// This is the script which compiles the logo with dynamic changes behind it // Compile [[here]]
- include "box-model.as"
// Constants background = parseInt(background,16); bg_r = (background & 0xff0000)>>16; bg_g = (background & 0x00ff00)>>8; bg_b = (background & 0x0000ff); fw = 20; // width of fades id0 = 1; changes = []; change = false; offset = -200; stripes = (width >= 200); lineHeight = height/nchanges; // NOTE: don't use rects for stripes, use multiples positioned textboxes
// Set up async connection with server
server = new LoadVars();
recv = new LoadVars();
server.title = 'Special:Recentchanges'; // wiki page to request
recv.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
for (i = 0; i<nchanges; i++) {
row = recv['item'+i].split(',');
id = row.shift();
if ( ( i == 0 ) && ( id != id0 ) ) {
if ( id0 ) offset = -20;
id0 = id;
time = row.shift();
author = row.shift();
title = row.shift();
textcol = row.shift();
comment = row.join(',');
if (comment != ) title = comment;
changes[i] = ''+time+': ('+author+') ';
changes[i] += title+'
rc.htmlText = changes.join();
// Get info if any returned
if (recv.user) _root.user = recv.user;
// Textbox for changes-text createTextField('rc', 1, 0, 0, width, height); with (rc) { autosize = 'left'; selectable = false; _quality = 'BEST'; border = false; multiline = true; wordWrap = false; html = true; }
if (stripes) { // Striped background createEmptyMovieClip('bg',0); for (i = 0; i<nchanges; i++) { createSymbol(bg,'rect','bg'+i,i); var bgi = bg['bg'+i]; col = new Color(bgi); col.setTransform({rb:0xd4,gb:0xd4,bb:0xd4}); bgi._width = width; bgi._height = lineHeight; bgi._x = 0; bgi._y = i*lineHeight; if (i%2) bgi._visible = false; } bg._x = width/2; bg._width = width; bg._height = height; } else { // Top fade createSymbol(this, 'linear', 'top', 2); col = new Color(top); col.setTransform({rb:bg_r, gb:bg_g, bb:bg_b}); top._width = fw; top._height = width; top._x = width / 2; top._y = fw / 2; top._rotation = 90;
// Bottom fade createSymbol(this, 'linear', 'bot', 3); col = new Color(bot); col.setTransform({rb:bg_r, gb:bg_g, bb:bg_b}); bot._width = fw; bot._height = width; bot._x = width / 2; bot._y = height - fw / 2; bot._rotation = 270;
// Right fade createSymbol(this, 'linear', 'right', 4); col = new Color(right); col.setTransform({rb:bg_r,gb:bg_g,bb:bg_b}); right._width = fw; right._height = height; right._x = width-fw/2; right._y = height/2; right._rotation = 180;
// Logo in background (specified for inclusion in XML properties article) attachMovie('xmlwiki','bg',0); with (bg) { _xscale = _yscale = 75; _x = (width-_width)/2; _y = (height-_height)/2; _alpha = 0; } }
// Per-frame function function reduce() {
// Scrolling if ( offset < 0 ) offset++; rc._y = offset; if (stripes) bg._y = offset+500;
// Make request on some regular cycle which seems about right // todo: move to socket.onData if ( ++_root.ctr%400 == 1 ) { server.SWF = id0; server.INFO = 1; // request info if user unknown server.sendAndLoad( '/wiki/index.php', recv, 'GET' ); }