
From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 01:53, 2 May 2011 by Anja (talk | contribs) (yay :-))
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Hi OrganicDesign guys!!!! this is my first HTML! it's all XML validated by W3C!!!!

<xml> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> My first stuff

CSS example!

may all beings be happy.


Vipassana meditation is a special technique, beneficial for anyone to use. The technique will improve concentration skills, keeping a peaceful, solid base, help to honestly reflect on behavioural patterns and reprogram those who are shown to be non-beneficial.

A ten day course will make a base to experience the benefits of this technique. Regular practice is recommended to achieve optimal results in daily life. It's needed to complete a ten day course to be fully able to understand and integrate the technique.

And here's what it looks like :-)

CSS example!

may all beings be happy.


Vipassana meditation is a special technique, beneficial for anyone to use. The technique will improve concentration skills, keeping a peaceful, solid base, help to honestly reflect on behavioural patterns and reprogram those who are shown to be non-beneficial.

A ten day course will make a base to experience the benefits of this technique. Regular practice is recommended to achieve optimal results in daily life. It's needed to complete a ten day course to be fully able to understand and integrate the technique.