From Organic Design wiki
// Liscenced under LGPL:
// Nad - 2003 - SIC-Games
// change shell path to /
// zbuff doesn't seem to be working! - do torus of balls round y-axis to test
//Stage.scaleMode = 'noScale';
shell.state = 1;
// node - item in the network with GUID
// pNode - physical node
// uNode - user node
// gNode - group node
// iNode - interface node
// functions use __guid__ for local access name this way we can easily match and replace the content later
// functions could manipulate the items directly from this["__guid/guid/guid...__"] (?)
// but the executioner would have to raise onChange events
// so maybe better to manipulate space via accessor functions
// get/set/create/destroy/path-access....
// - since we only ever access nodes in a local context by class, their class-guid is their key
// Nodal Core
// - every pNode has local tree of nodes as native object/hash refs
// - internally the node GUID(s) are not used, only their refs are used, their GUID is a property
// - when communicated, shared-context of huffman binary names map to GUIDs
A = function() {logAdd("A"); return B;};
B = function() {logAdd("B"); return C;};
C = function() {logAdd("C"); return;};
P = function() {logAdd("P"); return Q;};
Q = function() {logAdd("Q"); return R;};
R = function() {logAdd("R"); return;};
X = function() {logAdd("X"); return Y;};
Y = function() {logAdd("Y"); return Z;};
Z = function() {logAdd("Z"); return;};
someNode = {queue:[P,X]};
root = {queue:[A,someNode]};