
From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 02:43, 29 July 2005 by Rob (talk | contribs)

What operating system would be complete without being able make sounds? Here are some documents related to getting sound happening under linux using ALSA.


Here are some commands that will allow you to test the audio system for correct operation.

  • alsamixer - ANSI GUI to the ALSA mixer controls (VERY USEFUL)
  • lsmod - lists current kernel modules and what they are used for (VERY USEFUL)
  • aplay - play some sound
  • amixer
  • vi .asoundrc - edit the ALSA configuration file usually found in ~
  • lspci - list current PCI interfaces
  • alsactl store|restore - lets you save|load the current ALSA driver settings
  • speaker-test - play some pink noise and cycle through available channels
