarray data issues (slide 4)
- Microarray data issues (continued)
- Large amount of data (GPR/JPEG file size)
- Subjective
- Need a log of what was done so someone else can quickly reroduce the results
- → Reproducible research (someone else can understand/reproduce the results) (McGintys talk)
- Analysis process
- R resources/contributed guides (including downloading)
- R tutorial of basics (objects/indexing/functions)