
From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 05:02, 17 August 2008 by Nad (talk | contribs)

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}} Organic Design is an organisation set up to facilitate the development of a number of projects being worked on by a small group of people working together as a team. The members of the team all share common ideals regarding free software, decentralised solutions and the general idea of maximising re-usability of these solutions and actively sharing them with others.

There are many diverse software tools required across the diverse aspects of the projects and organisations, but its the shared documentation system that ties them all togther into a single unified structure. This site is our ongoing effort at creating an organised and reusable system for organising all these aspects using wiki software.

This wiki organisation system involves establishing and refining a set of best practices which are conventions for all the members to adhere to when working together on projects managed within the site. In addition to these, all the procedures are documented and refined through use which optimises reuseability and knowledge sharing. It also reduces human error and makes tasks require less mental energy to perform.

Our site is based on the [MW:Main Page|MediaWiki]] software which was designed for the Wikipedia online encyclopedia. Wikipedia is a massive project involving thousands of tasks being performed by thousands of users, so it's a very good example which we've learned a lot from during the development of our own system. Some of our ideas for wiki organisation are more specific than Wikipedia, so we've developed many extensions to the software to help it support our way of working more effectively.

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