Frequently asked questions

From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 17:04, 6 November 2006 by Bender (talk | contribs) (Caretaker: headings, categories, typo)

What are the goals of the project, now and in the future?

The main goal of the project is to implement the philosophical foundations in the form of a freely available, open, independent self-organising network. The general structure of this network is summed up in the nodal model. Formalising these principles in such a way that computers and people can work in accord with them overcomes the limitations that have arrisen within the many spiritual traditions throughout the ages.

What spiritual tradition or principles does the project follow?

The true spiritual truth is beyond any particular names or traditions, but those involved in the project throughout the ages have usually been part of the particular traditions which recognise this nameless truth such as Taoism and Advaita Vedanta. However, categorising the spiritual truth into one tradition or another leads to trouble because every tradition exhibits notable teachers and scriptures making statements which are not in accord with the spritiual truth or are grossly missinterpreted, for example that we are born in sin.

How can people get involved in the project?

Anyone can set up their own instance of the project simply by being dedicated to the spritual path and persistently trying to implement it using their own skills, position, connections and resources. But most likely the question is really meaning "how can people get involved Organic Design's implementation of the project?"

The roles Organic Design could really use currently are:

  • C programmers for the network layer and OpenGL interface layer
  • ActionScript programmers for the Flash interface and nodal implementation
  • Writers to help document the nodal model
  • Content management to help with general site content like news and stub creation/expansion
  • Administrators to help with potential-management and workflow organisation

The project exhibits a steep learning curve so the best approach to getting involved is to get used to our wiki environment by reading help and examples and keeping an eye on the recent changes to get a feel for who's involved in what etc. All the "regular" users you see in the recent changes are happy to answer questions posted on their user-talk page or other article's discussion pages.

Once the software is stable and readily accessible, the best method of being involved would be simply by using the software to run your projects and organisations and thereby running them sustainabally and in accord with the principles.

How is the software aspect of the project connected to the setting up of organisations?

Organisations can be set up based on templates (also called classes, prototypes or patterns). In the same way that presentation templates can be re-used over a variety of articles, so organisational templates can be reused and refined by many organisations, businesses, projects and groups. Templates form from established patterns of day-to-day use, the software is an environment for managing the re-use and evolution of such patterns. Organisations working in this way are called nodal organisations.

Does the project allow contractors to offer services to existing organisations to help them implement the new methods and tools?

The methods of the project encourage propagation and include educational tools to help with this.

Why does the project have no name?

Every aspect of the software is user and group preference oriented including node or file naming, icons or logos. There will be no centralised structure in the network to control things like names. Specialist groups will emerge which people can defer various classes of decision to.

How old is the project and who started it?

The project has been going forever and has no beginning, it is the implementation of the the spiritual principles.

How can a computer program embody spiritual principles?

Some of us have been waiting nearly ten years for this "new software"! why's it taking so long?

How's a computer program supposed to help with the imminent economic collapse? people will be fighting for survival not tapping away at keyboards!