Extension talk:SearchLog.php
From Organic Design wiki
Problem with UTF8 chars
The search log incorrectly displays UTF-8 characters (as black diamonds with question sign inside). Could you help to fix that?
- The UTF-8 is converted automatically when in the source code of an html page, to stop it rendering you need to escape wither the & or the # with its UTF-8 code e.g.
- To display ¼ as ¼
- you can use a regular expression to convert the # into # --Sven 11:32, 8 February 2008 (NZDT)
- At about line 95 if you change the for loop to;
that should now show the raw UTF-8 characters --Sven. If the regex converted the &'s then unicode like '→' would also be converted to → --Sven 11:39, 8 February 2008 (NZDT)
- Can you download the new version and see if it what you want --Sven 12:11, 8 February 2008 (NZDT)