PHP OO problem

From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 00:05, 30 July 2013 by Nad (talk | contribs) (The question)

Take the following example class Foo which defines a static method called X that statically calls another of it's method's called Y using self::Y() as follows.


class Foo {

public static function X() { self::Y(); }

public static function Y() { echo( "This is Foo::Y" ); }

} </php>

Now lets say that Foo is part of a core library that we don't have commit access to and we want to make a modified version of the functionality via a sub-class of Foo called Bar which overrides the Y method as follows.


class Bar extends Foo {

public static function Y() { echo( "This is Bar::Y" ); }

} </php>

The problem

The Y method is only ever called via the self::Y statement in the X method, so when we call Bar::X() it's actually Foo::Y that executes, because X only ever executes within the context of Foo since we haven't overridden the X method with a definition in the Bar class.

The question

Is there a way to define a Bar::X method that calls Foo:X while maintaining the context of Bar (i.e. the value of self is "Bar" during execution of Foo::X?


It seems to me from the documentation about forward_static_call that the following definition for Bar::X should work, but instead yields a segmentation fault :-(


public static function X() { forward_static_call('Bar::X'); } </php>