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(Created page with "== Linux Commands == <source lang="bash"> cd # Home directory or changes directory </source> <source lang="bash"> cd .. # Up a directory and to up 2 directories ../.. and s...")
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== Linux Commands ==
<source lang="bash">
cd # Home directory or changes directory
<source lang="bash">
cd .. # Up a directory and to up 2 directories ../.. and so on
<source lang="bash">
cd - # Returns you to the directory you previously were in
<source lang="bash">
cd / # Changes directory to root
<source lang="bash">
ls # Lists the files that are in a directory
<source lang="bash">
ls –a # Shows all files/hidden files in a directory
<source lang="bash">
ls –al # Shows all files/hidden files and time/write permissions in a directory
<source lang="bash">
ls -alh # Shows same as above command but shows file sizes in a better readable format
<source lang="bash">
ls -l # Shows the files and write permissions in the directory
<source lang="bash">
ls / # Shows the contents of the root directory
<source lang="bash">
cat <file name. extension> # Prints the contents of a file on the shell
<source lang="bash">
mkdir <Directory Name> # Makes a directory
<source lang="bash">
mkdir -p EXAMPLE/RIGHT/IN/HERE # Makes multiple folders in the directory created
<source lang="bash">
mv /FILE/NAME/OR/DIR /TO/DIR/WANTED # Moves a file to a directory or renames a file
<source lang="bash">
rm <FILE NAME> # Removes a file
<source lang="bash">
rmdir <DIRECTORY> # Removes an empty directory
<source lang="bash">
rm –r # Removes a directory and its contents
<source lang="bash">
rm -rf # Force deletes everything
<source lang="bash">
rm –rf / # Deletes everything under root directory
<source lang="bash">
sudo # Runs command as sudo
<source lang="bash">
sudo -i # Changes to root privellages
<source lang="bash">
sudo su # Gives SUPERUSER privellages
<source lang="bash">
man <COMMAND> # Displays how a command can be used and what it does
<source lang="bash">
grep # searching, finding, filtering command
<source lang="bash">
top # Shows running processes
<source lang="bash">
htop # Shows more information than top and in more detail
<source lang="bash">
ps -A # Shows all running processes
<source lang="bash">
kill PID # Kills process under a certain PID
<source lang="bash">
kill -9 PID # Force kills a process that wont kill normally
<source lang="bash">
sudo killall NAME # Kill all processes under the NAME
<source lang="bash">
sudo pkill -u USER # Kills all USER processes
<source lang="bash">
head FILENAME # Prints the first 10 lines
<source lang="bash">
tail FILENAME # Prints the last 10 lines
<source lang="bash">
clear # Clears the screen
<source lang="bash">
pwd # Print working directory
<source lang="bash">
<file name. extension> # Makes a file in current directory ##unsure of this##
<source lang="bash">
cal # Shows current calender date (also cal mm/yy)
<source lang="bash">
whatis # Type a command after to see a brief description of what it does/is
<source lang="bash">
adduser USERNAME # Create a USER
<source lang="bash">
adduser USERNAME sudo # Adds USER to the sudo group
<source lang="bash">
who # Shows current users on the machine and when they logged in
<source lang="bash">
w # Shows whos logged in, from where, how long and what they're doing
<source lang="bash">
nano # Edit a text file
<source lang="bash">
vi # Nano is better...
<source lang="bash">
vim # Another editor... type vimtutor on commandline to learn more
<source lang="bash">
sort # Sort lines of text files
<source lang="bash">
wc # Wordcount a text file
<source lang="bash">
rig # Random Identity Generator
<source lang="bash">
apt-cache search # ??
== Networking ==
<source lang="bash">
ifconfig # Shows network info IP/MAC address
<source lang="bash">
sudo netdiscover # Shows who's on the network and identifies the ip address of each connection
<source lang="bash">
sudo lsof -i # Lists the open ports and the process that owns them (to see which process is bound to port use :PORTNUMBER)
<source lang="bash">
sudo netstat # Seeing what might be exposed to the network</source>
<source lang="bash">
sudo netstat -tulpn # t=tcp, u=udp ports, l=listening ports, p=processes, n=numerical
<source lang="bash">
sudo macchanger -s enp4s0/eth0/wps/ # To see mac addresses
<source lang="bash">
sudo macchanger -r enp4s0 # Changes the current mac address to a new one
<source lang="bash">
ssh -NCD 1080 user@ip # Proxy network traffic over port 1080 (edit below settings on firefox to port traffic correctly)
Manual Proxy Configuration
Socks Host: localhost
port: 1080
== SSH ==
<source lang="bash">
ssh-keygen -t # creates a key in .ssh
<source lang="bash">
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config # change ssh parameters (key logging/password authentication)
<source lang="bash">
sudo service ssh restart # saves ssh modifications
<source lang="bash">
ssh-copy-id USER@IP # saves the pub key to be known as an authenticated key
<source lang="bash">
scp -r USER@IP /home/USER/FILE/FOLDER /home/local/machine # copy from server to localmachine
<source lang="bash">
scp -r /home/USER/local/machine/file/folder USER@IP:/home/USER/VPS
== System Info ==
<source lang="bash">
dmidecode | less # Shows bios information
<source lang="bash">
lscpu # Shows cpu/hardware information
<source lang="bash">
lspci # List all PCI devices
<source lang="bash">
lsusb # List all USB devices
<source lang="bash">
lsblk # List all Hard disks, Cd drives etc
<source lang="bash">
cat /proc/meminfo # Shows memory information
<source lang="bash">
cat /proc/version # Shows current running kernal version
== System Commands & Services ==
<source lang="bash">
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install # Updates n upgrades system to latest
<source lang="bash">
crontab -e # the crontab (short for "cron table") is a list of commands that are scheduled to run at regular time intervals on your computer system
<source lang="bash">
sudo nano /etc/default/grub # change grub options (boot timer)
== Shutdown/Reboot ==
<source lang="bash">
shutdown -r +60 # restarts in 60mins
<source lang="bash">
shutdown -h +60 # shutdown in 60mins
<source lang="bash">
poweroff # shuts system down
<source lang="bash">
reboot # restarts computer
<source lang="bash">
init 6 # same as reboot
== Account Management ==
<source lang="bash">
useradd # Adds a user
<source lang="bash">
useradd -m -d # Create a new user and makes a home directory for the user and define the home directory /home/DIR/FOR/USER
<source lang="bash">
userdel # Deletes a user</source>
<source lang="bash">
usermod -L USER # Locks the user from logging in
<source lang="bash">
usermod -U USER # Unlocks the user so they can log in again
<source lang="bash">
tail /etc/shadow
<source lang="bash">
tail /etc/passwd
<source lang="bash">
tail /etc/group
Note users will have a "!" after their name if they are locked out of their account
to check this type in the above shadow command
== File Permissions ==
4+2+1 = (r+w+x) = 7
4+2 = (r+w) = 6
4+1 = (r+x) = 5
4 = (r) = 4
2+1 = (w+x) = 3
2 = (w) = 2
1 = (x) = 1
<source lang="bash">
chmod xxx dir # Change all files in a single directories permissions
<source lang="bash">
chmod -R xxx dir # Change all file/folders permissions recursively
<source lang="bash">
chown owner:group DIRECTORYNAME # Changes the owner and group name of files
== Mail ==
<source lang="bash">
mail # Checks mail for current user
<source lang="bash">
mail -s "SUBJECT" USER < /home/USER/test.text # sends a mail to the user with test.text as the body
<source lang="bash">
mail -f USER # Checks mail for selected user
<source lang="bash">
mail -f guest # checks guest messages
== Piping & Redirection ==
<source lang="bash">
cat /FILE/IN/A/DIRECTORY | less # Shows in a opened document view without clogging the terminal
<source lang="bash">
cat /FILE/IN/A/DIRECTORY | espeak # Speaks the text document in linux voice
== Git ==
<source lang="bash">
git add . # add all files for committing
<source lang="bash">
git commit -am "COMMIT MESSAGE" # commit the changes locally
<source lang="bash">
git push origin master # push changes to the server
== Crontab Script Commands ==
<source lang="bash">
@reboot macchanger -r enp4s0 # (or eth0) # changes to random mac address on each reboot
== Handy things to remember ==
<source lang="bash">
CTRL r # to search for previously used COMMAND
<source lang="bash">
CTRL p # shows previously used COMMAND
<source lang="bash">
CTRL a # brings you to begin of line
<source lang="bash">
CTRL e # brings to the end of line
<source lang="bash">
tail -f FILENAME # this will follow the file while it's being edited
<source lang="bash">
echo "some kind of text" > example.text # this will overwrite the .text file with the quoted line
<source lang="bash">
echo "new line of text" >> example.text # this will write the quoted line on a new line
<source lang="bash">
alias COMMANDNAME="DESIREDNAME" # this will temporarily save a command to the desired name
<source lang="bash">
echo "alias COMMANDNAME=\"DESIREDNAME\";" >> ~/.bashrc # this will permanently save a desired command to the bash file
<source lang="bash">
&& # chain commands together
== Examples of Things ==
<source lang="bash">
ls -alh /home/user/some/random/place >> ANYNAME # cat ANYNAME to see it show the directory with info
<source lang="bash">
grep WHATEVERSEARCHINGFOR ./* # Useful for findings things.. If successful this will print out what it finds in the shell
== Random Password Generators ==
<source lang="bash">
openssl rand -base64 32 # generates random 32 character password
<source lang="bash">
</dev/urandom tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9!"#$%&'\''()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~' | head -c 10 ; echo # Sauls random character/symbol generated password command

Latest revision as of 22:42, 23 August 2018