
From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 10:39, 6 December 2008 by Milan (talk | contribs)
Info.svg This template should be included within any article which is a complete document. The article title should be the same as the title of its corresponding book.
Articles which use this template are automatically categorised into Category:Documents.
Document: Document
Primary authors: {{{authors}}}
Created by: {{{creator}}}
Current URL: {{{current}}}
Permalink: {{{permalink}}}
Creation date: {{{Created}}}
Last modified: {{{Modified}}}
Keywords: {{{keywords}}}


| Stub        = Template:Document/Stub
| Structure   = Template:Document/Structure
| Writing     = Template:Document/Writing
| Editing     = Template:Document/Editing
| Published   = Template:Document/Published
