Living Together/Table of content

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Revision as of 21:18, 27 November 2006 by Flower (talk | contribs)


  • to write a paper which explains why the current systems or organisational ways of doing things don't work and what can be done instead.
  • analyse the current situation of global society and global political economic systems
  • show that the current problems can be solved by 'the project'


  1. Introduction
  1. A New Way of Living
  • imagine this... or A vision
  • describe feeling
    1. Philosophical Foundations
      1. Golden Rule - Ethic of reciprocity
  • behaviour of humans as individual ws well as an organisation
    • e.g. corporations behave like a psychopath (see: The Corporation, section: The Pathology of Commerce)
      1. everything is interconnected
      2. follow the way of harmony - I Ching
      3. Bagua
      4. completenes of concepts
    1. Social and Economic Systems
      1. Organisation
      1. Sustainability
      1. co-operative model
  • co-operation and colaboration; create win-win situations
      1. transparency; share instead of hiding => open standard (incl. information)
  • info, knowledge and technology accessible for everyone
  • open source movement
      1. reuse and utilisation - access not ownership
  • knowledge: no intelectual property => more time to improve and no need to work on the same things without sharing
  • resources: mex effective and eficient use (see social capital)
  • sharing facilities: e.g. one big meeting house in the middle, 5 smaller settlements with individual houses (or shared houses), sharing bathroom and kitchen facilities in order to meet sustainability criterias (add drawing for clearification)
      1. p2p
      1. all aspects changeable
      1. think global, act local
  • Think global, act local
  • e.g. choose level of centralisation appropriated to situation/problem (water, energie, food)
    1. Advantages of this way

  1. Current Way of Living
    1. Philosophical Foundations
      1.  ???
      2. how do humans fit into the world?
    1. Social and Economic Systems
      1. Individualism
      2. Centralisation
      3. Democracy and Nation States
  • gov is taking care of us/ looking after us - e.g. welfare state
  • system of fixing instead of preventing. e.g. health, pest (here or into problems?)
      1. Bretton Woods

World Bank, IMF, BIS, Federal Reserve System, Fractional-reserve banking, Usury

      1. Free Markets
  • consumerism: goods, entertainment, information, relations...all areas
      1. Globalisation
    1. Occuring Problems
      1. controlled information
  • intelectual property prevents re-use => re-inventing and parallel inventing => result is less then what it could be
  • only priviledged have access to certain info, knowledge and resources
  • hidden information -> unconcious about 'my impact' and what's happening
      1. profit
      1. competitive model with the aim for maximum profit rather then maximum harmony
  • against each other instead of together - win-loose instead of win-win
  • benefitial to lie and hide
      1. inequality
  • top-down decission making; decissions are imposed upon the majority
  • few have heaps, lots have little (rich-poor)
  • passive income, interest
  • see Poverty
  • money can grow by itself, has a life of its own (different to a general currency)
      1. rigid systems, little flexibility to react on new problems
      2. harmfull to its environment - non-sustainable
  • exploitation of natural(incl human) resources
  • repair more expensive than buy new
  • polution

  1. Roadmap - Transition periode
  • Answer: How can we get from now to then?
      1. Sanctuaries
      2. wikipedia as an example for the new way of non-hirachic colaboration
  • p2p on a social level
  • freely accessible info for everybody
  • truely democratic

  1. Conclusion
  • Answer: Why do we want to change?
  • new way is not just desireable in itself, but also solves all those problems(threatening human kinds' existence) created by the current way

  1. Bibliography

  • points to go...somewhere:
    • communication
    • self-responsibility
    • prohibition
    • 'i just work here' mentality
    • common sense (definable?) vs. regulations/policy/law