
From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 09:37, 27 April 2007 by Nad (talk | contribs)
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Legacy.svg Legacy: This article describes a concept that has been superseded in the course of ongoing development on the Organic Design wiki. Please do not develop this any further or base work on this concept, this is only useful for a historic record of work done. You may find a link to the currently used concept or function in this article, if not you can contact the author to find out what has taken the place of this legacy item.


  1. XmlWiki Category Extension - 2005-08-25 - see discussion page

global $xwIsProperties,$xwSection,$xwSave,$xwUserName; $update = ($xwSave && ($xwSection<1)); $apply = true;

  1. Don't apply if page is a category, or if action isn't view or submit

if ( ($action != 'view') && ($action != ) && !$update ) $apply = false;

  1. If a category page, add class attribute to table since the MediaWiki fellas didn't for some reason

if ( ereg( '^Category:.+$', $title ) ) { # If event is view, adjust rendered output, else add this to view event if ( $event == 'view' ) { # Add CSS class to headings (see, not just me who hard-wires styles!)

$article = preg_replace( '/

(.( cont\\.)?<\\/h3>)/i', '

$1', $article ); } else xwSetProperty( $properties, 'xpath:/properties:view', $tTitle ); $apply = false; # Just let wiki-parser handle category-links for category pages } if ($apply) { # Begin extracting category-link info - first get stuff we'll be needing $db =& wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $cur = $db->tableName( 'cur' ); $cl = $db->tableName( 'categorylinks' ); $category_match = "\\[{2}\\s*category\\s*:\\s*(.+?)\\s*]]\\n?"; $pt = $title; # Extract category information from article's content and properties if ( eregi( '^xml:(.+)$', $title, $match ) ) { $content = xwArticleContent( $title = $match[1], false ); preg_match_all( "/$category_match/i", $content, $match ); $categories = array_merge( xwGetListByTagname( $article, 'category' ), $match[1] ); xwGetProperty( $article, 'language', $language ); if ( !$language ) $language = xwArticleType( $title, $content ); } elseif ( eregi( '^sys:(.+)$', $title, $match ) ) { $title = $match[1]; $ns = NS_USER; $content = xwArticleContent( "User:$title", false ); preg_match_all( "/$category_match/i", $content, $match ); $categories = $match[1]; # Groups auto-categorisation foreach ( xwGetListByTagname( $article, 'groups' ) as $group ) $categories[] = "Group:$group"; $language = ; } else { $categories = xwGetListByTagname($properties, 'category'); # Must remove category-links from article so wiki-parser doesn't process them xwGetProperty($properties, 'language', $language); if (!$language) { $article = preg_replace("/$category_match/ie", '($categories[]="$1")?"":""', $article); if (ereg('{'.'{stub}}',$article)) $categories[] = 'Stubs'; } } # Only do the rest if this is the top level article # - the embeds still have to have their cat-links removed if ($pt == $GLOBALS['xwArticleTitle']) { $nt = Title::newFromText($title); $ns = $nt->getNamespace(); $t = addslashes($nt->getDBkey()); # Title used in db-tables $ul = strtoupper($language); $content = xwArticleContent($title); # Auto-Category: Language if ( $language ) $categories[] = $ul; if (ereg('^(.+/)?[0-9]+ ([A-Z][a-z]+) [0-9]{4}$',$title,$m)) $categories[] = $m[1].'Date|'.$m[2]; # Auto-Category: Transforms # - CSS and XSLT are included unconditionally # - PHP included if writable only by dev or admin # - XML included if DocType DTD is xmlwiki-properties (but not Xml:name) $transformExceptions = array( 'Xmlwiki.php', 'Default-properties.xml', 'Document.php', 'Geshi.php', 'Default-skin.php', 'LocalSettings.php', 'Transform-changes.php', 'Transform-all-pages-list.php', 'Categories.php', 'Properties.php', 'Calendar.php', 'Document.css' ); if ($ul == 'CSS' or $ul == 'XSLT') $categories[] = 'Transforms'; elseif (in_array($title, $transformExceptions)) 0; elseif ($ul == 'PHP' and count(preg_grep('/^(admin)|(dev)$/i',xwGetListByTagname(xwArticleProperties($title),'write')))) $categories[] = 'Transforms'; elseif ($ul == 'XML' and preg_match('/<!DOCTYPE[^>]+?xmlwiki-properties.dtd"\\s*>/',$content)) $categories[] = 'Transforms'; if (preg_match('/<div\\s+class=["\']?tree-view["\']?.*?\\s*>/',$content)) $categories[] = 'Articles containing trees'; # Get the db-key of this article if ($update) { $id = Title::makeTitle($ns,$t); $id = $update = $id->getArticleID(); } # Delete all current category links from this title if ($update) { $db->query( "DELETE FROM $cl WHERE cl_from='$id'" ); # Stop parser from clearing them again after we repopulate it $GLOBALS['wgUseCategoryMagic'] = false; } # Remove duplicates and sort categories $tmp = array(); foreach ($categories as $cat) { list($cat,$sortkey) = explode('|',ucfirst($cat)); if (!$tmp[$cat] = $sortkey) $tmp[$cat] = $t; } unset($categories[$title]); ksort($tmp); # Loop through categories and process each if (is_object($GLOBALS['wgParser']->mOptions)) { $sk =& $GLOBALS['wgParser']->mOptions->getSkin(); foreach ( $tmp as $cat => $sortkey ) { # Add to wiki-output $nt = Title::makeTitle( NS_CATEGORY, $cat ); $GLOBALS[wgParser]->mOutput->addCategoryLink( $sk->makeLinkObj($nt, $cat) ); # Update db if saving and db-key known $cat = addslashes( str_replace( ' ', '_', $cat ) ); if ( $update ) $db->query( "INSERT INTO $cl (cl_from,cl_to,cl_sortkey) VALUES('$id','$cat','$sortkey')" ); } } } } ?></php>