Offroad hitch-hiking adventure!

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Posted by Nad on 13 March 2025 at 01:58
This post has the following tags : Our second year on the land

Today we got up early and walked for a couple of hours to the bus stop at Vaca Velha to go into Canela for some groceries and to meet Barry at our favourite cafe, Confeiteria Martha, and have some beers, coffees, cakes, pizza and pastels and to say goodbye. We could only stay a short time because on Saturdays the bus back to Vaca Velha leaves Canela at 2pm instead of 4pm, so we said our goodbyes and left for the bus station at twenty to.

We decided to try walking back in bare feet after Eduardo inspired us so much, but we'd only been going for twenty minutes when we saw a couple of 4x4's approaching. Well walking is good, but we like to always take advantage of a ride for part of the way when the opportunity arises, especially when carrying a heavy load - we also get to meet some interesting locals that way too.

These guys were happy to give us a ride, but warned us that it would be bumpy and probably muddy sitting in the back, we said we were fine with that and so off we went. It turned out these guys were actually on their way to São Francisco de Paula but were taking this out of the way route purposely to find the worst muddy rocky road in the area! this road connects our local area where we and our neighbours all live with the bus stop at Vaca Velha on "highway" RS-476, we've done it once in our Lada Niva, but we never wanted to do that again! but these guys do this route for fun!! and even know of some other areas slightly off the track that are even worse which they went on - while we were clutching to the sides in the back!!!

We stopped at a couple of muddy ponds so they could film each other going through them and got to talk with them a bit. Once they heard we had a Niva I think we made some kind of a connection with them, like we were automatically in the same "club" or something :-) we were really happy to hear that one of their 4x4's ran on alcohol like ours! we'd thought that alcohol was a really bad idea because it doesn't work in winter at all, but they said to just mix 30% or so of petrol with it and it'll be fine! one of the guys, Geremias, is a mechanic and was fascinated by the fact that we live all the way out here in the middle of nowhere. They decided to drive us all the way back to our house to have a look at our place and our Niva!

Barry was telling us what good "hole in one" luck he'd had with hitch-hiking (when you get a ride that takes you all the way to where you want to go), but this takes the cake! who'd ever have thought we'd get a ride literally all the way to our door in the middle of the forest!?!?

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