Talk:Platform roadmap
From Organic Design wiki
- Related work
- Platform Documentation
- Platform/Examples
- Why IT Support currently sucks and takes time. As opposed to setting up a streamlined process and workspaces.
- Accounts - fragmented, hard to set up, how would you manage multiple branches, records maintentance. Or easy to set up from templates with guidance, plus unification.
- Organisation - todo lists are hard to keep track of, confusion over roles, accounts, compare that to having a unified inbox, which combines the functionality of email, recentchanges, and spreadsheet
- i would differntiate between "ToDo" and "Schedule" the same way that Covey does: "TODO's" relate to and move you towards your main goals in your roles. "Schedule" is appointments, etc. Maybe we don't confine this globally (ok, of course we don't) but this is how i will use it. I will also make it so my TODO is only visable for a portion of the day, the portion of the day when i am scheduled to do my TODO. --Phalseid 06:48, 12 Jul 2006 (NZST)
- Platform/Philosophy
- Google comparison "Search, don't file" vs. Filters that are refined over time - workspaces.
- Information Organisation - things are placed and displayed in context.
- Analogy - books thrown on floor with sophisticated robots to sift through pile vs. "the library way"
- Infinite growth vs. the sustainable way. The platforms have no interest in eternal growth. they seek to simply reflect the needs of the community and act to meet those needs via the provision of products, services and organisation itself.
- Platform/Sanctuary
- Google have got their technology parks, they realise that a nice campus environment where all needs of the employees can be met will lead to happy productive and creative employees. we want to create a technology park template which will form a network of all the instances in use. We refer to this as "Sanctuary". We extend the platform notion slightly to integrate management of the natural environment and food production.
- Gardens
- Compost
- Permaculture
- Banter
speaking of the trinity - wasn't the "global crystal" thing described as network-of-platform in the common forword of them? --Nad