
From Organic Design wiki

Regarding the issue User:Sven was talking about with extracting the actual content from the page: It would obviously be best if we could work out a way to have the image only contain the information with no margin.

When tex comes from within an article it will always be a simple object or collection with only self-contained relative layout information - so what is the default behaviour of dvips in this case - ie it must have default page size, margins, orientation and positioning rules that it must apply.

Is there access to the bounds/size of the tex object prior to rendering - or can dvips allow a first pass during which it works thes ethings out - then we could adjust the defaults such that the margins are zero or small and the page size is made to exactly fit the size of the item which could be centered.

LaTeX defaults to having a 1 in(ch) margin from memory, and a \textwidth that is quite narrow for readability. See

To have no margins something like:

\oddsidemargin=-2.54cm \evensidemargin=-2.54cm \textwidth=21.0cm

Thisis probably what the wikitex extention has done.

Sven 15:05, 20 Nov 2005 (NZDT)