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Revision as of 19:47, 28 December 2008


  1. Extension:UploadCSVTemplate:Php
Info.svg These are the MediaWiki extensions we're using and/or developing. Please refer to the information on the mediawiki.org wiki for installation and usage details. Extensions here which have no corresponding mediawiki article are either not ready for use or have been superseded. You can also browse our extension code in our local Subversion repository or our GitHub mirror.
  1. - See http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:UploadCSV for installation and usage details
  2. - Author: Gunter Schmidt (http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:GunterS)

if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) { ?>

This is an MediaWiki-extension. To enable it, put


near the bottom of your LocalSettings.php

<?php exit(1); }

$Ext_Version = '0.2.3'; // Mar. 27, 2007 $wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfUploadCSVStart"; $wgExtensionCredits['specialpage'][] = array( 'name' => 'Special:UploadCSV', 'description' => 'Mass creation of articles from a csv-file.', 'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:UploadCSV', 'author' => 'Gunter Schmidt', 'version' => $Ext_Version );

/* ToDo - smart edit of existing articles, only replace template - multiple templates on a page (maybe template given on the dataline, will need a template key) - translation - documentation

  • /

require_once "$IP/includes/SpecialPage.php";

  1. Internationalisation file

require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/UploadCSV.i18n.php' );

function wfUploadCSVStart() { global $wgMessageCache, $ExtensionTitles;

// Load messages, so we have a title in Special:SpecialPages UploadCSVPage::loadTitles();

SpecialPage::addPage(new UploadCSVPage()); }

class UploadCSVPage extends SpecialPage { public $Specialpage_Name='UploadCSV', $MsgPrefix; //keep this within the class or it will mess with other extensions! public $curRow;

function UploadCSVPage() { SpecialPage::SpecialPage($this->Specialpage_Name); $this->MsgPrefix = strtolower($this->Specialpage_Name) . '_'; }

function execute( $par ) { global $wgRequest, $wgOut, $wgUser, $csvInfo, $wgUploadDirectory; $MsgPrefix = $this->MsgPrefix;

//Debug info $hidden = "text"; // hidden or text

self::loadMessages(); $this->setHeaders();

#$wgOut->setPagetitle("Gunters Extension"); // only necessary if you do want a different title than in the Special:Specialpages list $wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( $MsgPrefix . 'intro' ) );

// Set form variables $template = $wgRequest->getText('wpTemplate'); if (empty($template)) $template = "SAP-Jobstep"; #else $template = "ok";

# Put all templates into a select list $templates = ; $db =& wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $pagetable = $db->tableName('page'); $ns = NS_TEMPLATE; $result = $db->query("SELECT page_id FROM $pagetable WHERE page_namespace=$ns ORDER BY page_title"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $t = Title::newFromID($row[0])->getPrefixedText(); $selected = $t == $template ? ' selected' : ; $templates .= "<option value='$t'$selected>$t</option>\n"; }

$UploadFile = $wgRequest->getText('wpUploadFile');

$curInfo = $wgRequest->getText('wpcurInfo');

$curAction = $wgRequest->getText('wpcurAction'); if (empty($curAction)) $curAction = 'start'; $this->curRow = $wgRequest->getText('wpcurRow'); if (empty($this->curRow)) $this->curRow = 1; $endRow = $wgRequest->getText('wpendRow'); if (empty($endRow) || !is_numeric($endRow)) $endRow = 0;

# Allow separator character to be specified in form and allow escaping in content, eg \; $separator = $wgRequest->getText('wpSeparator'); if (empty($separator)) $separator = ';'; $esc = $separator == '|' ? '\\' : ; $sepPattern = "/(?<!\\\\)$esc$separator/";

# If file has only just been uploaded, move it to a permenant location # - the files are currently not deleted if ($curAction != 'start') $curUploadFile = $wgRequest->getText('wpcurUploadFile');

               elseif ($tmp = $wgRequest->getFileTempname('wpUploadFile')) {
                       if (is_uploaded_file($tmp)) {
                           $curUploadFile = "$wgUploadDirectory/".basename($tmp);
                           if (move_uploaded_file($tmp,$curUploadFile) === false) $errormsg = 'Failed to move tmp file!';
                       else $errormsg = 'Invalid upload file!';
               else $curUploadFile = ;

$UploadFile = $curUploadFile;

// build form $wgOut->addHTML("<form name=\"userForm\" action=\"$this->action\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">
" .


<tbody> </tbody>
" . wfMsg( 'nstab-template' ) . ": <select name='wpTemplate'>$templates</select>

" . wfMsg( $MsgPrefix . 'separator' ) . ": " . wfElement( 'input', array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'wpSeparator', 'size' => '1', 'value' => $separator )) .

" . wfMsg( 'sourcefilename' ) . ": " .

wfElement( 'input', array( 'type' => 'file', 'name' => 'wpUploadFile', 'size' => '70', 'maxlength' => '150', 'value' => $UploadFile, 'onchange' => "this.form.wpcurUploadFile.value = this.form.wpUploadFile.value" )) .

" . wfMsg( $MsgPrefix . 'startline' ) . ": " .

wfElement( 'input', array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'wpcurRow', 'size' => '5', 'value' => $this->curRow )) .

" . wfMsg( $MsgPrefix . 'endline' ) . ": " .

wfElement( 'input', array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'wpendRow', 'size' => '5', 'value' => $endRow )) .

" . wfMsg( $MsgPrefix . 'status' ) . ": " .

wfElement( 'input', array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'wpcurAction', 'size' => '20', 'readonly' => 'readonly', 'value' => $curAction )) .

" .

wfElement( 'input', array( 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'create', 'value' => wfMsgHtml( 'uploadbtn' ) )) .

// hidden elements wfElement( 'input', array( 'type' => "$hidden", 'name' => 'wpcurUploadFile', 'size' => '20', 'maxlength' => '150', 'value' => $curUploadFile )) .

wfElement( 'input', array( 'type' => "$hidden", 'name' => 'wpcurInfo', 'size' => '20', 'value' => $curInfo )) .


</form>\n" );

// do the works // if ($this->curRow > 1) // $wgOut->addHTML("Finished uploading data for article no. " . ($this->curRow + 1) . "."); // $wgOut->AddHTML ('<script type="text/javascript"> // var jscount = document.userForm.wpcurRow.value; // document.write("Uploading data for article no2. " + // jscount + // ".Ende"); // </script>'); unset($errormsg); $editAllowed = $wgUser->isAllowed('edit'); if ($editAllowed) { if ($handle = fopen($UploadFile, "r")) {

// search for pagetitle $headerline = fgets($handle); $headers = preg_split($sepPattern,trim($headerline)); unset ($colPageTitle); foreach ($headers as $key => $header) { $headers[$key] = trim($header); if ( stripos($header, "pagetitle") === 0 ) $colPageTitle = $key; }

// Loop through the each line of the file if we have a pagetitle column if (isset($colPageTitle)) { $cRow = 0; $sRow = $this->curRow; if (!is_numeric($this->curRow)) $this->curRow = 0; while ($dataline = fgets($handle)) { $cRow += 1;

// Process the line if it's not before the start-line if ($cRow >= $this->curRow) { $this->curRow = $cRow; $data = preg_split($sepPattern,trim($dataline)); $curInfo += 1; if (is_array($data)) { $pageTitle = trim($data[$colPageTitle]); if (!empty($pageTitle)) { $ret = $this->MakeArticle($pageTitle, $template, $headers, $data); if ($ret !== true) $wgOut->AddWikiText("Error creating article: $ret"); } } }

// check, if we are through if (feof($handle) || ($this->curRow >= $endRow && $endRow > 0)) { $wgOut->addHTML('<script type="text/javascript"> if (document.userForm.wpcurAction.value == "start") { document.userForm.wpcurInfo.value = 1; } else { document.userForm.wpcurInfo.value = ' . $curInfo . '} document.userForm.wpcurAction.value = "running"; document.userForm.wpcurUploadFile.value = "' . addslashes($UploadFile) . '"; document.userForm.wpcurRow.value = "' . ($this->curRow+1) . '"; document.userForm.wpendRow.value = "' . (2*$this->curRow-$sRow+1) . '"; </script>'); unset($UploadFile); $bolFinished = true; $this->curRow = 0; break; } } } else $errormsg = "One column needs to be defined as \"pagetitle\"."; fclose ($handle); } elseif ($UploadFile) $errormsg = "Couldn't open file."; } else $errormsg = "Not allowed to edit. Please log in first.";

if (isset($errormsg)) $wgOut->AddWikiText("Error: $errormsg");

// Output $output = "
" . wfMsg( $MsgPrefix . 'lastmessage' ); #$wgOut->addHTML( $output );

//automatically repeat function until upload is finished if (0 && $this->curRow > 1 && !empty($UploadFile)) { #echo "
c: $this->curRow"; #sleep (2); $wgOut->addHTML('<script type="text/javascript"> document.userForm.submit(); </script>'); } elseif ($bolFinished) $txt = wfMsg( $MsgPrefix . 'finished' ); $txt = ereg_replace('\$1', utf8_encode($curInfo), $txt); $wgOut->addHTML("


function MakeArticle($pageTitle, $templateName, $tvars, $data, $summary=) { global $wgOut; // $pageTitle: Article name // $templateName: Full name of template, including Template: // $tvars: array of template variables // $tvarCol: array of column numbers corresponding to $tvars // $data: array of data // $summary: article change summary information $MsgPrefix = $this->MsgPrefix;

$summary .= " (auto upload csv)"; $summary = trim($summary); // get template title without "template:" if (preg_match("/:(.*)/", $templateName, $ret ) ) { $templateTitle = $ret[1]; #print "
$templateTitle"; } else $templateTitle = $templateName;

//create content $content = '{{' . "$templateTitle\r\n";

//nice output format $maxlen = 0; foreach ( $tvars as $tvar ) { if ( mb_strlen ($tvar) > $maxlen ) $maxlen = mb_strlen ($tvar); } //populate vars foreach ( $tvars as $key => $tvar ) { $space = str_repeat(" ", $maxlen - mb_strlen($tvar)); $content .= "|$tvar$space = " . utf8_encode($data[$key]) . "\r\n"; } $content .= '}}' . "\r\n";# . time() . "\r\n"; #print "$content";

//create article $titleNew = title::newFromText(htmlentities($pageTitle)); $articleNew = new Article( $titleNew ); if( $titleNew->getArticleID() == 0 ) { $mode = EDIT_NEW; $ctext = 'created'; } else { $mode = EDIT_UPDATE; $ctext = 'changed'; // smart edit, only replace template $t = explode('{{', $articleNew->getContent()); //all template starts echo "
"; #print_r ($t); echo "
"; if (count($t) > 1) { //find our template, for now expect only one $start = true; $tc = ; foreach ( $t AS $key => $x ) { $xl = ltrim($x); if (stripos($xl, $templateTitle)=== 0 ) { // $foundkey = $key; // now we need the end, but there might be templates within the template or following templates $start = false; $te = explode('}}', $x); #print_r($te); echo "
"; if ( count($te) == 2 ) { //no included templates, if there are, count = 1 $tc .= substr($content,2) . $te[1]; } else $tc .= implode(, $te); // foreach ( $te as $key2 => $y ) {

// } } else $tc .= $x . '{{'; // rebuild content } $content = $tc;

// $y = explode ( '}}' , $x , 2 ) ; // echo "
"; // print_r ($y); // if ( count ( $y ) == 2 ) // { // $z = $y[0] ; // $z = explode ( '|' , $z ) ; // $tn = array_shift ( $z ) ; // $t[$key] = '{{' . $x ; // } // else if ( $key != 0 ) $t[$key] = '{{' . $x ; // else $t[$key] = $x ; } else $content = implode(, $t) . $content; //no template found, so we add to the end

#if (count($t) == 2) { //simple, only one template

// $content_old = $articleNew->getContent(); // $reg = '/(Template:' . $templateTitle . '.*?)/'; // $reg = '/.*?(' . $templateTitle . '.*?)B/'; // $reg = '/Sofort([^}]*})/'; // echo "
"; // if (preg_match($reg, $content_old, $regs)) // print_r ($regs); // else print "Fehler
$reg"; }

// create/update article

$createSuccess = $articleNew->doEdit( $content, $summary, $mode ); #| EDIT_FORCE_BOT //sleep (2); // wait between mass creation if ($createSuccess) { $cr = $this->curRow; $txt = wfMsg( $MsgPrefix . $ctext ); $txt = ereg_replace('\$1', utf8_encode($cr), $txt); $txt = ereg_replace('\$2', utf8_encode($pageTitle), $txt);




return true; } }

function LoadTemplate($templateName=) { global $namespaceNames, $wgOut;

//accept only templates, with or without "template:" // echo "
Temp: " . Namespace::getCanonicalName(NS_TEMPLATE) . ", " . NS_TEMPLATE ; // $tName = str_replace($namespaceNames[NS_TEMPLATE] . ':', , $templateName); // $tName = $namespaceNames[NS_TEMPLATE] . ':' . $tName; // if ($tName <> $templateName) // $wgOut->addHTML('<script type="text/javascript"> // document.userForm.wpTemplate.value = "' . $tName . '"; // </script>'); #print "Template: $templateName"; $title = title::newFromText($templateName); $pageID = $title->getArticleID(); //Maybe the string template: was not given if ($pageID == 0) { $title = title::newFromText($templateName, NS_TEMPLATE); $pageID = $title->getArticleID(); } if ($pageID) { #print "page: $pageID"; $article = new Article( $title ); $text = $article->getContent(); $reg = '/{{{(.+?)}}}/'; $varExist = preg_match_all($reg, $text, $tvars, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); #print_r ($tvars); if ($varExist) { // Variables may be used multiple times in an template, we need to delete all double entries. $ret = array_unique($tvars[1]); return $ret; //return array of template vars; does not check on <nowiki> } else return "novars"; } else return "notemplate"; }

function loadMessages() { self::loadMessagesS( 'messages' ); }

function loadTitles() { self::loadMessagesS( 'titles' ); }

function loadMessagesS( $MsgType ) { // using a function to save some memory instead of a global for the messages global $wgMessageCache; $Specialpage_Name='UploadCSV'; //needs to be defined here, because it is not always called in an object context $extensionName = strtolower($Specialpage_Name);

//Need to change the function name accordingly $Messages = SpecialUploadCSV_Messages( $MsgType, $Specialpage_Name );

if ( count ($Messages) == 0 ) return; foreach ( $Messages as $lang => $langMessages ) { foreach ( $langMessages as $key => $langMessage ) $wgMessageCache->addMessage( $key, utf8_encode( $langMessage ), $lang); } return; } }