
From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 03:46, 30 March 2006 by Dana (talk | contribs)

Some examples how you can create different kinds of text and links

  1. Section 1

Just a normal line of text

Things to collect here:

  • Roles you fill
  • Websites you like
  • Anything you would place on a homepage
  • This is like the homepage for your user in the wiki
  • What others have done:

Important wiki features

Links for you

Milan- Have had a play around and note that this is way too complicated a system to introduce to anyone who is not quite computer literate. I believe that we need to create a VERY SIMPLE and limited level "p-oint and click" entry for people (clients and contributors) I'm aware we are very much in the infantile stages of creation but there will always be children....

When I log on I get Kusum's desktop (or login). Wrong link??