<? global $wgContLang,$wgArticlePath,$xwIsUser; $xwIsAdmin = true;
- Get copy-target and summary-text from form
xwGetProperty($properties, 'copy/target', $target); xwGetProperty($properties, 'copy/summary', $summary); xwGetProperty($properties, 'copy/xml', $xml); # move/copy properties too? xwGetProperty($properties, 'copy/talk', $talk); # move/copy talk too? xwGetProperty($properties, 'copy/action', $action);
if ($summary) $summary = " : $summary"; if (!$xwIsAdmin) $action = 'copy'; $target = ucfirst(str_replace(' ', '_', $target)); $ot = Title::newFromText($title); $nt = Title::newFromText($target); $ns = $ot->getNamespace(); if ($nstxt = $wgContLang->getNsText($ns)) $nstxt .= ':'; $err = $msg = ; $link = str_replace('$1',,$wgArticlePath); $olink = $action == 'rename' ? ' class="new"' : ; $olink = "<a$olink href=\"$link$title\">$title</a>"; $nlink = "<a href=\"$link$target\">$target</a>";
if ($target && !$xwAnonymous) { # Create list of articles to apply the process to (main, talk, xml) $list = array($nstxt); if ($xml) ereg('^Xml:',$title)
? $msg .= "
: array_push($list,"Xml:$nstxt"); if ($talk) $ns & 1
? $msg .= "
: array_push($list,$wgContLang->getNsText($ns|1).':');
# Loop through the list and apply the requested action to each $title = $ot->getText(); $target = $nt->getText(); foreach ($list as $i => $nstxt) { $ot = Title::newFromText($nstxt.$title); $nt = Title::newFromText($nstxt.$target); $olink = $action == 'rename' ? ' class="new"' : ; $olink = "<a$olink href=\"$link$nstxt$title\">$nstxt$title</a>"; $nlink = "<a href=\"$link$nstxt$target\">$nstxt$target</a>";
if ($ot->getArticleID() == 0) $msg .= $err = "
"; else if ($nt->getArticleID()) $msg .= $err = "
else { $oa = new Article($ot); $na = new Article($nt); if ($action == 'copy') { $text = xwArticleContent($nstxt.$title); $na->insertNewArticle($text, "Copied from $nstxt$title$summary", false, false);
$msg .= "
} else {
if (($err = $ot->moveTo($nt)) != 1) $msg .= $err = "
else { $err = ;
$msg .= "
if ($action == 'rename') { $dbw =& wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); $okey = $ot->getDBkey(); $dbw->delete('cur', array('cur_namespace' => $ns, 'cur_title' => $okey)); $dbw->delete('old', array('old_namespace' => $ns, 'old_title' => $okey)); $dbw->delete('recentchanges', array('rc_namespace' => $ns, 'rc_title' => $okey)); } } } } if (($i == 0) && $err) { $msg = $err; break; } # bail if problem moving the main article }
$article = preg_replace('/(?<=)(.+)(?=)/s',"
- $msg
} else { # Replace article content with form (called on view event bu xpath-query in button-url)
$msg = "
Rename/copy article:
<form action=\"/wiki/index.php\" method=\"GET\">
<input type=hidden name=title value=\"$title\"> <input type=hidden name=\"xpath:/properties:view\" value=\"$tTitle\"> <input type=hidden name=\"xpath:/properties:copy\">
New title: | <input type=text name=\"xpath:/properties/copy:target\"> |
Reason: | <input type=text name=\"xpath:/properties/copy:summary\"> |
Action: | ".($xwIsAdmin?"<input type=radio name=\"xpath:/properties/copy:action\" value=rename checked>Rename
<input type=radio name=\"xpath:/properties/copy:action\" value=redir>Redirect ":)."<input type=radio name=\"xpath:/properties/copy:action\" value=copy".($xwIsAdmin?' ':' checked').">Copy |
<input type=checkbox checked=checked value=1 name=\"xpath:/properties/copy:xml\">
Also apply to properties | |
<input type=checkbox checked=checked value=1 name=\"xpath:/properties/copy:talk\">
Also apply to discussion | |
<input type=submit value=\" Commit \"> | |
Help For information and discussion about this form, see <a href=\"".$link."talk:copy.php\">talk:copy.php</a> |
$article = preg_replace('/(?<=).+(?=)/s',$msg,$article); }